Conformity Assignment

Conformity  Assignment Words: 490

Individuality is better for society because being a human Is being their own individual, it gives people the opportunity to expire themselves in their own way, and it would show that there would be no Judgments o n people’s lifestyle. Individuality is better for society because being different is okay. In his article “The Sociology of Leopard Man,” Fees states, “To be human is to be an individual, human w individual tastes, talents,values, and dreams that are distinct from those of others. ” H ere Fees explains that being an individual is to feel comfortable in expressing who you are an to be yourself.

Clearly then, being an individual makes people feel unique and true to them selves because it gives them the ability to express in many ways that other people will Just n understand. Human individuality is so important for society because we all become FRR e from rude comments or actions and enjoy life as we want it to be lived out. Montana 2 Another reason why individuality is better for society is because it gives people the opportunity to be happy in their own way. June Grubber writes, “True happiness, it SE ms, comes from fostering kindness toward others-?? and toward yourself. In this passage, it is saying how happiness comes from being ourselves, not only to us, but for others as well, so that t hat happiness is spread to everyone. This is significant because the happiness that is gate herded by being ourselves, influences others to do the same which makes society a little more c enforceable . Although conformity might be ideal for society, individuality should be the priority be cause a conformed society makes people feel insecure about trying to express themselves.

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Lastly, individuality is better for society because it would show that there would be no judgments on people’s lifestyle. According to John Stuart,”all the good of which hum Anita is capable is compromised in obedience. ” In this passage, it explains how people need t o respect and accept other’s lifestyle or personality because who’s to say it’s wrong? Clearly the n, knowing that people are making bad Judgments on what you choose you would not even con sides trying to be yourself, but if that was not the case then embrace it.

No matter where anyone I s, there will be many people who would Judge your appearance and your personality, but standing g up for yourself and defending who you are, really is happiness. Although being yourself around people is difficult, being a unique human, and having the opportunity to be happy in your own way and having no Judgments on people’s I epistyle is better for society because everyone has the opportunity to be individual. When Indian duality is part of what people want, then express yourself and be unique with your own gifts a ND talents.

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