Canteen Administration and Operation Assignment

Canteen Administration and Operation Assignment Words: 3908

Eleanor Bass, Head of the Department of Allied Sciences and her adviser or the support and advice she has given to the researcher that helped her to this study. DRP. Ernest Calla, for the encouragement, hope, and motivation he gave. HIS insights and fatherly advice to the researcher inspired her to pursue this study. Our Lady of Fatima university, where she currently employed for the pressure the administrators applied to make her finish the study immediately. DRP. Airline Evangelists, her principal for allowing her to conduct this study and allow the faculty, students, and non-teaching staff to answer the questionnaire.

Mr.. Dennis Cabals, her o- faculty and served as her statistician for his invaluable help and support. He shared a lot of knowledge, insights, spent a lot of time to help the researcher finish this study. Mrs.. Leanly Rubles, a teacher of English who helped correcting grammar and assisted the researcher In many ways. Mr.. Eric Manual, her husband for his love, moral support, Inspirational words that cannot be measured. TO All faculty members, students, non – teaching personnel of Mayans National High School, for their cooperation and willingness to answer the questionnaire.

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Lastly, to the Lord Almighty ho gave her good health, energy, and determination to make this piece of work a reality. Dedication*” ABSTRACT Title: Canteen Administration and Operation at Mayans National High School: An Assessment Key Concepts: Guidelines on the Operation and Management of School Canteen in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Researcher: Arlene B. Mannequin Adviser: DRP. Eleanor D. Bass Statement of the Problem The study sought to assess the school canteen administration and operation which is managed by the Teacher’s Cooperative at Mayans National High School in Valuable.

Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following questions. 1 . What is the status of the school canteen as perceived by the student respondents, the faculty, and the non-teaching personnel in terms of: 1. 1 Quality and quantity of food served 1. Kinds of services rendered to the customers 1. 3 Prices of the commodities 2. How do the student; teacher; non-teaching personnel respondents assess the school canteen in terms of: 1. 1 . Management of Canteen activities 1. 2. Utilization of Facilities 3. Is there a correlation between the management of the canteen and each of the following? 3.

Utilization of canteen facilities 3. 2 Quantity and quality of food served 3. 3 Kinds of services rendered 3. 4 Prices of commodities 4. Is there a significant difference in the assessment of the three groups of respondents in terms of the following? 4. 1 Management of canteen activities. 4. 2 Utilization of Canteen Facilities 4. 3 Quality of food offered 4. 4 Kinds of services rendered to the customers 4. 5 Prices of commodities and the prices of commodity as sold at the canteen METHODOLOGY The descriptive method was used and gathered information through the use of a survey questionnaire as an instrument.

The descriptive method was used to assess the operations and policies involved in the management of Mayans National High School Canteen. The researcher administered same questionnaires to the three groups of respondents: the students, the faculty and the school canteen staff. The Respondents were 100 students 25 from each year level, 20 faculty members, and 20 non-teaching personnel. The study was also conducted to determine the effectiveness of the management skills of the canteen manager. The results were analyzed to determine the observations of the respondents. Research data were encoded, analyzed and presented in table.

The appropriate statistical analysis using SPAS was also used to interpret data. FINDINGS 1 . The assessment on the effectiveness of the management of school canteen activities by the respondents yielded a mean score of 2. 44, interpreted as “seldom” 3. The perceptions of the three groups of respondents on the quality and quantity of food served yielded the highest mean value of 3. 09, for the item: sells appropriate amount of foods that can sustain the needs of the students, and the lowest mean value of 2. 04 was obtained for the item: serves food that are fresh, newly cooked or prepared. . There was a negative effect of the manager’s skill on certain factors that affect the canteen status. 5. There are no significant differences in the assessment of the student respondents and the teacher respondents; neither was there a difference between the students and non-teaching personnel’s observation. CONCLUSIONS 1. The most important finding of this study is the need to provide proper training for canteen staff. Enough knowledge is imperative to canteen managers for their role is to make decisions that will affect the entire canteen organization. 2.

Given all the sets of criteria, standards and rules set by the cooperative but not allowed religiously, would result to the ability of the school canteen to accomplish its target objectives, thus creating more problems in the future. 3. Formal trainings and seminars needed by all canteen staff and officials so that they will improve their skills on the proper handling of food, food preparation, food selection, customer satisfaction through effective interpersonal skills and total quality management of all the aspects necessary for an improved and well-managed canteen. . Failure of canteen managers to utilize equipment 5. The respondents found the food repetitive and limited lacking the necessary durational value needed by the students. 6. Among the major findings, the quality of service given was found to be adequate since the canteen officials and staffs are doing their assigned roles. 7. In terms of price of commodities, students find canteen food quite expensive so they resort to buying synthetic food outside the school. RECOMMENDATIONS 1 . The recommended measures to improve the management styles of canteen implemented. . The recruitment policy should be tightened or improved to ensure that canteen staff and manager possess the necessary qualifications and competencies specifically n the knowledge of food handling and food preparation plus serving a variety of food. 3. Members of the cooperative, especially the head, must vigorously promote educating the canteen officials and staff in order to develop and enhance their skills. The cooperative can provide financial help to those who want to attend seminars to update themselves of the rudiments of managing a school canteen. . The Chairs or Heads of the Teachers’ Cooperative supervise the activities of their canteen staff for proper monitoring emphasizing efficiency and effectively. 5. Canteen facilities must be properly utilized in order to maximize and systematize he use of these instruments. 6. Commodities must be affordable yet nutritious so that the clientele will be satisfied. 7. Canteen staff must provide variety of food geared towards the total well-being of the clients. 8.

Cooperative Officials should provide some kind of incentives or merits in whatever form in order to Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The Department of Education is strongly committed to support student health and well-being through its curriculum in schools and a range of initiatives that offer opportunities that promote physically fit individuals who love eating healthy food. Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-being programs, including food and nutrition education.

The establishment and operation of a school canteen is important in developing love and interest in buying nutritious and healthy food among students, faculty and the school personnel, making it possible for them to enjoy nutritious and healthy food at affordable prices during the school day. The canteen should also provide a variety of food and dishes that enhance the skills and knowledge earn in the classroom about food and nutrition development, many schools today accept food services as an integral part of the school program. Canteen operation can be considered one of the auxiliary services of the school.

Although, a classroom teacher or a hired private person often handles the operation, it is still considered as an important component of school administration. Hence, greater effort must be exerted in its operation. It is imperative therefore, that the child who spends the greater part of his/her waking hours in school be given food that are nutritious and economical. There are plenty of students with meager allowance for snacks in the public schools; therefore it is necessary that daily foods revered in the school canteen are assured to be within the mean of the children.

Considerations are given to the nutritive value of the food items being served to them. However, there are other factors in the process which are not given attention which may adversely affect the school’s total development program especially if the canteen is being managed privately by a group or an individual. Based on the foregoing, the researcher thinks that there is a need for a thorough assessment of the program being implemented in the school. Background of the Study The Mayans National High School Canteen was formerly managed by the T. L. E. Teachers. The researcher served as one of the assigned managers in the past.

Before it was run by the Teachers Cooperative, quality and low cost food were being served to students and faculty members as well. The management and operation of the school canteen was overtaken by the teachers’ cooperative following the rules and regulations set by the Department of Education headed then by Secretary Richard Gloria (D. O. No. 55 s. 1996). Just about every important decision about canteen utilization-whether the manager is certified as competent, hired, receives tenure, is agonized meritorious-depends on someone’s Judgment of how well the manager performs.

Often, the Judgments are informal. When they are formal, they are usually recorded as ratings on a multi-factor manager rating scale. A multi-factor rating scale is being used in selecting the manager by the head of the cooperative. Several criteria which serve as basis in selecting a qualified applicant to manage the canteen are included in the scale. Since the head has the right to choose, then subjectivity comes into the selection of canteen manager. There is a perceived problem in the operation of the Mayans National High School’s neaten, particularly in the selection of manager and staff.

The one who is now supervising in the canteen operation is not a Home Economics teacher nor has she finished a management course. The process of hiring based on an objective set of standards and qualifications can be manipulated, a recommendation from a number of major cooperative members has greater weight in hiring canteen staff. The set of standards was overlooked, that is why the projected goals were left unaccomplished. On the other hand, the committee claims that there is no failure on supervision of the said canteen based on it generated profits.

Aside from mismanagement, the need for facilities is of great concern; facilities are needed to provide quality services which is the reason why customers keep on patronizing its products and services. Suffer. The canteen, in its mission to nourish the children’s mind and provide quality services failed to accomplish its target goal which is evident in the complaints raised and presented to the board. This dilemma continuous to exist and remains unsolved. The quality and quantity of food served is also affected. This results in getting more complaints from the canteen’s clientele.

The study was conducted to make an assessment of the school canteen which is managed by the Teacher’s Cooperative in Mayans National High School during the School Year 2008-2009 as perceived by the school personnel, teachers, and students. 1 . How do the student, teacher, and non-teaching personnel respondents assess the 2. What is the status of the school canteen as perceived by the student respondents, the faculty, and the non-teaching personnel in terms of: 2. 1 Quality and quantity of 2. 2 Kinds of services rendered to the customers 2. 3 Prices of the commodities Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the status of the school canteen, particularly identifying the aspects in the operation that should be improved. Likewise, it was the objective of this study to evaluate the difficulties encountered by the students as to the kind of service that they received. Moreover, the research attempted to provide the most appropriate and effective ways in hiring managers who will oversee all opportunities for reflective thought and thereby enhance professionalism among members of the cooperative, so that they improve efficiency and offer delicious yet affordable food.

The results of this study could provide the management of the cooperative with the information about the present status of the school canteen and to let them know that the existing situation really affects the totality of the service that they are rendering. The results of the study will also make a management realize the need to objectively solve the problems encountered in the canteen operations. The findings may also serve as guide for canteen managers in the planning, preparation and implementation of their new programs.

The study will provide some insights and information on how they will manage the canteen for the benefit of the customers such as the teachers and the students who are their main clients who must be served and be satisfied. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study focused on the assessment of the cooperative-managed canteen as perceived by the school personnel and students of Mayans National High School. The respondents of this study consisted of the 40 school personnel and students from different year levels.

This study was limited to the assessment of the school canteen in terms of management activities, utilization of facilities, quality and quantity of food served, kinds of services rendered and prices of the commodities offered. The study was conducted during the School Year 2008-2009. The researcher limited this assessment to the overall performance of the canteen management, and it did not seek to include solutions on how the canteen will be operated. Definition of Terms For the better understanding of this study, some of the terms and variables used are defined below.

Assessment – It refers the observations of the students, the faculty, the non-teaching staff as means of evaluating the effectiveness canteen. It means how the respondents feel about what they actually experience or see of the situation of the school, articulacy in the management of the activities, utilization of facilities, quality and quantity of food served, kind of services rendered to the consumers and the price of the commodities offered to the consumers in the canteen. Canteen Management – In this research, it includes the management of the daily routine of the canteen.

It is the administration of the direction of the means and objectives of the school canteen which include operation, food service management, physical facilities, and canteen services. Clientele – In this study, it refers to the students, faculty, and non-teaching response who regularly eat or dine in the school canteen. Cooperative – Managed Canteen. It refers to a school canteen that is operated and managed by the teachers’ cooperative under the supervision of its board members and officers.

Facilities – In this research, it refers to the chairs, tables, tools, utensils, and other cooking equipment used in food preparation and dining. Food – It refers to the newly cooked, Management- It is the efficient use of available resources in providing meals that are nutritionally adequate, sanitary, economical, and aesthetically pleasing to the clients. Kind of Service Rendered to the Client. It is the way the canteen staff provide assistance to the buyers, such as checking the cleanliness and safety of food served.

Operation – In this study it refers to the process on how the canteen manager, canteen staff work and perform their functions in the school canteen to achieve effective and efficient food production and services Price of Commodities – It means the cost of foods and other commodities offered in the school canteen. Quality and Quantity of Food Served. It refers to the manner in which space and facilities available in the school canteen re utilized. Quality of Food – This refers to the aspect of food which is describes or characterized in terms of nutrition, palatability, variety, appearance and the like.

School Canteen – In this study, it is the place where the students, teachers, non- teaching staff take their snacks and lunch. Newly cooked food and ready to eat food are served. School Personnel – As used in this study, it refers to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This section presents related and studies which the researcher reviewed and found significant to the present study. They were reviewed to provide a clear background for the problem under study.

The school canteen follows guidelines on operational management set by the Department of Education through DES Order No. 93, s. 1998, the Revised Implementing Guidelines for the Turn-over of the School Canteen Teachers Cooperative. The teachers’ cooperative shall see to it that none of its members shall use their official time attending to the activities of the canteen and the cooperative. Hence, a cooperative shall hire a fulfillment manager to manage and operate the school canteen.

The designated Home Economics canteen Teacher shall inspect the quality and handling of food served, canteen sanitation, use of facilities for laboratory purpose. The school canteen should provide cheap, sanitary, nutritious food such as fresh milk, fresh fruits and fresh drinks, boiled root crops, high calorie indigenous recipes and the like. Hired people handling food in the canteen should be required to undergo training for food handlers, obtain a certificate of good health from the municipal health department and observe hygiene.

Operational practices that will be detrimental and prejudicial to the welfare of the dents, teachers and to the school as a whole as well as any violation of the provision of the Memorandum of Agreement and the operation a management guidelines should be considered as ground for the return of the canteen operation to the school. The Catholic Education Commission placed an electronic copy of the Self- Assessment tool in their website. It consists of a check list to review the current level of implementation of the Strategy, an action plan for schools to identify where more work may need to be done and to plan follow up actions for 2008.

Support assistance, if required. During Term ‘V, many schools were busy completing the tool. Principals have been in discussion with their canteen managers to see how their healthy school canteens are progressing. It has been pleasing to hear the comments of many school principals and canteen managers who have completed the tool, and the enthusiasm expressed to support healthy canteens has been greatly appreciated. Many schools reported they are now planning for the next term and filling the menu with plenty of GREEN foods.

For those schools still looking to change existing menu items, or have yet to complete the tool, assistance is available. The tool will help the canteen staff to assess their performance to be able to maintain or improve their services. This will guide the manager in deciding which meals must be served each day to satisfy the students’ need for nutritious food. The different concepts and findings, as reflected in several studies, revealed the following insights as they are related to the present researcher’s study. 1 . Management of the canteen must be managed by someone who is capable, qualified and honest personnel. . Adequate facilities maintain the services needed and enhance the efficiency of the neaten workers in doing their Job. Management of School Canteen The following literature deal on the significant information about the administration’s role in the management of a school canteen Dijon (2000) investigated the management of the school canteens in the district of Attitudinal, Bataan and their implications to the nutritional needs of pupils. Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1 . Majority of the canteens were managed by private individuals.

All canteen facilities and equipment were moderately adequate; 2. Food procurement was supervised by outside paid helpers; 3. The canteen managers saw to it that the food to be cooked is washed thoroughly; 4. Majority of the canteens were implementing self-service food serving; and 5. The problems in the operation of the canteens were lack of personnel, lack of time in food preparation, source of water supply and pupils’ preference for Junk foods instead of nutritious one. Mendoza (2004) made a study on canteen administration and operation in public elementary schools in the division of Lips city.

The descriptive method of research was used in this research with two sets of questionnaires used to gather the perceptions of the respondents. The highest ratings were given for the strategic value where the building is located for canteen of the building to pupils and teachers. The lowest ratings given were noted in the following: time schedule for recess of intermediate grade pupils and distribution of time allowance for recess, regarding the quality and quantity of foods being served, the highest ratings was on the nutritional value of foods for scale and the lowest rating was on the perception of quantity of fruits vegetables for sale.

All the respondents gave the highest ratings to the drive to put up normal size canteen room/building. On the contrary, the lowest ratings were noted in terms of ability to solicit assistance from Nags and GOES for canteen improvement, and the ability to put up the needed accessories in the canteen. The conclusions made on this study were as follows: canteens in public elementary schools are properly managed, systematically run by the staff and personnel involved, teachers have different reactions on some policy implementations, particularly in class programming, foddering operations and teachers’ assignment.

This conclusion led to the recommendations that the school heads should prepare a workable and viable long engage master plan on canteen operations and personnel functions. Similarly, it is suggested that part of the canteen proceeds should also be used for to other school projects. Service assistance of government and non-government organizations should also be tapped and finally, a wider and deeper study should be made in order validate and compare the findings of this study.

Manama’s (1998) work supported the findings of the present work on canteen management. Mahayana (1998) conducted a research on the canteen management. The aim of this study was to make a system analysis of the canteen management of the said school. The results revealed that efficient canteen management is necessary in order to provide food of lowest cost and highest nutritive value.

Common problems met in the management of the canteen were as follows: lack of space to accommodate the students; helper chores were given to the canteen teacher in-charge of the task to manage the canteen; lack of full time canteen manager; the time allotted for cooking is so limited, the food being prepared are not enough for the consumers and finally, the buyers do not have plenty of choices of food.

Possible solutions were provided to lessen or totally eliminate the existing problems such as: expansion of school facilities; addition of more tables and chairs, cooking utensils, installation of deep well and better water connection, hiring of more helpers, having a dialogue with the consigner to assess the quality and quantity of the services they render and finally, the canteen teachers should be free from teaching loads to enable her to supervise the helpers in food preparation.

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