Business Ethics – Environmental Ethics Assignment

Business Ethics – Environmental Ethics Assignment Words: 518

The environment has become a major concern for businesses operating in contemporary society. The demands of our economy place increasing pressure on businesses to exploit energy and resources. Additionally, technological advancements and the scale of business operations are increasing the exposure Of business in the public eye, which frequently highlights negligent practices and inefficiencies relating to the environment.

Especially prevalent to the discussion of environmental damage caused by genuineness are resource based economies including Canada, where the centralization of raw materials such as lumber, oil and coal have created unique ethical dilemmas. Modern society must aim to determine which ethical boundaries to set for businesses that will not overly inflate operating costs, but will reduce the impact of business on the environment.

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Businesses have a fiduciary duty to shareholders in order to keep their business competitive, but must also realize their Obligation to maintain environmental standards for the preservation of our society and earth. This essay seeks to outline environmental concerns in three major Canadian natural resource industries including oil and gas, mining and lumber. Additionally, pertain aspects of the contemporary legal framework aimed at reducing environmental damage caused by businesses will be discussed.

Finally, possible solutions to these environmental concerns and methods of improving our legal framework will be analyzed. Ultimately, the following examination Of deficiencies in business ethics as they pertain to the environment and how we as a society can improve. Problem Scope Canadian Oil Industry: The oil industry in Canada has taken precedence in contemporary Mel regarding its impact on the environment. In Canada oil represents a April economic commodity, with the industry for mining and oil accounting FCC approximately 7% of gross domestic product (Statistics Canada, 2013).

Canada’s oil and gas industry which resides primarily in the province of Alberta is commonly referred to as the Tar Sands and has received harsh criticism domestically and internationally over their methodology of extracting oil and gas. Problems associated with the oil and gas sector in Canada include too retaining to the exploration, drilling, development, production, and decommissioning activities required to extract the raw material to be SC commercially.

Exploration activities refer to the process of locating oil a gas, which usually requires the usage of acoustic equipment. Acoustic n has been identified as a primary problem affiliated with the exploration and gas (Tribal Energy and Environmental Information). Acoustic noise r to the process Of creating large sound waves using tools such dynamite seismic sensors to interpret. The ramifications of using explosives and vices capable of creating these sound waves can be disruptive to the ecosystems surrounding oil and gas fields.

Similarly, the air quality surrounding sites where exploration activities are occurring can be jeopardized (Tribal Energy and Environmental Information). The tools u! Collect seismic including dynamite, moving equipment and exhaust front pertinent machinery can create air quality problems, further exacerbated problems discussed above (Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Decreased air quality can have a substantial impact on the wild life and ecosystems surrounding potential drill sites.

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Business Ethics - Environmental Ethics Assignment. (2018, Oct 13). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from