Business Ethic Assignment

Business Ethic Assignment Words: 1582

By writing this acknowledgement, we also want to use this opportunity to deliver a thousand of pardons if any of the case when we make mistake without realizing it. Furthermore, we are Just students, humble students that try to grab the knowledge own by the respected lecturer. Also to our own beloved family which always support us in financial aid so that we can complete this assignment given to us without need to face any financial problems which may disturb the completing of this assignment.

Not to forget our dearest friends and lacerates who always stand next to us, giving us motivations in order to ensure that we can complete this assignment. All the helps given by our dearest friends and classmates can only be paid by The Almighty. Lastly to those who Involved In completing this no matter directly involved or indirectly involved, we would like to say thank you for all of your help, lending time to assist us which make us feel so touched. Thank you again to all. had been delivered with the first Business Decision Making assignment based assessment.

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This assignment is elated to the use the variety of source of data, both primary and secondary data and produce Information In appropriate format for decision making in an organizational context. The first question create about the collection if primary and secondary Information for a given business problem. For the second question is about present the survey methodology and used. It means that In this question must give the sampling technique and our method on doing the research to gain the information. Business problem. Next question is on doing graph using spreadsheet and draw valid conclusion based on the information derived.

After that the next question is we must prepare a business presentation using suitable software and technique to disseminate information effectively. The last question is we must prepare a formal report. Data is the information in raw or unrecognized form such as alphabets, numbers, or symbols that refer to, or represent, conditions, ideas, or objects. The data can be divided in two types of sources which are primary data and also secondary data. In this case Nick Zane had Just retired as a government servant aster 30 years in the serves. So that Nick Zane plan to open some business for his own at his hometown or his future.

He decided to start business in providing a service to the people of Series Sandbar and people nearby. Based on the research there are several services that are already offered in by others in this area, but he believe he can make better services which can meet the target market demand. In this case I had suggested to Nick Azans for doing House Rental Services. I had choose to suggest En Zane to do this business because I can see that nowadays Series Sandbar is very developing place and mostly the people that are staying at Series Sandbar is Student because of any institute that exist here.

Besides that when many student that staying here for sure that many student that are staying outside their sole and doing House Rental Service can make better services which can meet the target market demand. For doing this business there is several data that have to take for run this business and can make the business successful. In this case, there are many data that must been taken for make the business so that the primary data and secondary data is important for this business. Primary data is data that observed or collected directly from first-hand experience.

From the definition it means that primary data is a first reference that we use to collect some data. It is can be divided into two category that is qualitative data and quantitative data. Quantitative data from my understanding is some data that is can be given from making with using number of data. For an example in this business I focusing on the how many student at Series Sandbar. In this case I can use the quantitative by knowing the income of student per month. It is because from the data we can know the conclusion on giving the rate of rental price to the student. It means hat we can provide the suitable house for the student.

Apart from that, we also can use the gender data as the quantitative data, it is because we can know that the total that is staying outside the hostel which means that weather female student or male student that usually using house rental services. Apart from that we also can know about the sources income that the student get. It is also can effect the rate of the house rental. Second is qualitative data. Qualitative data from my understanding is measured. For an example that can relate with this case is the suitable time to make n announcement to make the rental house for the student.

This is because with the different university or collage have a different intake a new student that have a new intake is different. It is because some university or collage have a new intake in the middle of the year and some collage have a new intake in the 9 month of the year. For the quantitative data in secondary data we can take how many student at Series Sandbar by using the souses that already have that is internet. The data that I want is the how many student at Series Sandbar. This is also can be the quantitative data.. So that I would use the internet to get the population of student at Series Sandbar.

This is because by using the secondary data can make low cost is involved in acquiring this data. It is also make the low cost because it will charge on the internet access only. There were a various advantages and disadvantages of using secondary data collection technique in a research. The major advantage is the secondary data collection provides easy method to access knowledge like surfing the internet. This can save time of the researcher to make a research. It is also can cut cost due to the gust to pay the rate of the internet usage when using the internet sources.

Apart from that, the disadvantage of the secondary data is that is largely self-governed therefore the secondary data must be scrutinized closely, most of the times the secondary data is not presented in a form which the researcher’s need. Secondary data may also not give full version of data. For example, there can be times issues with this data because data collected usually the adman do not make an update for the data so that the data will not match with the data that we want to use t gain the latest update of the data. In this case I will use the questionnaire as my tools for the primary data.

With this tool also I will use the face-to-face techniques that I think will be easy to us to submit the questionnaire in order to gain the data or information in order to open the business. In this case I will take a week to distribute the questionnaire to the respondent that is TIM and KM student. Actually there is another technique that have in order to distribute the questionnaire such as postal interview but I think with using postal interview will take a long time to have the information and I think not all respondent will give feedback toe-?wards the questionnaire that have given.

So that, I think with using the face-to-face technique it will be easy to collecting the information because after I give the questionnaire to the respondent I will collect the questionnaire I will gather further the questionnaire in that time after the respondent had answer the questionnaire that I have given. So that, in this case I think it will short my time to gain the data and face-to-face technique will be make my work more easier in order to distribute the questionnaire. In this case I would using the sampling technique as the in my research to gain my information.

There is two basic types of sampling technique which is simple random sampling(SIRS) and systematic random sampling. In this method there is four type of sampling that are commonly used by the researcher that is simple random sampling, sampling. In this case I would choose the simple random sampling as my sampling sample. Sample random sampling is meant to be an unbiased representation of a group. It means that I would randomly take the collage or the university. In this case there is four institute that have in Series Sandbar.

So that, after I make my random sampling on the four of institute finally I get KM and TIM as respondent. Stratified Sampling Stratified sampling definition from http://sociology. About. Com/oddness-of-samples/ a/Stratified-Sample. HTML is “A stratified sample is a probability sampling technique in which the researcher divides the entire target population into different subgroups, or strata, and then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata. ” It means that the sampling is used when the researcher wants to highlight specific subgroups within the population.

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Business Ethic Assignment. (2020, Jun 07). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from