Business Level Assignment

Business Level Assignment Words: 1117

National Subsidiary Certificate/Extended Diploma in Business UNIT 1: The Business Environment Assignment Date issued: week beginning 16th September 2013 Date for final submission: end of week beginning 20th January 2014 Introduction You will already be familiar with organizations through having dealt with them as customers or employees. One of the aims of this unit is to help you to build on these experiences and learn to Walk in the shoes’ of owners, stakeholders and managers of organizations.

The unit introduces you to a range of business activities. You will consider the purposes of different organizations and the influence of stakeholders and how businesses organist themselves through strategic planning and organizational structures. You will then explore the dynamic nature of organizations through studying the impact of external (political, legal and social) influences on business operations. You will also study the fundamental economic principles that impact on businesses.

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By studying two different business environments you will gain some insight into how businesses operate in different parts of the world and how the development of a loyal marketplace Impact Learning Outcomes TTS on all Duskiness’s. On completion of this unit you should: Know the range of different businesses and their ownership Understand how businesses are organized to achieve their purposes Know the impact of the economic environment on businesses Know how political, legal and social factors impact on business. Submission dates The final submission date for all work to Pass, Merit, and Distinction criteria is Friday 24th January 2014.

The submission dates for each individual task are as follows: Task 1: week beginning Task 2: week beginning Task 3: week beginning Task 4: week beginning Task 5: week beginning Be aware that the above dates may be subject to change and you will be given notice of this via email and verbally. SCENARIO You work as a Journalist at the Rumford Recorder which is planning to run a feature article on local businesses in the next edition. The Editor has asked you to prepare and produce articles in a pull-out section titled ‘Business Review in Rumford’.

Task 1 You need to write an introduction to your article which should include: a brief introduction to the two local businesses; en business should be profit-making, e. G. Tests; one business should be not-for- profit, e. G. Havening Sixth Form College your two businesses should vary in size a description of the purpose of your businesses, including the aims and objectives of your organizations; a description of the ownership of your businesses and why they have chosen or are that type of ownership. What are the advantages and disadvantages for them being this type?

This provides evidence for Pl Task 2 You are now explaining a section on stakeholders within the article and so you must priority ranking of the stakeholders of your organization, e. G. 1 = most important, 5 = least important a brief statement about the importance of each stakeholder and why you believe this to be the case; a description of the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of your two different organizations. This provides evidence for UP an explanation of the viewpoints of different stakeholders and how these seek to influence the aims and objectives of your business organization.

This provides evidence for MI an evaluation of the influence different stakeholders have in one of your chosen This provides evidence for Del Task 3 You now want to explain in the article about the organizational structure within the two businesses and so you are to produce: a diagrammatic representation of the structure of your two different organizations. This should include the functional areas and span of control of your businesses. This provides evidence for UP an explanation of how the style of the organization helps your two businesses fulfill their purposes.

Include the following information about your two organizations: mission and values tragic aims and objectives strategic planning process use of SMART objectives. This provides evidence for UP You nave now let ten Aroma Recorder Ana nave Eden promoted (partly Owe to your feature from the articles you had published) as a Journalist for the business section of The Times newspaper. Your first Job is to investigate and write an article that compares the economic environment of one organization from the I-J with that of an organization from another country.

Task 4 You need to research a different economic environment to that of the UK e. . China or India, and to look at one business that operates within that country. You will then need to compare this business with one from the I-J. Draw a table of economic data for the UK and one other country contrasting the economic environment; Choose at least three economic topics and collect relevant data from two different countries, e. G. GAP, inflation or interest rates; Using the data collected in your table describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments (I. E. He economic data; collected) on business activities within your woo selected organizations. This provides evidence for UP Compare the challenges to their business activities that your two organizations face due to their economic environment, e. G. How does the inflation rate impact on supply costs or demand for your two businesses? Write at least one detailed paragraph for each piece of economic data for each business. This provides evidence for MM Task 5 The second part of your article is focusing on the political, legal and social factors that impact on the business activities of your two selected organizations and their takeovers.

Select three influences from each factor and describe their impact on both organizations; Each influence should be researched from the view of both countries. Remember – Dustless actively are any actively Carlen out Day ten organization to achieve its purposes, e. G. Recruitment, promotion, transport costs, etc. This provides evidence for UP Select at least three business activities from those you have identified. Analyses how each of these has changed because of political, legal and social aspects of the business environment. This provides evidence for MM

Choose one of the two organizations researched and then evaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal and social factors may affect the strategy of your organization. List the aims and objectives of your organization. For each factor you will need to research future changes, for example: Economic – forecast inflation or interest rates Political – any changes in government Legal – new laws Social – population growth For each aim and objective you have identified, recommend a strategy for how your organization might achieve it. Justify your reasons for recommendation. This provides evidence for DO

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