Child Development: Violence in the Home Assignment

Child Development: Violence in the Home Assignment Words: 3687

Science shows that exposure to circumstances that produce persistent fear and chronic anxiety can have lifelong consequences by disrupting the developing architecture Of he brain. (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2010. Pig. L ). The types of problems the child encounters involve immediate problems on the child’s self, fellow family members, and the community that the child resides in such as: behavioral, social, emotional, cognitive and attitudinal problems (Stiles, 2002. Pig. 1).

All of these consequences are both immediate and long term and if a child doesn’t have any means of protective factors such as: Social competence, intelligence, high self-esteem, outgoing temperament, strong sibling and peer relationships, and a supportive relationship with an dull the violence will acquire the adverse affects of exposure to domestic violence (C. W. I. G, 2009) The purpose of this research paper is to answer the following research question: What are the effects on a child in a home Of domestic violence?

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Effects on Child A child who witness’s family violence: sees, hears, observes, and becomes aware of the tension in the home. Children who grow up with abuse are expected to keep the family violence a secret, sometimes not even talking to each other about it. Kids from abusive homes can appear to look fine on the outside, but inside they are in terrible pain (Domestic Violence Roundtable, 008. Pig. L . ). In such acts of violence the parents seem to refuse acknowledgement on the harsh and severe side effects it may have on their offspring emotionally, cognitively, socially, and behaviorally.

Effects on the Child Emotionally When a child grows up with violent parents or caregivers, he/she no longer feels safe within their own home, and attitudes and emotions change. Research has proven that children that come from homes of violence, and the emotional strain they encounter includes: fear, guilt, shame, sleep disturbances, sadness, depression, and increased aggression towards both he abuser and the abused (Domestic Violence Roundtable, 2008. Pig. Post- traumatic Stress Disorder is common in a child who witnesses family violence, and can suffer from: nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, increased alertness to the environment, having problems concentrating, and can lead to physical symptoms. Postgraduates stress disorder (PETS) is a severe condition that may develop after a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events, such as sexual assault, serious injury or the threat of death. Effects on the Child Cognitively When a child is cognitively learning, they become aware of, think about, understand, remember, and use knowledge about the world (Silva, 2007.

Pig. 5). When a child is subjected to physical, mental or sexual violence within his/her home environment they “record” these acts and it alters the way they learn and perceive things. A child’s con dive abilities are altered and they tend to suffer in ways such as: lower cognitive functioning, poor school performance, lack of conflict resolution skills, limited problem solving skills, pro-violence attitudes, and belief in rigid gender stereotypes and male privilege (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2009. Web).

Research indicates that reduced verbal, cognitive and motor abilities are predictable results of witnessing adult violence (G. Olsen, 2012). Primary-school-age children may have more trouble with school work, and show poor concentration and focus. They also tend not to do as well in school; in one study forty per cent had lower reading abilities than children from non-violent homes. (EUNICE, 2006. Pig. 3). Effects on the Child Socially Children react to their environment in different ways, and reactions can vary depending on the child’s gender and age.

However, when a child combines is/her emotional instability such with their cognitive disturbances their social life will be heavily impacted. When social development is damaged due to at- home violence, some children lose the ability to feel empathy for others. Others feel socially isolated and unable to make friends as easily due to social discomfort or confusion over what is acceptable. Many studies have noted that children from violent homes exhibit signs of more aggressive behavior, such as bullying, and are up to three times more likely to be involved in fighting (EUNICE, 2006. Pig. 3).

When children suffer social problems they have title friends, keep to themselves, and avoid normal interaction with peers, and are more prone to acting violent. These children are more prone to external behaviors such as fighting, bullying, lying, cheating, and more disobedient at home and at school which leads to social incompetence problems. (Stiles, 2002. ) Effects on Child Behaviorally Children who live with domestic violence often react to it with changes in how they behave. They may have trouble controlling their feelings, and will act in ways that make life even harder for the family.

Many types of behavioral changes can occur in a child when seeing his parents abuse one another. Though there are many, some common signs of behavioral distress would be: Acting out or withdrawing being aggressive or passive, refusing to go to school, lying to avoid confrontation, rigid defenses, Excessive attention seeking, befitting manipulation, and mood swings (SCADA, 2000). Children who are exposed to violence are often very anti-social and as they get older they will tend to avoid interaction with peers altogether due to lack of knowing of how to.

All of these behavioral characteristics can negatively change a child’s life, and prevent him/her from forming any structured and healthy relationships. Effects on the Family If you think women are most at risk from violence in their home, you’d be mistaken; it is the family unit, as a whole, that is affected. Violence in the home causes a great deal of uncomfortable tension between every family member, and the events are rarely confronted. The mother and the father are constantly worrying about one another, and the kids tend to be pushed aside, or go unnoticed.

Children of abuse feel isolated, vulnerable, and starved for attention, affection or approval. Because mom is struggling to survive, she is often not present for her children, and dad is so busy controlling everyone he also is not there; these children become physically, emotionally and psychologically abandoned (Domestic Violence Roundtable, 2008). These acts of violence make everyone in the home uneasy, and always worried about themselves, rather than other members of the family.

Most experts believe that children, who are raised in abusive homes, learn that violence is an effective way to resolve conflicts and problems (Domestic Violence Roundtable, 2008). This being stated shows that children will begin to burden their peers, fellow members of their family, and even their community. Effects on the Community When violence in the home is an ongoing issue, neighbors, people of the city, and everyone who comes in contact with the family is affected. When there is a child or children residing in the home, it can make outsiders feel even more uncomfortable.

People may feel the need to move away, avoid contact with the family, and even attempt to seek further help for the abused persons and the children. Constant telephone calls to police authorities and child protective services may be a way for the community to reach out to the troubled household. Domestic violence also causes children to act out more, and may push them o become a burden to their community by: constant tantrums, destruction of property, and aggressiveness towards neighborhood children which may cause the violent cycle to continue.

Several of the experts in this area recently noted that almost one-hundred studies report associations between exposure to adult domestic violence and current child or later adult problems (Olsen, 2012). Communities also seek to help these troubled families, and it becomes very expensive. Shelters for abused women and children are becoming more popular, and with the costs Of housing, food, clothing, medical assistance and unseeing becomes somewhat of a financial burden.

A 2003 study by the CDC estimated that domestic violence cost the U. S. Economy more than $5. 8 billion in a single year (The Advocates for Human Rights, 2010). Immediate and Long-term Effects Numerous things begin to go wrong when a child begins to witness domestic violence; some are immediate and some remain with the children throughout their adult lives. Some of the immediate effects on children are: Trouble sleeping due to being scared, fear for their lives, anxiety, sadness, depression, befitting, seclusion, and tantrums.

The list of long-term effects s quite longer: Severe depression, Poor school performance, behavior problems, trouble sleeping, chronic health problems, developmental delays, poor social skills, substance abuse as a way to cope, isolation from friends and relatives, stormy relationships/difficulty in trusting; especially adults poor anger management and problem solving skills, passivity with peers or bullying, engagement in exploitative relationships as perpetrator or victim due to adaptive behavior of home events. Agencies 1 . Domestic Violence Shelter and Outreach (located in Victories, CA).

This program offers shelter, food, clothing, and educational classes. The Community Tool Box team consists of KICK Work Group staff who shares overall responsibility for coordinating and sustaining activities of the Community Tool Box. All of their services are free to those who need help, however they are always accepting donations. 2. California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (located in Sacramento, CA). This program works with tons of shelters, communities and teams who are all fighting to make a “safe haven” for victims of domestic violence all around the state of California.

They promote the collective statewide voice on the issue of domestic violence; monomaniac strategic messages employing multiple methods to promote our vision and mission to diverse constituencies and audiences; Conduct media advocacy, provide education to improve the accurate portrayal of domestic violence, and encourage the media’s positive role in preventing and ending domestic violence; Research, develop, publish, and distribute information and resources on domestic violence and related topics; Organize events and campaigns to increase awareness of domestic violence and promote social change, and donate to numerous shelters and programs all over the state. Their staff all holds certifications and/or degrees in social services, and have long histories of volunteer work. All these services are free provided by this organization, but they encourage you to donate to help them help others. 3. High Desert Domestic Violence Program Inc (located is Victories, CA). This program offers Parenting classes, domestic violence support groups, restraining order assistance, court support, anger management, and hold supervised visitation.

The staff consists of workers with years of experience, and most of them hold some sort of degree in social work or psychology. Also, their services are always free, and they encourage you to seek help. 4. Hesperus Counseling Center (located in Hesperus, CA). This center offers counseling for women and children who have been exposed to domestic violence, and they offer numerous strategies on how to overcome it. Their staff consists of licensed therapists through San Bernardino County, and their prices vary due to whether it be court ordered; if not, they base prices according to income. 5. Olive Branch Support Group (located in Rancho Cucamonga, and Riverside).

This program offers numerous counseling and support groups for domestic violence, batterers, anger management, parenting classes, and victim awareness. They have a diverse professional counseling staff is made up of licensed and pre-licensed therapists who are committed to providing quality, affordable mental health services to English and Spanish-speaking clients.. Their fees are based on income and types of services needed. Conclusion Domestic violence affects the lives Of millions around the world, and it affects children negatively in the whole developing processes. Domestic violence can be defined as the systematic abuse by one person in an intimate relationship in order to control and dominate the partner (Berne, 2013. Pig. 237).

A child who suffers from the personality altering traits of these acts becomes a burden and an abnormal member of society. Domestic violence is found in all socioeconomic cultures (Berne, 2013. Pig. 236)Colonization is the process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, skills and character traits that enable them to participate as effective members of groups and society(Berne, 2013. Pig. 6). When the process of colonization is disturbed a child cannot grow to their full potential, and this is also known as child neglect. Risk factors include those that are ongoing, such as parental history f being abused, and those that are transient, such as a parent’s loss of job (Berne, 2013. Pig. 147).

The cost to children is cumulative over time, from emotional disturbance in childhood to reenacting the violence in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; it also takes a toll on the family and the community the child resides in. The child will often mirror what they have seen, and think that such acts are acceptable and sometimes mandatory in dealing with day to day obstacles. Research shows that when these children become adults they suffer from depression, low self-esteem, emotional aroma and postgraduates stress, and re-factorization are often experienced by survivors of violence (Olsen, 2012). Many abusers have a family history of being maltreated (Berne, 2013. Pig. 47); Thus stating that the effected child with continue on to repeat or accept spousal violence in the future, and create a vicious cycle Of destructive behaviors. Gaps in Research One gap in my research consisted of none or very little information stating any positive effects of a child who witnesses domestic violence. For instance, my sources indicated that numerous life altering things happen to these hillier, but do they ever overcome it? Will they ever been considered as a “normal” functioning person of society? Or are these traits permanent? Also, the severity of action taken, or lack thereof, baffled me. Found no information on the statistical numbers of how many domestic violence cases are conquered by law enforcement.

Child protective services information found was also lacking in specific detail, stating that: Community members have an important role in protecting children from abuse and neglect. If abuse is suspected, a report should be filed with qualified and experienced agencies that will investigate the situation. (CADS, 2007). It is clear that most women do not feel enough support to seek help, and in saying that I ask, “What can be done to improve women’s faith in seeking a better life? ” What Needs to Be Done There are numerous things that could be done to improve the ever-so- common domestic violence record. For instance, counties hold marches, walks, carnivals, parades, and protests for people with numerous types of disorders to raise awareness; why not do it to raise awareness for victims of family violence?

These women feel that they’re alone, and if we boost wariness, these victims will see that it is pretty common, and feel more comfortable seeking help. Also, they have numerous people visiting school to lecture about things such as dental health, it would also benefit children if we had domestic violence councilors and survivors go to schools, and lecture and tell their stories of survival. Who knows how many kids would be willing to seek help for themselves and parents? Sure, it may be quite uncomfortable, but we need to raise the awareness on just how common family violence is, and let kids as well as parents know that there is help out there. Boosting advertisement on facilities would help too.

Not many people know that there are tons of local resources out there for those in danger. Theoretical Perspectives Erikson- He would say that a child growing up in the home of a domestically violent couple would suffer great damage in all stages of its development up to the stage of Senescence, and that I would need to research more on how this happens. Thus stating that every stage relies on the one before hand and if violence is a part of each stage, the child will not be able to develop a self- concept. “How one copes with these normal challenges at one stage of placement affects one’s ability to overcome difficulties in the next stages (Berne, 2013. Pig. 37).

However, if I had to say which stage would be affected the most it would be the “trust versus mistrust” area of their lives. When child are forced to be in a family with violence they are Often scared Of what others around them might be able to do. “If the child’s world is unpredictable and if care giving is inconsistent or rejecting, Erickson believed the child is likely to be mistrustful and anxious, fraught with negative emotions and misgivings about his or her world (Erickson, 1969). These children are often neglected ND then their worlds are torn upside down. Children who are around these forms of violence often will lead to making the same mistakes their parents made due to it being all they know.

Moscow – When children are succumbed to violence their need for esteem, love/belonging and safety are heightened, which means it would throw off the entire balance of the hierarchy of needs. Because the child is going to want to feel loved and comfort before seeking any other form of achievement. Thus throwing off the different levels of growth in which they need to follow in order to conduct a proper gaining of self-actualization. So, I believe Moscow would ask me to look more into what areas of need would the child be suffering, and how it would prevent them from moving up the hierarchy of needs. “Children who are exposed to domestic violence often experience the following feelings: Anger, fear, powerlessness, loneliness, confusion, shame, guilt, and distrust” (Berne, 2013).

Frontbencher – Frontbencher would state that every human being knows the difference in right and Wrong when it comes to human development, and they have the power to control whether their offspring have a normal environment or not. In stating that, I believe researching WHY he parents don’t avoid an unstable environment and what are the reasons behind them not caring if their child witnesses these crude acts. “Human beings create environments that shape the course of human development. Their actions influence the multiple physical and tiers of the ecology that shapes them, and this agency makes humans – for better or worse – active producers of their own development. (Berne, 2013. Pig. AY’ References The Advocates for Human Rights. (2010).

Community Costs Of Domestic Violence. Web. >http://WV. W. Stopgap. Org/ community_costs_of_domestic_violence< The Alabama Coalition against Domestic Violence. (201 1). The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children. Web. >http://www. SCADA. Org/children. HTML< Child Welfare Information Gateway (C. W. I. G). (2009). Domestic Violence and the Child Welfare System. Web. > HTTPS://www. Childcare. Gob/pubs/effectuates/ domestication. CFML< Domestic Violence Roundtable. (2008). The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children. (n. D. ) Web. >http:// www. domesticviolenceroundtable. Org/officeholders. HTML< Erickson, E. H. (1969).

Gangland’s Truth on the Origins of Militant Non-violence. New York: Norton Olsen, G. 2012) Long-Term Effects on Domestic Violence on Family Members. Web. ;http://www. Education. Com/reference/article/long-term- effects-domestic-violence/; Stiles, M. (DCE. 1, 2002) Medicine and Society. Witnessing Domestic Violence: The Effect on Children. Volvo. 66. EUNICE. (2006). Behind Closed Doors: The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children. Pig. 1-3. New York. The Body Shop International ply. Grading Rubric CHAD 1 06 Research paper ; Relevant Agencies 4: Develop and implement strategies that promote partnerships between programs, teachers, families, and their communities.

OSLO#I: Analyze theories of colonization that address the interrelationship of the child, family and community #2: Analyze and evaluate the factors that both positively and negatively influence the colonization of the child. OSLO# 3: Critique strategies that support and empower families through respectful, reciprocal relationships to involve all children’s development and learning. Families in their OSLO#4: Investigate and compile community resources that support both the child and the family. I Major Revisions Underreported work in this category. You will need to make substantial revisions to this assignment before resubmitting it in your Professional Portfolio. Minor Revisions Medallions.

Your work needs to be more detailed or requires Some revisions to formatting. You will need to add to/revise this assignment prior to submitting it in harmonistically Portfolio. I Meets Expectation’s work in this category. Prior to including in your Professional Portfolio you will need to add information to demonstrate your continued growth in knowledge. I Exceeds ExpectationsExcellent work in this category. Other than documenting any additional growth in knowledge, this assignment is ready for your Professional Portfolio. I Topic Selection (5 Points Possible)The degree to which student selects an issue topic that relevant to young children and their families.

Points Earned: 5 | Course Points Earned: 1 or 2 *Topic may not be relevant to children ages O to 5. Course Points Earned: 3 * Student selects a topic that is relevant to children ages O to 5; however the topic is either too broad/unmanageable or too narrow. I Course Points Earned: 4 * Student selects a topic that is relevant to children ages O to 5. * The topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. * Student provides a statement that clearly presents the topic being researched. Course Points Earned: 5 Student too broad nor too narrow. The topic is presented in the form off very specific research question; identifying what aspect of the general topic is being researched.

I I Major Revisions Needed I Minor Revisions Needed I Meets Expectations I Exceeds Expectations I I Identification of Sources(S Points Possible)The degree to which the student identifies AND USES reputable sources that are relevant to the issue (at least two professional peer reviewed/scholarly journals – other sources may include trade journal articles, books, newspaper articles, other sources with instructor approval)Points Earned: 5 Course Points Earned: 1 or 2 * Information is adhered from only one or two sources I Course Points Earned: 3 * Information is gathered from at least 4 sources; however, the types of sources may be limited or may not all be research based. I Course Points Earned: 4 * Information is gathered from 5 sources. * Student provides a variety of research based sources.

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