Business Ethics – Assignment

Business Ethics – Assignment Words: 691

Bennie Watson had an opportunity to attend a “Get to Know Us” event with New Cent Health Sciences, a company that was recruiting him for employment, during a weekend long event sponsored by the company. Prior to arriving at New Gene, Bennie researched the company, on line, to assist in his questions regarding the company. He found several sites, which could possibly question the ethics of the company, as well as the culture in which this company represented. In order for Bennie to make a decision, he will need to base his decision on many critical factors.

These factors may include: offers from other corporations, the ability to work within the business ethics Of New Gene. And the culture Of New Gene. Understanding business ethics will be useful for Bennie to evaluate New Gene. De George refers to business ethics as the “everyday moral or ethical norms to business. ” (De George, 2005, Para. 3). De George goes on with the example of ethics identifying the Ten Commandments from the bible is still in use today by many people as a guide to living life. (2005). Ethical behavior is the understanding Of what is right and wrong. Business ethics is a subset of the study of ethics and is defined as he study of what makes up good and bad business conduct” (Subtask, Brenna, & Browne, 2012, p. 204). In business, we can relate to a company based on their actions and the actions Of their employees. Consider the first encounter Bennie had with the New Gene recruiter. He was given a New Gene shirt, PAD, and a carrying case. Some might view this as a bribe instead off gift. “A gift is something of value given without the expectation of return; a bribe is the same thing given in the hope Of influence or benefit. ” (Needle & Coalman, 2006, Para. ). In this instance, one would question if the items for Bennie were given to him to provide influence on a decision to join the New Gene team. Beanie’s inquiries into the items he researched in regards to the company left many responses open to interpretation. For example, the recruiter was proud Of the “P. R. ” team, as they lead people to believe their products are from an “exotic” location, when in fact they are manufactured locally. The recruiter also talked of the company’s ethics code, and that the legal team made sure they were compliant and was structured to “attract investors”.

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These comments would suggest a lack of integrity and honesty. “TO most people, integrity means honesty. Though some don’t consciously realize it, honesty includes not only telling the truth, but also leaving the right & Merrill, 2006, p. 62). The recruiter may be telling the truth, but it would appear that the impression is negative. Another questionable ethics practice was New Gene being a large contributor to companies like Planned Parenthood and the UCLA. “The crucial factor here is not observable action, but rather the underlying motivation” (Dobson, n. D. , p. ). This might be a strategy to portray them as a great company, or it could be motivated purely by the economics. The ethical behavior of New Gene will lay a role in their corporate culture. The CEO made several comments relating to the culture of New Gene. When the CEO “harshly told the infant’s mother to please show some consideration… And take the child out of the room” this reaction demonstrated a lack Of compassion. As the company has portrayed itself as a Christian organization, it surprises me that the CEO does not follow in the footsteps of our Lord. The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow anger and rich in love” (Psalms 145:8). The CEO is a representative of the company and could have handled that situation with more dignity and compassion for the mother. Another remark from the CEO pertained to getting rich as a result of transforming the nation to the company’s image. “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money’ (Mat 6:24).

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