Community Services Assignment

Community Services Assignment Words: 294

This assignment is part of the assessment for the unit of study which addresses knowledge and skills required to conduct complex assessments and referrals. Students need to complete this assignment in a workplace. Assignment overview Students need to observe a client assessment in their workplace.

If students are involved in assessment in their paid work they may use this experience. Students will need to get the permission of their supervisor to use the observation or assessment in this assignment by completing the attached supervisor’s statement. Students will have the opportunity to: 1. Prepare for an assessment 2. Assess client needs 3. Analyses client needs as a basis for meeting them 4. Identify and refer to appropriate services to meet client needs 5. Evaluate assessment and referral processes. Assignment details

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Students need to meet privacy and confidentiality requirements and will need to gain written consent from the client and their supervisor. After observing the client assessment students need to answer the following questions. 1. Needs assessment 1. 1 What needs were identified through the assessment? In particular any multiple or complex needs. 2. Client Relationship 2. 1 What skills and strategies were used by the worker conducting the assessment to develop and maintain the relationship with the client? 2. 2 How was the client involved in the process? Assessment tools 3. 1 Attach a copy of the needs assessment tool’s used by the workplace. This may include intake, assessment forms, initial interview forms etc 3. 2 How were these tools used in the assessment process? 3. 3 Identify the organizations policies and procedures that discuss the use of assessment tools. 4. Specialist services 4. 1 Identify two specialist agencies that will be or could be involved in providing services to the client. 5. Student Skills 5. 1 What skills do you need to develop to be able to conduct complex assessment?

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Community Services Assignment. (2021, Feb 10). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from