Ethics of Genetics Assignment

Ethics of Genetics  Assignment Words: 1057

The nucleus of the somatic cell is inserted into the egg cell (which now has no nucleus). The host cell will reprogram the nucleus, and It Is then stimulated by a shock to start dividing. After mitotic divisions, It will form eventually develop Into an embryo (scenically. Com). Through cloning, there is hope of recreating extinct species, especially those that are extinct due to human actions.

If further research can be done, there is a possibility of cloning endangered plant life. Cloning means that there will be more Individual alive, rather than having to Walt for natural reproduction. This is extremely beneficial if only one specimen is available. Creating many copies of the one individual will create opportunities to send the animals overseas, thus creating more chances of natural reproduction. Benefits and Limitations Cloning produces more animals, which helps to Increase the species population. Instead of waiting for a pair to mate, which can take a very long time, cloning can be initiate when all aspects are in order.

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A giant panda is only in heat for approximately one day of her life, and so it can be very hard to successfully produce offspring. Because of human actions such as land clearing and taking cubs from their mothers, the giant panda population Is decreasing. To create better chances of the species survival, cloning could be implemented to create more pandas. If a possible mate lives very far away, it is difficult to have the two to mate because of the effort needed for health checks, transportation, facilities and monitoring activities. Cloning goes not require a mate. He extra efforts and any risks that may occur to the animal during transportation. Cloning is creating the exact copy of an animal, which is different to natural reproduction where the genes of both parents come together. If the same animal is cloned several times in an effort to increase the population numbers, and then allowed to breed with another animal, over time, this may cause serious inbreeding issues. Inbreeding gives rise to lack of genetic diversity, which is heritable traits in a population, which leads to the possibility of offspring born formed.

Human activities have had an adverse effect on some species of animals and plants, to the point many have gone extinct. Scientists are desperately trying to bring back these creatures, which play a large part in food webs and support an ecosystem. By injecting a fertilized egg of an extinct species (usually extracted from 1 OFF these species to correct our mistakes. Unfortunately, the chance of reviving an extinct species is slim. Not only will it take some time to be able to find the cells needed, but also the DNA inside the cell may be at risk of being corrupted.

An organism that has been extinct for quite some time may still have their cells, however time and climate may have badly decomposed the cell, leaving the DNA in poor condition unable to be used for cloning (Perl, 2006). The largest limitation to cloning an organism is the success rate – Just 0. 1 percent. The University of Utah has stated that possible failure may be caused by the two cells (egg and nucleus) may not be compatible with each other or may not divide or develop properly. The implantation of the egg into the surrogate mother may not be successful, and the pregnancy may fail.

There are also problems that may arise even if the clone is born. Many past clones have died of infections and other birth defects. When a clone is born, their chromosomes are shorter than normal, and having shorter telemeter. This may cause the clone’s cells to age faster, resulting in early death. Issues and implications associated with cloning Cloning is very controversial, and the media has released a series of information that has fueled some activists to lobby to make it illegal. First, cloning is considered to be ‘playing God’.

It is meant to illustrate that humans are creating new creatures in an unnatural way. In a Christian point of view (particularly the Catholic Church), life cannot be created artificially, only by natural reproduction (boards. Com). In their view, humans should not mess with nature, and God is the only one to choose who should be born. Others have seen this as an act of animal cruelty, because scientists are using animals for scientific research that could harm them. Because the chance of the clone being born and living healthily is slim, activist say that the animal is cruelly treated throughout its unnatural life.

The clone may be born with birth defect and illness (such as Dolly who had arthritis) or have to live through infections that they have contracted. Cloning is a short term solution to saving endangered animals, as they will breed with other animals and the genetic diversity will decrease. By inbreeding, the animals risk having offspring with sever deformities, are weak and have no chance in the wild. Although exaggerated in the movie Jurassic Park, cloning could possibly bring back pre-historic animals. These animals have no place in modern society and natural environment because they were meant to be extinct.

This old corrupt the harmonious order of nature and upset food webs, other animals’ habitats etc. If a more recent species, such as the passenger pigeon were brought back, their migration routes and locations may change because it was not passed down from generation to generation. Finding the right cells and the right technology in order to clone an animal is very costly. The money to fund such research could reach millions of dollars. Many activists protest that it is a waste of money, and the project would turn into failure anyway.

The money should be used to fund another reject that addresses a more pressing issue – such as global warming, poverty and education. Cloning extinct and endangered animals will not Just stop there. If not controlled properly by the government, scientist may possibly start to clone humans, which can cause worldwide conflict. Cloning technology is still developing, and only time will tell whether successful cloning will be able to revive species population. Will outweigh costs, moral and technical difficulties.

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