Boeing Management Leadership Assignment

Boeing Management Leadership Assignment Words: 1501

People working together as a global enterprise for aerospace leadership. How will we get there? Run healthy core businesses, leverage our strengths into new products and services and open new frontiers. (Boeing, 2012) Boeing’s vision is simple and specific but cannot be reached without management appointing effective, appropriate and sufficient leadership. “Management requires structuring the organization, staffing it with capable people, and monitoring services; leadership goes beyond the functions by inspiring people to attain the vision. “(Management, 476) Boeing realizes that in order to maintain and progress as an organization, they need to have great leadership; therefore Boeing has made leadership development the foundation for their continued success.

Boeing is so serious about leadership that annually they invest $150 million in internal learning programs and $82 million in tuition reimbursement at preferred schools and areas of study associated with their business and created other opportunities such as daily interactions with leaders, aroma and informal mentoring programs, and development programs at the Boeing Leadership Center. Daily interactions with leaders involve Boeing leaders helping to develop skills that accelerate the careers of their people.

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This program also includes Boeing vice presidents mentoring employees who have future leader qualities. The formal and informal mentoring program offers collaboration tools, training, rotational and development assignments that help people learn from one another. The Boeing Leadership Center is available to current and aspiring Boeing leaders. The center provides employees from around the world the chance to share practices, tackle business issues and to become a team that can speed up business changes to the needs of the business world.

The Boeing Center also hosts vice presidents twice annually to teach at least two programs. Boeing developed six leadership attributes to establish expectations on conducting business, and strengthen the culture of leadership and accountability, they are: chart the course, set high expectations, inspire others, find a way, live the Boeing values, and deliver results. Boeing intends o provide a common language and common understanding on who they want to be. Another program offered is Leaders Teaching Leaders (LET).

This program is taught by Boeing executives and allows open and honest dialogue about the leadership attributes. Participants are allowed to engage in open conversations and ask questions allowing for a two-way street which encourages participants and executives to share their challenges. Boeing’s latest program is geared toward preparing manages. The program is called Program Manager Development Program and will ensure that the company continues to meet its deed of skilled leaders.

Boeing has used these programs to teach and current executives for mentoring in order to develop their next generation of leaders who will be prepared to take control in any one of the organizations many international locations. “Boeing International was established in 2001 to help grow the global business by expanding the company’s influence, impact, and image internationally. ” (Boeing, 2012) Boeing International Country/Region Leadership department includes 21 different divisions in over 150 countries. Boeing’s personal global history dates back to 1910 when William “Bill” Boeing met a

French flying ace at an international flying show in Los Angles, this is when he decided to get into the airplane business. The first global employee was a China born engineer in 1916, the engineer helped to design the Model C bi-wing. Australia is the largest global presence at Boeing who supports airlines and U. S. Allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing also employs over 1 65,000 people in over 70 countries, not including the additional hundreds of thousand skilled workers worldwide. Boeing has its fingers on every continent and has regional and country executives worldwide.

The executives “help build stakeholder relationships, coordinate local activities, and develop strategies to help create greater value and opportunities for Boeing. “(Boeing, 2012) To achieve this goal, executives must provide strategic council on all political, economic and industrial developments worldwide, join with Government Operations to create views on global and domestic issues, and develop good corporate citizenship worldwide by helping to develop policies and procedures to conform to diverse laws, customs and businesses.

Boeing has international name recognition, but name alone does not make a company global, it must survive to become a global enterprise. Simply put, Boeing must become a part of the community by creating jobs and creating a product that sells; this in-turn creates value and opportunity for the people. For Boeing, a global presence is essential. “Providing world- class, industry-leading, performance in support of our customers is paramount,” said Jim Alabama, president and chief executive officer, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. (Boeing, 2012) Boeing has international name recognition, but name alone doesn’t make a company global, it must survive to become a global enterprise, therefore new ideas, concepts and strategies are a must in order to continue growth and productivity. Boeing relies on people all over its organization and their expertise to keep their country teams in place and ready to put them in touch with knowledgeable business contacts. For this reason, I recommend that Boeing use joint ventures, and continued educational programs as strategies to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture.

Joint ventures benefit a company in two ways: “the local partner’s knowledge of the host country’s competitive conditions, ultra, language, political systems, and business systems, and by the sharing of development costs and or risks with local partner. ” (Management, Chapter 6) Joint venture with Australia’s Preston Aviation Solutions provides simulation, decision support and scheduled software for airlines and airplanes worldwide. This partnership will provide strategic advantages for Boeing’s Air Traffic Management; they have offices in Washington, D. C. ND London. Working strategically around the world, Boeing can continue to grow and offer more jobs and opportunities to its workers and the communities, Boeing can also add value ND profit for shareholders. Another joint venture in India was formed with Data Industries Limited of India, this company will initially include more than “$500 million of defense related aerospace defense component work in India for export to Boeing and its international customers. ” (Boeing, 2012) The company was established in 2005 and began building Boeing aerospace components.

Boeing and India history dates back 60 years and is marked with success, therefore making this joint venture another milestone in Boeing’s journey to build world- class aerospace and defense capability in India. Boeing’s most recent joint venture include Lockheed Martin United Launch Alliance and a U. S. Air Force contract worth $1. 52 billion. Joint ventures can be used to strengthen Boeing’s competitive reach and help them to move quicker with future innovations. Education is also important to help Boeing maintain a healthy organizational culture. Thanks in part to a strategy that’s sharpened the focus of its involvement, Boeing’s endeavors in education are being tailored to achieve some basic yet important goals; build communities, touch students, and help prepare tomorrows workforce. (Boeing, 2003) Boeing is a strong opponent for education and uses its targeted, effective and efficient ways to focus on as many people as possible. In the world of Boeing, education does not end with your degree and your job, Boeing has a company-wide education strategy that is focused on the enhancement of future and current employees.

Boeing supports the development of children even before they reach the classroom by offering multi-million dollar charitable foundations dedicated to the improvement of early childhood education. Educational programs are also offered to grades K-12 as ell as offering contributions to help teachers improve their quality of teaching. For college students, Boeing provides an intern program. The program provides interns with a meaningful experience and exposure to the Boeing workplace and of course to encourage a new generation of workers to make Boeing a part of their future.

Boeing believes a lifetime of education prepares employers and the company for the future, providing career development tools such as performance management, learning together program, certification training, mentoring opportunities, special assignments, lateral moves, leading projects, lingering and many others. Boeing knows easy access to educational opportunities is critical to employees working to help the company achieve its goals. “As leaders grow, Boeing 2012) Boeing is people working together to create value through profitable growth for all.

Boeing achieves this by creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. Boeing teams, both global and in the states create this environment by working and learning together, staying motivated, understanding the value of relationships, superior customer service and support, and continued quality product and improvement. Boeing returns the favor by offering educational programs, lateral moves, Boeing discount programs, employee assistance programs, recreation clubs, employee incentive programs and other employee benefits.

Boeing offers a multitude of educational programs for current and future employees in order to develop their foundation of success and maintain leadership development. “Our roadman for growth, productivity, and financial performance-Vision, Leadership Model, and Management Model-provide direction and goals that set the course, support decision-making, and make the right choices. (Boeing, 2012) Boeing supports this roadman by promoting from within the company.

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Boeing Management Leadership Assignment. (2021, Dec 07). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from