Airline Industry Assignment

Airline Industry Assignment Words: 505

How do you 11 Airline Industry By pugnacity Acknowledgement “We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire… Give us the tools & we will finish the Job” – Sir Winston Churchill, 1941 The Group would like to convey their sincere thanks to Professor Amity Musketeer for his unstilted support & guidance on the Assignment ;International Airlines”. His valuable inputs on the subject and deliberations & interactions were knowledge enriching & facilitated in completing the project.

Members of Group 6 3 A. Brief Intro about the Case – International Airlines A frequent flyer for a large international airline encounters typical, but recurring, service problems. The marketing management of the company explores the use of information technology in understanding and dealing with the issues involved. Concepts of database marketing are introduced in a concrete setting. ; To explore the use of information systems in managing complex customer relationships and marketing communication programs.

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In spite of an abundant research on service quality, the paucity of research on airlines service quality is a growing concern. Further, service discrepancy is identified between domestic international airliners and foreign international airliners. International Airlines founded in 1927 augmented he flight service provided to diplomats and their families by the Army / Airfare. The following questions has been asked to address the issues raised in the case: 1.

To analyses the International Airlines case in terms of the processes that were at fault in the organization as evident from the episodes of failure described. 2. To use the Survival Gap framework discussed the other day to identify the problems in organization to a) rectify these problems b) track, monitor and disseminate information about customer processes and issues that can help the organization engage the above processes, so that it can differentiate its customer services, and maintain satisfaction. 4.

How do you make customer believe in you Attempting to answer each of the questions: B. To analyses the International Airlines case in terms of the processes that were at fault in the organization as evident from the episodes of failure described. Five challenges for the successful development of air transport services are (1) enhancing safety, (2) infrastructure improvement, (3) reasonable taxation, (4) commercial freedom and (5) Simplifying the Business through effective use of genealogy International Airlines was facing issues in most of the above challenges.

The following were some the issues being faced by the passengers: 4 a) b) c) d) e) Delayed flights Account related problems Baggage misplace Cancellation of flights Non recognition of frequent flying program passengers etc. In most of the above cases, international airlines was not giving importance to service delivery, rather they thought that in these type of industry, it is not possible to satisfy all the individuals. So they believed in sticking to their procedures. The staffs were also not being trained to handle the situation as a result, they also took little interest in resolving the passengers problems. . To use the Survival Gap framework discussed the other day to identify the problems in delivering service quality.

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