Communication Applications Assignment

Communication Applications Assignment Words: 743

You will be challenged to grow by trying new things and by taking risks. Together, we will create a safe and comfortable environment to take these risks. Additionally, this safe environment will give you the opportunity to evaluate your peer’s communication skills a swell as your own. This course Is designed to be very hands on and practical, so you will need to be prepared to participate. Ultimately, you will do these things while enjoying and learning about yourself as an individual and member of society.

After all, what good is this course if you learn nothing from it about life? Supplies: -3 Ring Binder 4 Dividers (Label as: Notes, Daily Assignments, Tests/Equalizes, Speech Rubrics) -3 Hole Spiral Notebook (for Journal, to be kept In binder) -Loose Leaf Paper -Black or Blue Pen Each class is asked to donate to the supply closet. Your item is invisible tape. If you bring your item to class on or before August 27th you will receive 5 bonus points on a quiz. CLASSROOM GUIDELINES: -Be Respectful.

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This means politely listening when others are speaking (and this includes when I am lecturing), communicating intelligently, honoring others’ opinions, not working on other class assignments, and being mature young men and women. – Be Responsible. You hold the key to your education and you need to take this task seriously. Ultimately, you need to take responsibility and accept the consequences of your own actions. -Be Ready. Bring dally-required materials to class every day and come ready to work and learn. Be on time. Excessive tardiness will result In detentions or office referrals.

This means starting on your journals when class starts. 1st Stage: Student Conference, Parent Conference (if needed), Documentation 2nd Parent Contact, Student Conference, N in conduct, Documentation 3rd Stage: Stage: Counselor Referral, U in Conduct, Documentation the Stage: Administrator Referral, U in Conduct If a student is being severely disruptive he or she will be sent directly to their administrator. Please read the NOISE Student Handbook for further guidelines. GRADING: I will take grades on a variety of assignments throughout the semester.

Grades will be assessed on a percentage scale. The details of these grades are below. Participation (20%) -Since this is a communication class, it is vital that the students learn to communicate within small and large groups during discussion. Without participation, students do not exhibit the necessary skills to communicate effectively. Class articulation will be assessed based on assigned participation assignments. Class work/Homework/Journals (20%) -During class everyday we will have a Journal topic or activity that will be included in your Journal.

You are expected to complete the assigned Journal activity and include any necessary materials in your Journal notebook. Journals will be picked up every 2 weeks for a daily grade. If you are absent you can get the missed Journal or activity form the makeup folder on the side table or from one of your classmates. -Homework is rarely assigned, but when it is, it is due the next day that class meets. Quizzes (20%) Quizzes will be given either at a set date or at teacher’s discretion. Speeches/ Projects and Tests (20%) -Students will be told or given a rubric as to how speeches will be graded.

The first few speeches are graded fairly leniently. As students progress through the semester, I begin to grade more thoroughly. -Speeches given in my class are: introduction, impromptu, nonverbal presentations, Interviews, a modified parliamentary debate, and modified informative and persuasive speeches. Audience behavior is an integral part of the speech process. Positive audience participation is a requirement of all speeches assigned. to note that YOUR speech grade will suffer if you talk or interrupt other student speeches. This is unacceptable behavior.

Semester Exam (20% of overall semester grade) -Students will receive a comprehensive review for the final exam that will be counted as a daily grade on the final nine weeks. I reserve the right to count it as extra credit on the exam. -All Communication Applications classes at Reagan High School will take the same semester final exam. Throughout the semester, I will Grades will be recorded into my computer/grade book, and most papers will then be returned to you. IF you have a question or concern about your grade, you must make an appointment with me after class or before or after school.

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Communication Applications Assignment. (2019, Mar 17). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from