Business Ethics Manual Assignment

Business Ethics Manual Assignment Words: 2582

Student Signature: Abstract The research conducted for the sake of this topic includes several human sources databases, state and federal law databases, and the textbook for this course. The idea of this research is to show the importance of an ethics manual. There are many benefits Of an ethics manual for the protection Of everyone. These benefits include public image, prevention and reduction of criminal penalties, preventing civil lawsuits, employee retention, market leadership and setting the example.

The benefit of public image should be important to a company. An organization must demonstrate appropriate values if they wish for their image to remain positive. “Publicizing and allowing a company’s values allows stakeholders to understand what the company stands for, that it takes its conduct as an organization seriously/’ (Manual, n. D. , p. 1). Reductions in federal penalties are showing up lately in Cases, as long as companies can show they have an effective program that can detect and prevent crimes from occurring in the organization.

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In recent cases, courts have dropped cases or chosen to not prosecute companies that have this type of program in place. Preventing civil lawsuits should be at the very top of a company’s list because it cent cost large amounts of money and n some cases, bankrupt a company. If an employee feels his complaints and/ or concerns are being ignored in the company, he may go elsewhere, which could include an outside attorney. Fifth employee feels safe addressing these issues with an appropriate person assigned to handle this, he will not go elsewhere to discs_ASS it, thus opening up the possibility Of a lawsuit.

If the organization has an environment that rewards making good decisions, other employees notice this and begin to act the same way. Turnover is expensive. Manual says, “The loss of valuable experience and the development of new response is a cost companies can control” (Mullen, n. D. , p. 1 pay is not as popular a reason for leaving companies and one may be lead to believe. Employees, young and old, like the approach of a company that rewards this good decision-making. This makes individuals feel good about themselves and this productivity and positivist expands to other employees.

When values are a part Of the corporate environment, customers can see this and it goes a long way to know that the employee cared. When the company begins setting an example of a company that cares and is extremely profitable, other impasse see this and want to become more profitable. A Message from Parrish Transportation Group’s President As you are aware, the philosophy at Parrish Transportation Group (APT) is that we will always comply with all laws and regulations. We will “adhere to the highest ethical standards and act as responsible members of the communities in which we operate” (Columbus McKinney Corporation, n. . ). This Code of Professional Business Ethics Manual applies to every employee Of APT, regardless Of title, directors Of the Board, independent contractors and consultants of APT. It is to be used to assist us in abiding by these important principles. You are expected to comply with the principles that follow, abide by all laws and regulations and to recognize potential issues. More important, you are expected to seek advice when you do not know how to make an ethical decision in a difficult situation.

I am proud to be associated with you in an organization that takes such pride in its recognition for honesty, integrity and values. We must strive to maintain this way of work and life. Our ethical responsibility does not stop with just obeying the law. This annual will assist us in maintaining these high standards together. If you have any questions, please speak with a supervisor, or contact our Human Resource Manager at 336-555-1212. Sincerely, Candace R. Parrish President and Chief Executive Officer Table of Contents l. The Basics A. Service toward a Common Good B.

Community Service 6 C. Open Door Policy and Reporting of Violations II. Internal Matters A. Bribery 7 B. Insider Information C. Intellectual Property 8 D. Political Activities and Contributions, Lobbying E. Falsification Of Records 9 F. Workplace Injuries G. Alcohol and Substance Abuse H. Equal Employment Opportunity 10 l. Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment Ill. Conduct Of Parrish Transportation’s Business A. Conflicts of Interest 11 B. Environmental and Workplace Standards C. Diversity in the Workplace 12 D. Penalties for Violation Of policy 13 E. Effective Date 13 F.

Certificate of Understanding/Acknowledgement The Basics 14 Service toward a Common Good Staff et every level should work together for the well-being Of employees and our organization to provide them with an always-learning environment. Community Service Parrish Transportation Group values community service and we remain omitted to improving the communities in which we live and work. “We actively encourage and support employee participation in volunteer community activities and proudly provide opportunities for volunteer service in partnership with community groups and service organizations” (Bard, n. . , p. 3). Please take any flyers and or donation requests directly to the Human Resources department. Open Door policy and Reporting of Violations All employees are encouraged to discuss any questions, needing clarification, complaints and suggestions concerning anything in the Manual to Human Resources. If any director, employee or officer of APT becomes aware of any circumstance that involves a possible violation of any local, state or federal law shall report this information immediately. Such information can be reported in a unanimous manner.

When Human Resources receives such a report, they shall investigate the situation. After the investigation concludes, APT will take further action as appropriate. MME standards set forth in this Manual will be enforced at all levels fairly and without prejudice” (Columbus McKinney Corporation, n. D. ). Parrish Transportation Group will not tolerate NY type of retribution or retaliation against any employee who reports violations in good faith. Any attempt to gain retribution or retaliation against any employee will result in immediate termination.

Internal Matters Bribery Parrish Transportation Group “will not offer, promise, authorize or give a bribe in order to gain a competitive advantage, influence the recipient’s conduct, reward improper conduct, or cause another not to act in good faith, impartially or in accordance with a position of trust” (Bard, n. D. , p. 4). Parrish Transportation Group will not receive or accept bribes either. If anyone suspects participation of bribery, see the Human Resources department immediately. We will make every attempt for the employee to remain anonymous.

Insider Information Serious problems can arise for our organization if unauthorized disclosure of internal information about the company occurs. Personnel should not discuss any internal matters of any significance with anyone outside of the organization. This applies specifically to any inquiries from the press, analysts or others in the transportation industry. Unless you are specifically authorized by myself or either of the Vice Presidents, if you receive any inquiries of this nature, you should decline comment and refer the inquirer to Parrish Transportation Group’s Human Resource department at (336) 689-1246.

If you need clarification for your responsibilities under this umbrella, please seek guidance from the Human Resources department. Any request by a government agency or other regulatory bodies for an interview or information must be referred to your immediate supervisor, who shall inform Human Resources of any non-routine request. The Human Resources department will determine whether to involve Parrish Transportation Group’s counsel. Copyright Infringement It is strictly against Parrish Transportation Group’s policy for any employee to copy or otherwise reproduce any materials which are subject to the protection of copyright laws.

Intellectual Property Information that is confidential in nature may sometimes be recorded not only as written, but also with memoranda, film, video, audio and electronic media. “We protect our proprietary intellectual property through patents, copyrights and trademarks and by guarding our trade secrets from disclosure” (Bard, n. D. , p. 4). When Parrish Transportation Group receives confidential information that belongs to others, we protect its contents by implying with various laws and any confidentiality agreement that is provided. We do not discuss confidential information about customers with third parties or others within Parrish Transportation Group who do not need this information in connection with the conduct of Company business” (Bard, n. D. , p. 4). If you are unsure whether someone is authorized to view confidential information, please ask your immediate supervisor. If anyone, including Parrish Transportation Group employees, requests information regarding current or former employees, refer all inquiries directly to the Human Resources department.

If Parrish Transportation Group finds and proves that any confidential information about the company, its current employees or its former employees has been disclosed to an unauthorized party, the individual will be immediately terminated and prosecuted, when applicable. Political Activities and Contributions, Lobbying Parrish Transportation Group supports all employees’ rights to participate in the democratic political process and encourages employees to be active in this process; however, we also have to abide by any local, state or federal laws that govern political action by the Company. Parrish Transportation

Group will not contribute any company money, time or resources to support political candidates, unless it is legal and allowed by all government agencies. You are not allowed to represent Parrish Transportation Group at any political events you may personally attend. No lobbying activities are allowed by anyone other than an individual appointed by the President of the company, on behalf Of Parrish Transportation Group. Parrish Transportation Groups suggests and advises that any contributions by executive level management and higher should be reviewed by Pat’s Legal Department. Falsification of Records

It is against Parrish Transportation Group’s policy and some laws even, for an employee to do something which causes record inaccuracies. Records are to be kept in a fashion whereby accuracy and accountability of each transaction is maintained. No false incorrect entries shall be made in any record of Parrish Transportation Group’s accounting records. Parrish Transportation Group does not allow payment or receipt on behalf of APT without approval from a supporting supervisor. Undocumented transactions are forbidden. Workplace Injuries All work related injuries must be reported to the Safety Department.

If you are injured during the course of employment, the Company requires that you immediately notify your direct supervisor. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Parrish Transportation Group maintains a dedicated commitment to its employees to provide a safe place to work. Because of this dedication, the possession, use, purchase, sale or transfer of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, the consumption of alcohol by employees during work hours or within eight hours prior to a shift is prohibited. Employees are prohibited from reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substances.

Violations of this policy will result in termination of employment. Equal Employment Opportunity Parrish Transportation Group is an equal opportunity employer and does not disarm ante against applicants or employees on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, ethnic group, nation or race, religion, health or disability. This policy extends to the practice of hiring, transfers, promotions, compensation and benefits, layoffs and terminations. Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment Parrish Transportation Group does not condone any form Of unlawful scarification or harassment Of employees.

Parrish Transportation Group will not tolerate mental harassment, sexual harassment or any type of abuse of any of our employees. Each case shall be individually evaluated; however Parrish Transportation Group uses the following definitions: Mental harassment (emotional abuse) is a form Of abuse that is not physical that “can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased” (Counseling Center, n. D. , Para. 1).

Emotional abuse wears away at the victim’s confidence, sense of self-worth, trust in their own perceptions, and self- concept” (Counseling Center, n. D. , Para 2). It can take the form Of constant berating and belittling and sometimes intimidation. Sexual harassment may include “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature” (EEOC, n. D. , Para 1). However, it can include also offensive remarks or comments about the sex Of a person (male vs.. Female). Harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it exults in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted’ (EEOC, n. D. , Para. 3). Conduct of Parrish Transportation’s Business Conflicts of Interest Parrish Transportation Group personnel are expected to be sensitive in regards to the interests of the Company and should always use their best impartial judgment in all matters that could potentially affect Parrish Transportation Group. The following situations are regarded as conflicts of interest for personnel Of Parrish Transportation Group.

Employees who render services to any customer Of Parrish Transportation Group Ernst close such conflicts of interest in writing to the Human Resources department. Requests or acceptance of money or gifts for a Parrish Transportation Group employee from any customer of Parrish Transportation Group will be considered a bribe end will be grounds for disciplinary action that may include termination of employment. Use of the company name or the purchasing power of Parrish Transportation Group to obtain discounts or rebates is inappropriate.

Environmental and Workplace Standards It is Company policy to comply with all laws and regulations concerning the environment and safety in the workplace. Our highest priority is the safety and health Of our employees and the communities in which we do business. In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires compliance with the General Duty Clause that employers must furnish a workplace free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees. ” The requirements include employee training, written safety programs and workplace inspections.

It is management’s responsibility to ensure that all laws, regulation and rules are complied with in their applicable situations. For assistance in this matter, please contact your Safety Department. It is Of the highest importance that Parrish Transportation Croup employees abide by all laws, directives and rules in the workplace. This includes wearing and using safety gear, equipment and devices. Any violation of Parrish Transportation Group’s safety procedures or the discovery of any unsafe working condition should be immediately reported to your immediate supervisor.

Supervisors will provide additional training concerning specific departmental environmental protection and workplace safety. Diversity in the Workplace Parrish Transportation Group is proud of the atmosphere created which allows all people of different race, age, background, religion and cultures to come together for a greater diversity. It is the responsibility Of supervisors at APT to continue to educate staff on diversity needs, as they are always changing. APT upholds the federal laws of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

We are an equal opportunity employer, and we recognize the importance Of a diverse workforce for the benefit Of the company, the community and the employees. Penalty for Violation of Policy In addition to any penalties imposed by law, any employee who has violated the law or the Business Ethics Policy will receive prompt and appropriate discipline, which may include termination of employment” (Bard, n. D. , p. 13). Effective Date This policy shall be implemented immediately effective upon approval.

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Business Ethics Manual Assignment. (2018, Oct 19). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from