Division of Management Assignment

Division of Management Assignment Words: 926

Studies have shown that many employees leave their Jobs because they have poor managers. This course is designed to provide you with the management skills you will need to select, motivate, evaluate and retain the talented employees you will manage.

By the end of this course you will be able to objectively evaluate and understand organizational behavioral situations and determine the best course of action from a manager’s point of view. Learning Objectives: To acquire and reinforce skills, knowledge and abilities that will assist graduates in the pursuit of obtaining employment and adapting to changes in the business world. This objective encourages retention of information after the course; transfer of new information to new situations; development of problem solving, critical thinking and attitude change; and motivation for lifelong learning.

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Mastery of these concepts supports success in the classroom as well as the aerospace. A comprehensive understanding of the core competencies that foster academic and occupational knowledge enables one to cultivate the skills and attitudes required for Job acquisition, retention and advancement in a fast-paced, dynamic business environment. Remember: Specific knowledge and information may change… Understanding the process by which we think and learn is of greater importance.

Students should also understand: a) the contextual nature of management, leadership, and organizational behavior, b) the application of theories to managerial, aerospace, and organizational environments and, c) the curvilinear relationships that exist among many of the concepts and constructs discussed in this course. Exam -There may be a total of 2 exams in this course. Points Project Students in groups (size dependent on the size of the class) will research an B phenomenon or construct in the scholarly press. They will then write a paper pages) on the topic as it relates to their specific area of study.

Z. This paper will summarize the observations in the articles as well as apply the findings for managers ND organizations. Students will be provided some time to meet with their groups at the end of many class sessions. I will be available during these times, as well as by appointment to help with the projects. Further instructions to follow. Group Project 1 points Group Poster Presentation Research Translation: Full instructions are on the course website as well as a separate handout. 3*100=300 Class Participation – Attendance in class is required and is the prerequisite for class participation.

Class participation is the active engagement in questions and answers, art-taking in analysis of business situations, and contribution of useful comments in class sessions. Students can get a total of 50 class participation points for participation throughout the semester. This class is seminar based and participation is essential. If you miss 3 or more class sessions your grade is dropped 1 full letter. Grading (points) Make-up Exams: There are no make-up exams. Students missing an exam must contact the instructor before the exam to discuss options. Incomplete Grades: Incomplete grades will not be given, except in extreme circumstances.

Tentative Schedule for the Semester Part 1: Introduction Week chapter 1: What Is Organizational Behavior? Part 2: The Individual Week chapter 2: Diversity in Organizations Week 3 Chapter 3: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Week 4 Chapter 4: Emotions and Moods Week 5 Chapter 5: Personality and Values Week 6 Chapter 6: Perception and Individual Decision Making Week 7 Chapter 7: Motivation Concepts Week 8 Chapter 8: Motivation: From Concepts to Applications Part 3: The Group Week 9 Chapter 9: Foundations of Group Behavior Week 10 Chapter 10: Understanding Work Teams Week 11 Chapter 11: Communication Week 12 Chapter 12: Leadership

Week 13 Chapter 13: Power and Politics If we have time will address the following topics Chapter 14: Conflict and Negotiation Part 4: The Organization System Chapter 1 5: Foundations of Organization Structure Chapter 16: Organizational Culture Chapter 17: Human Resource Policies and Practices Chapter 18: Organizational Change and Stress Management General Rules Regarding Written Work: 1 . ) Use a spelling checker. 2. ) Minimal grammatical errors. These rules are firm because they replicate the conditions the student should expect to find in any well-run business establishment.

In general, professionally managed enterprises do not commit, nor accept, needless spelling or grammatical errors in written or presented materials. They diminish the quality of the company’s reputation for accuracy and attention to detail, and take attention away from the content of the message presented. Late Assignments: I do not accept late assignments. Assume Murphy’s Law (“if it can go wrong it will”) is in effect and do your assignments accordingly. The date I am giving you is a “latest I will accept the assignment” date and time.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class. If you do not understand something Vie said in the lecture, you should see me as soon as reasonably possible. Do not schedule dentist or doctor’s appointments during my class times. If you have an appointment during my class, I will require written confirmation from your doctor that you scheduled it before you signed up for my class and that he/she could not possibly take you at a different time, and a number I can call to verify the note.

Honesty: Do your own work. You will only hurt yourself. You will be expected to have these skills when you start your career. Anyone caught copying someone else’s work will receive a zero on the assignment and face other possible disciplinary actions. If you do not understand how to do something, asking for help in doing it is fine. But do not turn in someone else’s work as your own. All students are expected to abide by the Marshall University code of conduct.

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Division of Management Assignment. (2021, May 12). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/division-of-management-7883/