Scope of Philosophy of Education Assignment

Scope of Philosophy of Education Assignment Words: 410

The scope of philosophy of education Is confined to the field of education. The scope of philosophy of education Is concerned with the problems of education. These problems mainly include – ; Interpretation of human nature, the world and the universe and their relation with man, ; interpretation of aims and ideals of education. ; the relationship of various components of the system of education, ; relationship of education and various areas of national life [economic system, political order, social progress, cultural constructions etc. , ; educational values, ; theory of knowledge and Its relationship to The above mentioned problems constitute the scope of philosophy of education and explain Its nature. Thus, the scope of philosophy of education Includes following. A] Aims and Ideals of Education Philosophy Philosophy critically evaluates the different alms and ideals of education, These alms and ideals have been propagated by various philosophers in different times.

They are character building, man making, harmonious human development, preparation for adult life, -development of thespians, -utilization of leisure, training for civic life, training for international living, achieving social and national integration, -scientific and technological development. Thus, philosophy of education critically evaluates different aims and ideals tot education to arrive at. B] Interpretation of Human Nature:- A philosophical picture of human nature Is a result of the synthesis of the facts borrowed from all the human sciences with the values discussed in different normative sciences.

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The philosophical picture, Hereford, Is broader as compared to the picture of man drawn by biology, sociology, psychology, economics and anthropology and other human science. C) Educational Values:- Educational values are’ determined by philosophical values. Educational values propagated by different philosophers have been derived from their own world, view and their outlook on the purpose of human life. D] Theory of Knowledge:-Education is related to knowledge. It is determined by 1 OFF ten source, Limits, criteria Ana means AT Knowledge .

Nine Locutions AT all tense Tall thin the Jurisdiction of epistemology, one of the branches of philosophy. E] Relationship of education and various area of national life and various components of the system of education:- One of the most important contributions of the philosophy of education to the cause of education is the provision of criteria for deciding the relationship of state and education, economic system and education, curriculum, school organization and management, discipline etc. These problems have led to the evaluation of different philosophies of education.

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