Human Resource Management Participation Workbook Assignment

Human Resource Management Participation Workbook Assignment Words: 1243

You must complete the activity in the Virtual’ workbook that will be emailed to you at the beginning of the module. 3. You should choose one of the questions or activities and complete it in your own time, preferably before the next week’s session. 4. Insert the question or activity in the space at the top of the appropriate page. 5. Complete the activity or exercise in the space provided. You should aim to write about 500 -?? 700 words for each exercise but you should not exceed 1000 words in any case. 6. All activities and answers must be your own work and not copied from anyone else 7.

You must submission workbook as instructed twice. It must be submitted via Turning which is accessed through nubbin. The first submission ml_1st be in January by 14th at the latest when you will be expected to have completed all the activities and exercises on the lectures in weeks 1 till 10. The second submission is by 17th April when you be expected to have completed all the activities and exercises based on the lectures in weeks 12 to 21 . You will have an opportunity to get feedback from fellow students and staff at two points in he module in January and May.. . Only the completed activities and exercises that are submitted at the correct time will be marked – you will not have an opportunity to fill in the gaps later on. 9. When the workbook is marked you will receive one mark per completed task if you also attended the relevant lecture from beginning to end. You will receive only half a mark if there is not attended the whole lecture or if you attended but the activity or answer is not satisfactory. 10. You can accumulate up to 20 marks this way which will make a big difference to your final grade.

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I Psychometric testing is a method that we could use as part of the recruitment r selection process. The aim of this method is to offer employers like you a reliable technique of selecting the most appropriate job candidates for the job on offer. The purpose of psychometric tests is to assess qualities like intelligence, aptitude and personality. The tests offer an employer awareness of the ability of a job applicant to work with other people, how well they can work under stress and handle it, and whether they will be able to deal with the intellectual demands of the job.

Like any method ‘Psychometric testing’ has its advantages and disadvantages. Since the tests allow potential employers to gain a better understanding of an individual’s personality, preferences and abilities its gives them the opportunity to find the best individual for the job. The method can be used in the recruitment and selection process, the best time would be in the early- stages of selection so that the tests can determine the best individuals for the job and screen-out the unsuitable job applicants.

Additionally, they can offer senior management the assistance on development of existing employees. One of the biggest disadvantages of psychometric testing is the fact that job applicants can give false answers, individuals can possibly answer questions in the way that they think that employers want to hear but which is not true in reality. Additionally, individuals will try to diminish there negative qualities and more likely portray themselves in a positive manner. Overall, job applicants try to sell themselves and aren’t entirely honest when it comes to answering questions about themselves.

Another disadvantage could be the fact that psychometric testing may return with inaccurate results, it may portray an individual as something they are not, Which could lead to employers hiring the wrong person and losing an suitable job applicant. Whilst, psychometric testing is an effective recruitment and selection tool it also has its weaknesses, it is possible that you could test the method to see the outcome and from that you could decide if it is beneficial to use in Our recruitment and selection process or if you should focus on different methods.

Weeks/10 1 EMPLOYEE RESOUNDING:INDUCTION AND DISMISSAL I Susie Leigh I YOUR CHOSEN QUESTION/ACTIVITY( INSERT IN THE BOX BELOW) Look on the internet to find out about the ACS Code for conducting disciplinary/grievance procedures and summaries it. I ACS CODE for conducting disciplinary and grievance procedures ‘ACS run practical Training and Business Solutions to equip managers, supers;Coors and HER professionals with the necessary skills to deal with employment relations issues and to create more productive workplace environments. The guide that is offered to senior management displays the theory of disciplinary and grievance procedures. It offers case study type examples, to make individuals aware of the action that can be taken in case they face the same problem. The Aces Code of Practice is lawfully necessary to be taken onto account at legal employment cases In view of relevant cases. The guide sets out how to resolve disciplinary issues both formally and informally it goes into depth on the procedures that need to be followed to resolve an issue in the workplace.

In addition, it states how to resolve grievances both formally and informally. Weak Susie Leigh I Conduct a SOOT analysis on yourself to look at your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Where do you want to get to in the future? I Strengths ; Driven ; Articulate ; Ambitious ; I communicate well with fellow employees and other individuals ; Committed to what I set out to do ; Creative, impress my employer with new perspectives related to the company Weaknesses ; I get nervous when presenting ideas to others, and this fear of public speaking often takes the passion out Of my presentations. get stressed when too much is asked from me to do. Opportunities ; Have the opportunity to progress in my pharmacy job, by taking a short course. ; The opportunity to progress educationally by completing and passing my second year The reads ; Health-wise I’m not doing well, so I’m scared this may affect my progression Personal problems sometimes interact with profession can cause difficulties. At the moment I’m studying in my second year of BAA Business Management and I hope to complete this successfully and be the first person in my household to graduate.

After, studying the module Human Resources in Business, I have shown interest in wanting to have a career in Human Resources after I’ve completed my degree. Additionally, have been working in a pharmacy for the past three years and have qualifications in that profession as well, and hope to progress with that as a side career choice. Wok 57. 1 | EMPLOYEE RESOURCEFULNESS ASPECTS Trash Leman I Find 20 people who currently have jobs and who have been absent from work any time in the last year. Ask them why they were absent and record the reasons. Was there anything their managers could have done to prevent them being absent?

I 1) Hint: Eve been unwell for over a year now, and have a serious health problem that requires me to have operations and appointments with specialists regularly. The manager was aware of her illness and she provided him with sick notes, so he didn’t have any reasons to complain as he was kept fully aware during this time. ) Jamming: I suffered an injury whilst at work, which forced me to take time off work because I couldn’t walk properly.

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Human Resource Management Participation Workbook Assignment. (2021, Oct 01). Retrieved February 21, 2025, from