Computer Software Engineering Assignment

Computer Software Engineering Assignment Words: 1998

Computer Software Engineer Job Description The job of the Computer Software Engineer entails designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. The job requires the following:- * Write, update, and maintain computer programs or software packages to handle specific jobs. * Plan and interpret the task that the program is expected to do. For this it is necessary to consult with managerial, engineering, and technical personnel, or the users of the program. * Plan a general framework for a program that will perform the required tasks. Usually, this kind of overall design is handled by experienced, senior-level programmers). * Write out the detailed program in the language required i. e Visual Basic, C++, or Java. * Compile and write documentation of program development and subsequent revisions for users to understand. * Conduct trial runs of programs and software applications to test that the program/software is performing the task it is expected to. Correct the errors where required by making necessary changes to ensure that the programme functions efficiently. * Prepare the instruction manual where required. Conduct training for the users. A few reasons why I am selecting this occupation are: * Salary: The job offers a good salary package and would give a good lifestyle. * In this field, there is ample scope to become self-employed after gaining a few years experience in a regular job. Once you are self –employed it gives you freedom to operate and do what you enjoy the most and are happy to do and the scope is wide. It was this freedom which gave rise to such ventures as Facebook, Twitter, or even Microsoft. * This field requires you to use logic and problem solving skill which I enjoy.

Education & Training In computer programming, most employers expect a certain level of academic training. Therefore, it is suggested that a person take as many mathematics and computer courses in high school as possible. Large corporations, government organizations, and computer companies often require job applicants to have at least a 4-year bachelor’s degree, while smaller companies with more limited programming needs may accept applicants with a 2 or 3-year diploma. Universities, colleges, and private vocational schools offer a wide variety of diploma and degree programs.

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These mainly include computer science, engineering and programming. Mathematics and business development also play a major role in development of a great educational pathway. Suggested High school courses are: Post Secondary Education: A good post-secondary option for my future job is the Florida Institute of Technology. The institute not only offers a great course for all of its students, but it also offers many apprenticeship programs for students who would like to work in the field. The institute also offers its students the chance to create, discover and invent their own things. In the post secondary institute I chose, i. e.

Florida Institute of Technology, the school provides a 4 year course in Bachelors – Computer Science. This course has a tuition fees of US$ 34,430 per annum and may change by the time I graduate. Additional fees include US$750 for books and equipment provided by the school, examination fees go up to US$200 and US$ 620 for registration as an international student. In addition I would also have to incur expenditure on University housing, insurance etc which works out to approximately US$ 10,000. The Institutes also offers a few scholarships to international students depending on the grade 12 graduating marks. Specialized Skills:

As a Computer Software Engineer, a person requires specific skills. The important ones are:- * Critical thinking- This involves the skill to use logic and reasoning and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the options. * Problem solving or mathematical skills- Programming requires to solve complex problems and thus these skills are required. * Planning and organization skills- Programmer needs to plan out and organise his task in a methodical manner to get the best results. I personally believe that I have suitable problem solving and mathematical skills, the evidence of which are my results in school in mathematics.

I can also critically evaluate the pros and cons and strengths and weaknesses of any option to get the optimum results. However, planning and organization has been a weakness and I believe that I can work on this aspect by managing my time and preplanning my activities in amore methodical manner. I am working in this direction as in the IT projects in school my planning score is improving The course at Florida Institute of Technology trained and helped in development in the following areas:- * The structure of typical computer systems, * The techniques and theories supporting software development. Specialized areas as robotics, database development, computer vision, intelligent systems, bioinformatics, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, networks, information management and human-computer interaction. The above areas of specialization have helped me develop the essentials skills and level of performance required for the occupation. The course has given me the adequate foundation to adapt to new technologies and ideas. I am now confident of having the adequate level of knowledge and experience in the following areas to do my job efficiently: An excellent working knowledge of hardware, software and programming languages * The ability to develop and interpret technical plans * A creative approach to problem solving * Excellent communication skills, both written and oral Earnings and Wages: Usually, majority of Computer Software Engineers are employed by large businesses or public organizations, a significant number work as independent consultants. Programmers have an extremely varied income depending on their experience, education and responsibilities.

Full time software engineers typically receive other benefits in addition to their salary, which include housing, medical insurance, paid vacations, sick days, etc. On an average, an amateur Computer Software Engineer may earn from US$40,000 (TT$256,406) to US$100000 (TT$6,41,015) annually depending on the company that hires. Many successful self employed programmers can earn up to US$200,000 (TT$1282030) annually. Most Computer Software Engineers have to work their way up to a higher paying salary while a few others who are accepted into a large project or business for programming may begin with a large pay.

A managerial level post or project head earns an average salary of US$80,000 – US$100,000. Although computer programming has a lot of competition and also requires a lot of dedication, it has its rewards for dedicated employees. The full package of the salary and benefits is suitable to support a good lifestyle and would meet my requirements and expectations. Working Conditions/Working Environment Computer software engineers normally work in clean, comfortable offices or computer laboratories. The work also involves frequent travel to meet with customers.

These days’ telecommuting is becoming more common which allows work to be done from remote locations. Normally the working hours of software engineers is 40 hours a week, but at times they have to put in longer hours to meet a deadline or deal with some critical issues requiring immediate attention. Job Satisfaction/Job Stress The job of a software engineer is bound to give me satisfaction as it has the scope of working on cutting edge projects. The success in such projects which allows you to be creative and results in high achievements is a satisfaction which is not comparable to anything else.

Further, if one is self- employed, there is scope for flexible working hours, option of working from home if so required with the advantage of telecommuting. However it will not be correct to say that there is no stress with the job and everything is perfect. Sitting in front of the computer for long hours has its problems of eye strain, back discomfort etc. Further software engineers have a high burnout rate due to unpredictable work hours and schedules and meeting of deadlines. Related Jobs, Future Trends, Self Employment Opportunities Jobs related to Computer Software Engineering include: Computer Network Specialist * Web Developer * Electrical Engineer * Database Developer * Hardware Engineer The job outlook for a software engineer looks very promising. As per the Bureau of Labour Statistics, United States Department of Labour, employment is expected to increase by 32% during the period 2008-2018. In addition the report states that 295,000 jobs are likely to be created during the same period. As long as computer networking grows, the demand for computer software engineers will also grow. After gaining experience in the field there is ample opportunities to advancement in the career.

Software engineers account for about one third of the jobs in the IT industry. Career progression is possible to more senior supervisory and management role. A software engineer can also work in other IT related jobs such as systems design, IT architecture and systems analysis. In addition to the career progression, this field gives one lot of opportunity and scope for self employment by taking work on contract or setting up one’s own consultancy etc. For further qualification for advanced and senior research positions, a Masters Degree or PhD is also required.

Community Involvement and Co-operative Education: I currently do not have any community hours. However, I plan to acquire all of these hours over the summer vacation in 2012. By offering my assistance to various teachers and joining various camps which would allow me to assist children or other adults in various activities. To acquire volunteer or work experience in my chosen career path, the best option at my age and level of education would be to assist my Information Technology teacher with his work so I can get a feel of how the planning and organization process of the job works.

The grade 11 and 12 Co-op experience would be very beneficial as Computer Software Engineering is a job that requires a lot of experience and the more experience a person has, the better chance there is to get a better job. Co-op experience offers each student to get experience in their field and know how to have a better chance of getting a job in this field. Personal Reflection: Yes, after doing the research I am still very interested in this occupation. The ability to make software’s that performs tasks on a computer keeps me interested in this career.

However, the work hours and the very frequent extra hours are aspects that do not interest me. I learned that Software Engineering requires a lot of time and dedication to acquire a senior position as a programmer. I did not expect that there would be long work hours and a lot of preplanning and organization but I believe that these are manageable problems and I will be able to deal with them as I become more mature. As a small child, I always enjoyed using the computer and at an early age I decided that I would want to develop software’s for computers. I have various skills that I believe are suited for this occupation.

I am can type fast and am able to pay attention to details and decide whether something is good or bad in a software. Computer programming requires patience due to the long process of planning the project and I believe that I posses this values to be able to think each step thoroughly and not rush the projects. Career Studies Course Reflection: I have learnt that I posses many skills that I did not know I possessed by taking this course. I learned that I more of a kinesthetic learner and I am able to use the information presented to me the best way possible.

Showing initiative, being adaptable and working safely are my top 3 personal management skills and I believe that those 3 are skills that I would require to meet the expectations of many employers of my occupation. After looking through my career binder, I noticed that Worksheet 3. 1 Personal Management Skills and 5. 3 Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship are the assignments that helped me confirm that the career choice I made was correct and also that I would be able to go far in this career as long as I maintain a stable academic overall.

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Computer Software Engineering Assignment. (2021, Oct 28). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from