Human Resource Management In Business Assignment

Human Resource Management In Business  Assignment Words: 1173

This questionnaire attempts to collect information from HER professionals who work in a business unit of an organization and who have the knowledge of their organ action, and HER departments. If you have the information, I request you to fill the questionnaire. We assure you that the information given by you will be kept strictly confidential and used for academic purpose. The organization and Its Field of Activity: 1 .

Name of the organization you represent (optional): 2. Nature Of business(tick the appropriate): Automobiles/Banking/Cement/Chemicals&Fertilizers/ Electronics&TeIecommunications/ Engineering/FMC/ Hospitality/limitation Technology/Petrochemicals/Power/ Processing/ Textiles/Others (please specify 3. Position of your business unit of your organization (please circle the appropriate): a. This is one of the business units in a group of organizations b. This is the only the business of my organization with headquarters in India 4. Type of your organization (please circle the appropriate): a.

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Indian NC b. Foreign NC c. Indian Private sector d. Indian Public sector 5. If the answer is ‘b. Foreign NC’ to the above question, please give the details of role of HER in country-specific headquarters? 6. The Chief HER officer is a member of Board of Directors: YES/NO Please answer the below questions taking into account of your business unit where you work 7. Year of starting business unit: 8. Financial turnover of the unit in the last year: 9. Overall headcount (approximate) of your business unit: 10. Please indicate percentage (approximate) of different types of employees n overall headcount.

SSL. No 2 3 Items Managers Supervisors/front line executives Workers/associates Percentage 1 1 . Average age (approximate) of overall number of employees: HER Structure: Business Unit Level 1 . Please give the number of employees of HER department in your business unit Category Number of employees Managerial/executive Supervisory Clerical Others 2. Percentage of professionally qualified HER managers/executives in your business unit: a. 75% and above b. 75% to c. Less than 50% 3. The role of HER department is (please circle the appropriate): a. Primarily ramifications b.

Less transactional, more strategic, and developmental role c. Equally transactional and strategic 4. 5. 6. Please rate the extent of outsourcing HER activities in your unit a. To a great extent b. To some extent c. Very little d. Not at all Please rate the extent of assigning HER activities to line managers in your unit a. To a great extent b. TO some extent Please rate the extent of using web-based technologies for routine HER administrative activities a. To a great extent HER Structure: Corporate HER 1 . Does your organization have corporate HER? YES/NO 2.

If ‘Yes’ please respond to the following items related to corporate HER. 3. Mention the number of (approximate) HER staff including managerial and associate cadres: 4. Mention the areas in which corporate HER takes primary responsibility of HER concerning to your business unit: 5. Mention the areas in which corporate HER shares responsibilities of your business unit: HER Strategy and Policies 1. Does the organization have a written HER strategy Yes/ No 2. If ‘yes’ please explain the process of creating the HER strategy and the role HER department in the process Human Resource Planning .

Does the organization undertake human resource planning? 2. If yes: Short term/long term/ both 3. What are the reasons for manpower demand? A. Long-term strategic plans b. Immediate business goals c. Employee quits d. Sales forecasts e. Expansion of production f. Technological changes g. Others (specify) 4. Presently your organization is: over/under/optimally staffed? 5. Please state reasons in either case. 6. What are the problems the organization faces with respect to human resource planning? 7. Mention the measures taken to address the problems Recruitment & Selection 1 .

Please state the overall recruitment and selection policy of the organization? 2. Please state the most predominant sources of candidates at managerial, supervisory and associate level Category Managerial The most predominant sources used Associates and staff Others ( Pl. Specify) 3. Please mention the steps in the process of selection of employees at different levels. What attributes specific to your organization do you look for while selecting individuals? 4. What is the final criterion for selection? Choose all the criteria and indicate the order of importance for each – 1 is most important; 10 is least important.

Ranking AS o Selection Criterion Lowest price (salary demanded) Knowledge about the local culture and environment Functional competence Previous experience with a similar organization Best fit between the person and the job Best fit between the person and the organization culture Ability to learn Potential of the person to take up responsible position in future Attitude of the persons Others (please specify) M = Managerial, S = Supervisory, AZ Associates and staff, O = Others 5. What are the major challenges faced by the organization with respect to recruitment and selection 6.

Mention the measures taken by the organization to address these challenges 4 Training and Development 1 . Please state learning and development policy of your organization 2. Training days for different carders of employees as per the policy of the company 3. Average Training days of employees during last year 4. What are the major challenges faced by the organization with respect to training and development? Mention the measures taken by the organization to address these challenges Career Development and Performance Appraisal 1 . Does the organization have a career planning policy for your employees?

YES ‘NO 2. If yes, please explain it briefly. 3. What are the career aspirations and expectations of your employees? How do you match their expectations with regard to their career development pathways and integrate them with organizational priorities. 5 career development? 5. Mention the measures taken by the organization to address these 6. Periodicity of performance appraisal: Once in a year/ twice a year/ others (please specify) 7. Who does the appraisal: specify) 8. Immediate boss & head of the department/ any other ( please Briefly describe the policy and method of performance appraisal .

Applications of performance appraisal: a) promotions b) transfers c) training needs d) pay increase e)discipline f) others ( Pl specify) 1 1 . What are the major challenges faced by the organization with respect to performance appraisal? 12. Mention the measures taken by the organization to address these 13. Does the organization have mentoring and coaching programs for employees? 14. If yes. Please explain the process Employee Compensation 1 . Briefly explain your company’s employee compensation and benefits policy 2. Methods of salary determination 6 Method 2.

Does the organization have the schemes of pay for performance? YES ION 3. If yes, please give the details 4. Please give the list of employee benefits 5. What are the major challenges faced by the Organization with respect to employee compensation? Absenteeism and Turnover 1 . What is the present rate of absenteeism among your employee? 2. What are the major reasons for employee absenteeism? 3. Please indicate the measures adopted to reduce the rate of absenteeism 7 4. What is the present rate of employee turnover? 5. What are the precipitating factors in retaining employees?

Please indicate the measures adopted by the organization for employee retention 7. Does the organization have a practice of conducting exit interviews? YES/NO 8. If yes’ when the interview is conducted?

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Human Resource Management In Business Assignment. (2021, Oct 17). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from