Business Ethics Assignment

Business Ethics  Assignment Words: 1321

The basis of the law is social relations which determine its content and character. In other words, the law is a set of rules to resolve conflicts within a society. When speaking of law is fundamental to establish who their sources, the ideas and the grounds on which one to develop and establish its basic principles are based.

In this regard, we must stress that these sources can be determined there, generally, onto three broad categories. A Legal Right is a lawfully guaranteed power a legal entity acquires from winning a court decision. Realization or defense of just and lawful claims or interests against ‘The whole world’ is the basis. Whether or not the existence such rights are publicly known, legal rights as laws impact every citizen.

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A legal right is enforced by the government (Law) and every citizen has these rights. A Moral Right is Rights that the creator of a copyrighted work has to ownership and control of the work, as recognized by civil law and some common law jurisdictions. Moral rights typically include the right to the integrity of the copyrighted work, the right to publish anonymously or under a pseudonym, and the right of attribution. Moral rights are different from the economic rights rendered by copyrighting.

A Human right is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person, The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered to be entitled, often held to include the rights to life, liberty, equality, and a fair trial, freedom from slavery and torture, and freedom of thought and expression. All these rights are related by establishing fairness to the world. These right are positive because they enforce every legal right as well as what is common sense. In conclusion all these right are related in the fact that they help establish and enforce what is the law and common sense.

The 3 features that define rights and duties for each moral right there is a corresponding moral duty. Negative rights create corresponding duties in all other moral agents. Positive rights create matching duties in precise individuals. Special rights create corresponding duties in individuals. The Right to Life does not fit cleanly into any of the above categories. It would be better to describe this as a set of related moral rights. Human Rights do not seem to be any way of establishing suitable possession criteria for human rights.

It would be irrelevant and unjust to use a biological category and other characteristics do not apply to all and only human beings. Thus, it seems that there are no genuinely human rights. Rights in Conflict are a moral issue cannot be settled by pointing out just one of the rights involved. Rights conflict with one another, and we must determine which rights override which other ones. Immunity rights often override liberty rights. Each moral right is either absolute or defensible: Absolute: Automatically overrides any other right with which it conflicts & defensible: may be overridden by other moral rights.

An action that conflicts with a moral right is not automatically morally impermissible. It could be that the right with which it conflicts is overridden in this situation by some other right. Violating a right is an inconsistency with that right and that right has not been overruled by other rights in that condition. In result, actions are morally banned. Humans have rights because of moral principles/norms that basically describe specific principles of the human behavior, this are also protected as legal rights by law.

They are often described as inalienable rights, which a person is naturally given or entitled to just because they are human. This is despite of their nationality, race, location, ethnicity or their region. Human rights are applicable anywhere these are universal at all places. Everyone should respect their selves and others on their human rights. The basis of the oral rights according to a utilitarian view is that normative ethics holding that the moral action is the one that make the most of utility. Utility is described in various ways, including pleasure, economic well-being and the lack of suffering.

Utilitarianism is like a form of consequences, which involves that the penalty of an action are of moral significance. This view can be dissimilarities or combined with seeing intentions, virtues or the fulfillment with rules as ethically importance. In the other hand classical utilitarianism’s 2 of the most influential providers are Jeremy B. And John B. John B was the one who took happiness as the measure for utility, he basically said that the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong.

Emmanuel Kant has objections regarding the utilitarianism view he believed that utilitarianism took no account for truthfulness, what this means is that the unintentional act of a individual or an action done with bad intentions if promoted in good ends it would be a good act. He also believed that utilitarian’s hold the moral agent accountable for outcomes those are neither foreseeable nor controllable. Kant also believed that morality was eased on reason alone that there is a purpose for the existence of things that is the world is ordered and has ultimate principles.

Kent thought that happiness is for the lesser creatures not gifted with rationality, because we are rational we are capable of something beyond mere happiness. Ken strongly thought that ability to be rational allowed us to discern right from wrong apart from considerations of pleasure or happiness. The idea of John Locke regarding that human beings have a “natural right” to liberty and a “natural right” to private property discussed that if there was no arms of governments, human beings would discover themselves in a state of nature.

In this state basically each man would be the political equivalent to all others and would be perfectly free of any constraints other than the law of nature, the moral’s main beliefs that God gave to humanity and that each man can discover by the use of his own God-given reason. According to Locke, the law of nature teaches us that we have a natural right to liberty. Furthermore, because the state of nature is so unsafe, says Locke, individuals put in order their selves into a political body to protect their lives and repertory.

The power of government is limited, however, extending only far enough to protect these very basic rights. Lockers views on the right to private property have had a significant influence on American institutions of property even in today’s computer society. Throughout most of its early history, the American regulation has held to the theory that people have an almost absolute right to do whatever they want with their property and that government has no right to interfere with or confiscate an individual’s private property even for the good of society.

In addition, underlying many American saws regarding property and ownership is Lockers view that when a person expends his or her labor and effort to create or improve a thing, he or she acquires property rights over that thing. The assumption that individuals have natural rights: This assumption is unproven and assumes that the rights to liberty and property should take precedence over all with other rights. If humans do not have the intervening rights to liberty and property, then the reality that free markets would conserve the rights does not mean a much.

In conclusion, Locke assumes that people are individuals first, independent of heir communities. But humans are born dependent on others, and without caring relationships, no human could survive. The degree of liberty a person has depends on what the person can do.

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