Education Technology Management and Information Technology Strategy Assignment

Education Technology Management and Information Technology Strategy Assignment Words: 3871

By increasing the access to information and augmenting the process of information exchange and thereby minimizing transaction cost, fast processing, information&communication technology (ICT) offers the potential to increase efficiency, productivity, competitiveness and growth in various business social life and education. The Education technology is so important and accompanying innovations technology and that therefore it has profound influence on human sustainability an economy.

Comprehend the manifold ways in knowledge superpower ICT enabled education technology to contribute more effectiveness in education technology. In the context of globalization, the ability to harness this technology can improve the capabilities as the new source of wealth is not harnessed the developing countries face the threat of further falling behind the developed countries, thereby accentuating the inequality across countries.

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In India there is an increasing awareness of the multiple roles of information technology in which ICT could play developmental role in empowering manpower of the country. Digital inclusion and Knowledge Management of education generates productivity through human resource mobilization. Deliberately aim of information technology is to spread as widely privileged segments of society through which education Technology can be employed for effective teaching .

E-education is more flexible, have need based academic programmes, learner group modular programmes and also flexible in term of place, pace & duration. Education technology bring a challenging task to make strong industrial base and successful commercialization of technologies and well socialization application because it have the qualities of self learning, face to face counseling and practical, Audio-video, teleconferencing and radio and interactive radiocounselling,assignment and feedback and projects as instrumental methods of education.

In addition educational organizations are also convinced of the potential role of IT on the socio-economic transformation. A number of initiatives towards harnessing ICT for increase the literacy and increase the technical manpower Effective and integrated studies support service network, resource sharing, mobilizations and networking. Accordingly, technical manpower of many folds can be increased in varied professional courses and specifically of private institutions which are well equipped institutions.

Education technology can organize training courses and provide technical assistance to administrators, managers and technical experts who can then fabricate and sustain the various professional programs. 1 Digital inclusion (DI) as e-Education to meet complexity and deliberate over the latest for policy developments for teaching techniques , have aimed at not only to deliver information and communication technology ( ICT ) but also access targeted groups and provide various types of support for learning and capacity building in India .

For effective education technology IT Strategies must be employed to make participants aware and understand Value Creation through digital inclusion, to make participants understand the concept of DI based systems applications, to acquaint tools, techniques and information to conceptualize, to implement such innovative programmes in the area of digital inclusion and their management Training for trainers is also undertaken so that they can formulate projects, implement and manage them. Today’s technological advancements have developed more efficient means of harnessing and using e-resources which judiciously gaining popularity.

They offer us alternatives to existing conventional system of knowledge and their integration for better digital inclusion. The more we use digital techniques of education, the more we benefit the citizen of India and definitely strengthen our capabilities, security, create jobs, and improve the economy. Further inclusion of Eeducation and make an IT based Programmed Strategy. KEYWORDS: Education technology, Technical Manpower, IT Strategy, Digital inclusion. *Author for correspond and e-mail: chprcc@rediffmail. com

INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW For digital inclusion in India use the overall direction, standards and consistency across the resources and flexibility to drive this plan. Requirements and initiatives must be strategic priority to ensure the alignments. India is now in a stage when it can take pride of having a strong network of S institutions, skilled manpower with innovative potential and a strong industrial base backed by equally efficient financial institutions. Accordingly, Govt’s portals and websites are catering to wide variety of citizen centre services. Further vital role in implementation of for the common public are given.

A clear vision, for strategy and their implementations are the crucial to mitigate risks associated with the inclusion. E-education initiatives within the Governments, presently give enhancement in the aspiration level in IT strategy as managerial and technological challenges are the consequence for effective digital inclusion. For implementation and assessments of these Government take all possible measures for spreading e-education throughout the country , covering all the sectors with a view to provide hassle free, transparent and efficient service to the education community.

For achieving this goal, the government has the approach toward digital inclusion as IT 2 strategy and application of technology management effectively to increase capacity in technical manpower in different areas. Initiatives for connectivity for e-education projects which are varied in purpose and typically project provides means for increased access to computers, network and the Internet as a source of information by which education.

RESEARCH & DEVLOPMENTS Education technology management practically is to build capacity for increase technical manpower by application of e-education. By implementation of education technology higher education is coping with the growing cost of information technology security and with the tensions between preserving confidentiality, ensuring data integrity, and maintaining an academic environment in which information is easily available to authorized users. EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY Role of teacher is evolving along with growing awareness of how true learning takes place. The teacher” (both in the classroom and in e-education) breaks into a multiplicity of roles involving different types of expertise: inspiring, guiding, evaluating, and supporting learners in an increasingly complex society. Depends on the learning process. The actors may vary depending on student/teacher relationships, which blur together when there is more focus on the learning environment rather than on the roles individuals play within the environment. Workarounds when the system fails.

ICT’s contribution to better teaching and learning in which models are useful in linking specific types of ICT to pedagogical elements conversational framework and extended by others. Framework provides a way the organize prior pedagogical analysis. It is not a way of classifying and delivering a verdict about quality in terms of use of new media forms; rather it is a way of linking and relating media types to learning and teaching interactions. To make a value judgment about specific teaching or learning strategies or theories, but instead ask a particular technology is appropriate for a specified purpose.

The Institute for the future scenarios as a way to get a fresh scenarios about the future of e-education, three educational fields: primary/secondary schools, universities, and corporate settings in three vast geographic regions: Analyzing E-Education required analysis of education in general, with technology as a tool for (not a driver of) optimum learning conditions. For capacity building and quality higher education requires framework of National Open Knowledge Grid combined with Technology Enhanced Learning will break this impasse and give strategy focused development a major thrust. Effective Education Technology and ITS Strategies Information Communication and Technology plays an important role to provide effective information related services to citizen and can helps to expand education, strengthen the education technology in more efficient means of harnessing and using eresources which judiciously gaining popularity the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality teaching and learning into an engaging, active process connected to real life. Appropriate use of ifferent ICT enabled technologies help to expand access to education, strengthen the importance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise quality and to help in teaching and learning as connected to education. Tools and activities for education technology To build tools and facilitate for educational communities that support teaching and learning including training. To Work with faculty and students for and brainstorm To share information’s and disseminates among different institutions in which approach of” teachers teach and students learn “. aken can be solved To apply knowledge of web technologies and design to create powerful and tools that support faculty and students in their teaching and learning process To write software codes and doing design works, including transfer of proprietary knowledge to chip’s micro-architecture and physical design. Higher value-creation opportunities for education community Educational services providers have to increase their capabilities and expand their volume.

Expertise in product development, testing and sustenance and complemented with clear understanding of information technology and enables most value chain product architecture and design. Market trend suggesting that the domestic Talent pool is shrinking in the India because of less accessibility to e-education To enjoyed a culture of open access to information and free flow of information To challenges as concerns about information security. 4 To promote software enabled to address their ICT problems and thereby enhance their own competitiveness

OBJECTIVES OF THE IT STRATEGIES: Information has been continued to be accumulated in many fold and the in context, with key determining the external environment. Up gradation of computing facilities and connectivity and promotion of technology enhanced e-education and which concerned with the technological infrastructure to fulfill object of the information strategy and which concerned with how the information services are organized. Information strategy acts as academic strategy in which information is required to support the key goals, of the education strategy, critical assumptions and changed environment and perceptions.

Information technology strategy is concerned with applications and platforms like, the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how to provide the information, to face the problem and enhanced education technology. IT strategies are important concerns to knowledge superpower by use of education technology management use following contexts. Software industries in India gain recognition in the early eighties as companies started taking up software projects at customer sites. Further, internet access transformed computers from mere computing machine to derived information age including telecom expansion modified the eeducation and other e-business tecnologies.

Such as: Important teaching Skills Set induction programmes, Stimulate variations, Probing questionnaires with deep thinking Illustrators with examples, Closure ending the session, Lecture communication skill, Explanation techniques for concepts, principles Use of black board’s accessibility, Use of audio visual aids, Value addition systems Ability to convey listening skills in education people Class management Techniques Increase pupil participation Recognizing attending behavior of students Home assignments and workouts Importance of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) the acquisition of knowledge and skills India’s knowledge economy gets benefits from the export oriented ICT growth, while the use of ‘ICT for knowledge superpower seems to have not received the attention it deserves in education technology. Thus India’s strategy has been one of promoting software technology enable with knowledge superpower and find out other developed countries to find out their education problems. Thereby expand access to education, enhance their own competitiveness, and make capacity buildings so far as active process connected to real life.

Today’s highly globalized economy; increase in the competitiveness has adverse impact on domestic developments in education as compared with the world ranking of our institute organizations and to underline the need for providing greater focus on the education technology in our future IT strategy and comprehending social product for competitiveness with developed countries and increase productivity, growth and human welfare by use of ICTs to prove and help in strengthen of digital inclusion.

To raise educational quality transmission of a prescribed set of information from teacher to student over a fixed period of time and increase digital workplace, Information and communication technology (ICT) sector in India and their implications in transforming the country into knowledge economy which must be empowered with ICT infrastructure, policies, and present status within the framework of India Vision 2020 along with various activities with Digital inclusions Mental access (motivation) is required first. Once this has been achieved, a person can mobilize material access (hardware).

This will lead to skills access and incorporates strategic, instrumental and informational skills. We did not agree with this linear progression since our sense was that a more networked, relational perspective would be more useful. However, we had to agree that there were certain conditional aspects to ac Importance of ICT for the overall development of IT to improve the living standard and of the 40 percent of the population which lives below the poverty line, the government must play. ICT initiatives in India to increase Technical Manpower

Existing ICT projects for development have been implemented against the backdrop. Recommendations made by the National Task Force on IT & Software development. To combat the Challenges which covers the problem of lack of education and illiteracy in India? Software development with various recommendations covers wide range of issues. Development of hardware system for education technology. To promote the growth of IT enabled industry, particularly software projects have effectively 6 implemented with the diffusion of ICT to the knowledge superpower. specific issues involved in or Existing ICT initiatives have been made in a context to explicit policy on digital inclusion for development, which takes into account the national and regional specifics with emphasis on a realistic assessment of what ICT could do in present socio-economic aspect to increase technical manpower. To Acquaint and understand Value Creation through DI For capacity building and quality higher education requires framework of National Open Knowledge Grid combined with Technology Enhanced Learning will break this impasse and give strategy focused development a major thrust.

This allows for the necessary interdisciplinary approach across relevant multiple institutions, industry and organizations that is needed to achieve the results in the emerging knowledge driven economy. To make participants understand the concept of DI based systems and its applications Terms such as “real access”, “thick conceptions of access” and “social inclusion” give some indication as to the change in thinking about access to ICT.

To acquaint with Tools, Techniques and Information Development and Implement such innovative programmes That would be required to conceptualize, develop and implement such innovative programmes in the area of digital inclusion and management of different departments Learner Group Modular Programmes Strong Industrial Base and Successful Commercialization of Technologies Seekers get benefit in terms of easy access to information for learning’s some centers provide opportunities for direct interface New models of innovation chain and new paradigms of the science and industry contacts have begun to emerge.

The trends of techno globalism are bringing in a silent revolution in India. It is rapidly becoming a global R hub. More than 300 companies have set up their R centers. KNOWLEDGE SUPERPOWER 7 Information technology strategies for India will help transformations of knowledge superpower, because of immense contribution to economic and industrial development which produced high quality skilled technical and managerial manpower as capacity building to India.

To achieve economy goals to improve their competitiveness Economic scenario and growth patterns against the background of emerging technologies are the empowered business. Some researchers stress the economic importance of ICT, stating, for example, Access to information technology is crucial for governance and economic development Others possibilities which ICT enable, and prefer the term ‘knowledge democracy’ rather than ‘knowledge economy’ because of the participatory and social dimensions with which ICT is increasingly associated.

ICT by contribution in output, employment, export earnings. On account of the production of ICT related goods and services which are confined to just one segment of the economy. Knowledge creation and acquisition in a country, and availability of human resources with education enabled technologies reflects the in intellectual content which are embedded in imports from other knowledge-based economies.

Knowledge-based economies must ensure a stable political and economic at same time talents will find it conducive to apply their knowledge and flourish in India. Knowledge-based economy is basically an economy that creates, disseminates and uses knowledge to enhance its growth and development, which depends on the creation, acquisition, dissemination and application of knowledge Higher and Technical education has been growing and knowledge based industries are now occurring at the central stage in development .

There are now number of universities are increased after the inclusion of digital era in which many medical ,agriculture and certain other technical and professional colleges ad universities are increased. DIGITAL INCLUSION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION Past few years, concepts of the digital divide and theories of access to ICT have evolved beyond a focus on the separation to include just physical access to computers.

Digital inclusion induced development through enhanced productivity, competitiveness, growth and human welfare on account of the use of this technology by the different sectors of the economy and society. Contribution of ICT towards development is due to the growth of ICT and on account of ICT diffusion which requires a strategy for expansion of above and refers contribution in output, employment, economy enhancement and production of ICT services confined developments. 8

Given the scope of the project – with hundreds of possible variables – we refined the process to include a range of possibilities for each variable, and then developed four plausible scenarios TECHNIQUES FOR TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING Quality improvement in education through modernization of syllabus ,networking of institutions, Networking through LAN ,WAN ,Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET ) would also leads to increased academic activities uniform curriculum course initiatives and teaching methods and trainings by the help of education technology.

Digital inclusion programmed are designed for different training techniques as their employees, people teaching community, training techniques programmes are included related Professionals, Academic institutions, Business institutions and who possess an interest in digital inclusion , Training techniques are as follow (i)Lectures/interactive sessions (ii)Group Discussions (iii)Case studies/Group exercises (iv)Brainstorming sessions/ Experience sharing (v) Training Support materials/ Handouts Power-point Presentations.

Such projects of teaching techniques and training contribute a broader goal of digital inclusion in education and contribute fostering participatory democracy with superpower in knowledge. ADDITIONS FOR CAPABILITY BUILDING WITH DI Our country’s S&T grew in broad directions of the nationally strategic areas of under the Atomic Energy, Space, Defense and such areas; do not work adequately closely with ‘outside’ institutions, particularly boosting education and research in basic sciences, technology and management that is crucial for the steady supply of high quality manpower for their future needs.

In some areas, we do not have a clear root institution to undertake the leadership. The cost to the country due to the poor quality of education offered in the existing educational system to the country which led to a shortage of competent scientists, technologists, thought leaders and professionals. As a country, we neither have 9 To play the new role in education technology, capacity building is required to enhance the skills of education community’s librarians and other information workers to to users.

We require to first provide education development and information understanding why our present system of higher education is not effective, because of the problems faced by our higher education and research institutions. How we induct technology assisted collaborative system of education across colleges and premier institutions to enhance the quality of education very substantially in the country’s numerous colleges and universities. Information Systems and Services Architecture: This provides the most crucial skeletal ICT framework for the NOKG architecture.

It facilitates all the user groups, their activities related workflow and services framework. There needs to be some degree of consistency across shared resources serviced and maintained by the different parties. The NOKG architecture needs several studies and reference implementation that fall under the broad class of Advanced Informatics. In view of the specificity their future prospective are correlated with IT strategies and education technology management accordingly.

Further following additions are added: (i) Sharing of knowledge, experiences, technology, infrastructure and resources for best utilization. (ii) Enhancement of computer skills and internet skills (iii) Eliminate geographical barriers of language, areas (iv) Various protocols of networking TCP/IP and user datagram protocol (UDP) (v) Convenience of reading material online (vi) Flexibility to teacher techniques by education technology for uploading the latest development in digital inclusion Realize e-learning especially to trainer and professional education (vii) Integrity f all institution, research institution regulatory bodies academicians, Professional (viii) Technology based competency to establish the context of education technology (ix) Meet current system architecture for proper integration (x) Selection criteria, evaluation, ranking of used software and hardware’s for different areas of education: primary, secondary, college. higher and technical education. (xi)Researchers have started considering the conditions or criteria for access and broadened the concept with additional components. xii)E-education covers a vast territory: lifelong learning at all ages and venues, from the home to work, with learning inside and outside institutional settings. 10 CONCLUDING REMARKS More we use digital techniques of education, than more we benefit the people of India and definitely strengthen our capabilities, security, create jobs, and improve the economy. The knowledge economy and the growth of knowledge management are essential competency of education system because industrial technology depends to utilize the skills they have to meet corporate objectives.

Information management of both internal and external information, alongside the contribution to information competence and the ability to contextualize information, contributes excellence in education system more effectively through collaboration and partnership. Further inclusion of E-education with IT based Programmed strategy with. Array of information data, architecture decision with technology choices and Technology sourcing with security and networking will defines the knowledge superpower. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors are thankful the Chancellor Sh Sunil Sharma and Chief Mentor Dr.

Sudhanshu for their innovative supports and inspirations. REFERENCES AND WEBLIOGRAPHY 1. http://it-taskforce. nic. in/bbr2/ Government of India, Report of the IT Task force, 1998). 2. S. Mohamed Mirghani, “The Triad of Paradigms in Globalization, ICT, and knowledge management interplay”, VINE, 37, (2) 100 – 122 (2007). 3. Sanjiva Shanker Dubey, IT Strategy and Management: PHI Learning pvt. Ltd. New Dehli. 4. www. egovindia. wordpress. com 5. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Use_case 6. Joseph K J,”Growth of ICT and ICT for Development: Realities of the Myths of the Indian Experience”, Discussion Paper No. 002/78, United Nations University, WIDER, Helsinki. (2002) www. unu. wider. edu 7. A Parthasarathi and K J Joseph,”Limits to Innovation with Strong Export Orientation: The Experience of India’s Information Communication Technology Sector”, Science, Technology and Society, 7, (1) (2002). 11 8. Sunil D. Potekar,Rajesh D. Bhusan,Moiz-HUsain and Tanaji Satre “Impact of EGovernance in District Administration” in International Conference on E-Governance , 57-63 ,DEC (2003) ,Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi . 9. Ramlal. Abid Haleem and A.

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