Critical Analysis for Fmb&T Assignment

Critical Analysis for Fmb&T Assignment Words: 676

Read the case for critical analysis in your textbook for FMB&T on pages 270-271 in Chapter 9. Prepare a detailed report (minimum of 300–400 words) answering the questions located at the end of the case study. Be sure to incorporate your weekly readings, cite your sources using proper APA (including in text citations and references). Submit your report to the W2: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Tuesday, January 31, 2012. 1. What are the main organizational causes of the frustration that Ayishia Coles feels? 2.

If you were Marshall Pinkard, how would you address both Ayishia’s request for clarification about her authority and responsibilities and the underlying problems her e-mail brings to his attention? Can the problems be addressed with minor adjustments, or would you need to consider a drastic overhaul of the bank’s organizational structure? What environmental and technological factors would influence your decision? 3. Sketch a general chart for the type of organization that you think would work best for IT at FMB&T.

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The main organizational causes of the frustration that Ayishia Coles feels is that there is no exact or clear statement of her personal responsibilities and authority. Ayishia Coles is in a very difficult position because the unit managers of other departments are coming to her with problems that they expect to be fixed the same day. Most of the problems that Ayishia Coles is experiencing also come from the fact that many of the problems that are brought to her involve more than one department and when a problem is brought to an individual department they do not want to take responsibility for it.

It does not seem like the organization has clearly defined goals and jobs for each of the departments (Daft, 2009). If I was Marshall Pinkard I would address Ayishia’s request for clarification about her authority and responsibilities by first sitting down with her face to face and going over her responsibilities one by one. I would then clarify exactly what and who she has authority over. I would then go on to address the problems with IT staff increasingly feeling underused and allow them to identify ideas and opportunities for the IT department to ontribute to business strategies. Most of the problems could be addressed with minor adjustments like just clarifying department responsibilities to unit managers, insuring that departments understand the purpose of a centralized IT department and their responsibilities and giving the IT staff more opportunity to address problems and opportunities that arise. I would also have to speak with the president of the large central bank so that I can find out why they want to decentralize the IT and what can be done to help without doing so. The internal environment is composed of current employees, management, and especially corporate culture, which defines employee behavior in the internal environment and how well the organization will adapt to the external environment” (Daft. 2009 Pg. 65). Keeping this definition that Daft gives of internal environment in mind I would go over all the factors especially management and corporate culture when making my decision on what to do. I would also consider all the technological factors including the importance of a centralized IT and an exact definition of what they do. Daft, 2009) Based on the reading I think that the best type of structural design that would work for the organization is the vertical functional approach. “A functional structure can be thought of as departmentalization by organizational resources, because each type of functional activity—accounting, human resources, engineering, and manufacturing—represents specific resources for performing the organization’s task”(Daft, 2009 Pg252). An Example of my Chart is below. President President Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches References

Daft (2/18/09). Management [9] (VitalSource Bookshelf), Retrieved from http://digitalbookshelf. southuniversity. edu/books/1111440018/id/ch01 References Daft (2/18/09). Management [9] (VitalSource Bookshelf), Retrieved from http://digitalbookshelf. southuniversity. edu/books/1111440018/id/ch01 Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Branches Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional HR HR Sales Sales Marketing Marketing Finance Finance IT IT

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