Educational Psychology Assignment

Educational Psychology Assignment Words: 295

Educational Psychology The term ‘psychology generally refers to the study of human behavior based on various mental functions that are taking place within an individual or group of individuals. Educational psychology is the systematic study of teaching –learning process. In the words of Crow and Crow, ” Educational Psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an Individual from birth through old age. ” Peel defines it as the science of education.

In the modern educational scenario, the scope for educational psychology is far and wide and is found to be increasing day by day. It suggests guidelines for making teaching and learning process psychologically sound. Lingered Identifies three focal areas which educational psychology Is concerned with. They are the learner, the learning process and the learning situation. A thorough study of learner’s personality is very important in educational psychology.

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As psychology is largely the study of human behavior, educational psychology alms at modifying learner’s behavior. Hence, Improvements In learner’s behavior reflects in all aspects of education. Learners personality need to be analyzed from early childhood. Principles governing the growth and development of child need to be studied. The insight provided by this study will definitely help in scientifically planning and executing learner oriented programs of education.

Individual differences among the learners are to be subjected to psychological study. The principles governing the nature and development of personality can be formulated based on this analysis. Educational psychology lays emphasis on providing guidance and counseling required for the all- round development of an Individual In the right direction. It formulates principles and practical measures helpful for providing effective guidance and counseling. It covers all aspects of education related to behavior modification and development of the learner.

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