Business Ethics Across Culturesassignment Assignment

Business Ethics Across Culturesassignment Assignment Words: 972

Coffee Egypt is a country that is in Africa that is the center for many of the Salamis movements that is going on right now in the Middle East. There is a movement that is going on right now that is called the piety movement it is based on some political implications that could come about that would bring about change. This change would affect the Egyptian Muslims In their traditions and to their Islamic law. The mosque movement came about a mere 25 years ago, this was In response to the Idea bout the modern structures of secular governance.

This movement is to way to try and save the ethical way of business and living. This also goes for the teaching and studying of the Quern and the traditions that surround the country. There a lessons that are provided to some of these women that are able to make it. There is between 25 to sometimes around 500 women that will attend these meetings so they can learn more about the ethical Issues that their country Is facing as well as the many other topics that are happening. The movement in Egypt and other parts of Africa is tied to Europe and the

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Business Ethics that surround the idea of doctors and b/GYM doctors that are offering to perform female genital mutilation (FIG) on young girls and adult women. There are more reports coming In each and every day from all around those countries about the FIG. There was a doctor In Europe that was going to offer a There is nothing ethical about this kind of behavior in any country but it happens each and every day. If the business that, that doctor was working for were to have found out that he made that offer to that family he would have lost his license to practice medicine.

It is sad that we live in a world that still lets this happen to innocent young women and girls. There are currently many ethical issues that the country of Greece is facing. One of those business ethical issues is companies being able to help their employees make more ethical decisions in a more ethical fashion rather than making more unethical decisions. More companies are making major changes and several recommendations that many different marketing professionals are looking over so as to help promote a better ethical business environment for all different kinds of businesses.

Over the past decade there has been more coverage on the marketing of the Business Ethics of different companies as well as those businesses in different countries. As stated in (Kava, Stella, Tasks, Nikolas, Saran and Michael 2001) “However, the majority of marketing ethics research, following a quantitative approach, has either delineated the responsibilities of managers or explored whether certain groups perceive specific management practices to be ethical. Less well developed are descriptions of the kinds of ethical problems that managers face in the course of their everyday work.

Moreover, almost all of this research has primarily focused on US and I-J paradigms, despite the fact that cultural implications to ethical concerns have been reported by a number of authors (Armstrong and Sweeney, 1994; Schlemiels and Robertson, 1995; Iridescence and Robin, 1988). As the research base remains extremely fragmented, little guidance is provided to marketing professionals who operate outside western markets. Given that global competition and international markets is a reality for most organizations, there seems to be a definite need to study ethical problems in different cultures.

The present study attempts to redress, in part, the lack of empirical evidence by addressing the following objectives: a) Identify perceptions on the major ethical problems faced by marketing professionals operating in the Greek environment. B) Assess antecedents of perceived ethical standards in Greece. C) Discover the policy instruments used by companies in Greece to help employees make decisions in a more ethical fashion. The following parts of the paper include: a) A brief account of the business ethics literature with emphasis on marketing ethical problems and corporate policy instruments. An explanation of the methodological design followed in this study. C) The analysis and interpretation of the stud’s findings. D) Prominent conclusions and recommendations drawn from the findings. ” When it comes to the Code of Ethics in a business it has long be associated with attaining and keeping the high ethical standards that many business have or want to have. Many companies believe that the most important part of their code is when it comes to the public relations aspect of the code. There are many people that believe that a Businesses Ethics or the code may not be specific enough for their type of equines.

Business ethics does not seem to be very important in Greece do to the fact that it is widely known that many people throughout Greece will take bribes if they that “over the years, local small and medium enterprises (Seems) have dominated the scene, several of them developing an external dependency on government in their struggle for survival, usually in the form of questionable funding or favorable taxation. Furthermore, a vast and highly bureaucratic public sector has served as the cornerstone of political client??le’s, primarily between vote– seeking politicians and he Job-seeking public (see Kookaburras and Dobra, 1984).

As it is obvious from the above, morality and ethics were luxuries that could not always be afforded in the past. ” References: Terrine, L. , & Nelson, K. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th deed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Corporate ethics: An exploration of contemporary Greece: EJB; falsifiable, Stella; Tasks, Nikolas; Saran, Michael:Press the Escape key to close . Journal of Business Ethics, supply. Special Issue On International Management. 1 (Mar 2001): 87-104.

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