Human Resource Management Assignment

Human Resource Management Assignment Words: 1900

HARM is the package of strategies, agendas and plans which the firms implement with he aim of making optimum use of the individuals they employ. This means, everything starting from recruitment and selection methods to how to handle or treat them. (Walker, 201 3) Introduction: What is Human Resource Management? Human resource management (HARM) is the authority of an organization’s or a firm’s employees. Human Resource Management is often stated as human resources (HER).

The human resource department is solely accountable for producing, executing or overseeing the policies regarding the employees’ behavior in the working environment and the behavior of the organization toward the employees. People who work for the firm are the human resources of that organization. Management of these human resources is really the employee management with a vision or highlighting those workers as assets of the organization. Workers are often referred to as human capital in this perspective.

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Considering the other business assets; the main aim is to make optimum utilization of the employees, reducing risk associated with it and get the most of the return on investment (ROI). (Margaret Rouse, 2011) Fig: Human Resource Management HARM vs.. Personnel Management: 1) Personal management is an old traditional method of supervising people in he firm. On the contrary, human resource management is a new modern approach of managing employees and dealing with their weakness by providing appropriate training and development within the organization. ) Personal administration, welfare of the employee and labor welfare are the areas that is focused by personal management. Whereas human resource management deals with achievement, development, maintenance and motivation of employees in the firm. 3) Personnel management undertakes the employee of the organization for attaining the targeted output. In this aspect, human resource management assumes the employee as a vital and liable resource for attaining the desired output. N Nab, 2013) Human Resource Management Models/ Theories: McGregor Theory X and Y: Theory X and Theory Y are the two theories which talks about human motivation that has been created and developed by Douglas McGregor at the MIT Sloan school of management in the asses and since then this theory is being used in human resource management. It talks about two opposing models Of motivation regarding the workforce. (Tim Bindle, 2008) Theory X: As per this theory, a Type X person is considered to be intrinsically lazy and do not like their job much.

Hence, the administrative style needed to ensure that the employees complete their task is authoritative. Comprehensive system of control need to be introduced and the employees are always needed to be managed and supervised very closely at all times. A categorized structure of hierarchy is needed to be developed with narrow span of control at each and every stages of hierarchy. This theory suggests that the workers will show little interest towards their work without a tempting incentive package/program and will try to avoid duty or responsibility whenever possible.

Managers of theory X have a tendency to believe that all the work one can be traced back and the employee involved in that particular task needs to be directly rewarded or punished depending on the outcome of the task. (McGregor, 1960) Theory Y: In this type of leadership, authority assumes the workers as ambitious, exercise self-control and self-motivated. It is assumed that workers highly enjoy their mental and physical job duties. Work is as easy and natural as play according to this workers.

In this type of management, the leader believes that the workers will learn to strive out and accept all types Of responsibilities, exercise self-control and self-direction in achieving the objectives given they et the proper conditions or opportunities. Given the perfect conditions, a theory Y manager believes that most employees want to do well at their workstation. They strongly believe that the pleasure of doing a good job is a solid motivation. Most people deduce this theory as a constructive set of philosophies about the employees.

Theory y managers are more probable to produce the field of trust with the workers which is required for the employee development. The managers in the workstation converse openly with the assistants, reduce the difference that exists between the superior and the broadness, develop an easy and comfortable environment where the assistants will be able to develop and use their abilities without any fear. The overall atmosphere in the workstation include allotment of decision making so that the assistants have a say while any changes taking place. McGregor, 1960) Fig: McGregor Theory X and Y Analysis: McGregor work on Theory X and Theory Y has had a critical effect on administration thought and practice in the years since he initially explained the ideas. As far as the investigation of administration, McGregor ideas are incorporated in the dominant part of fundamental administration reading trial, and they are still routinely exhibited to understudies of administration. Most course books talk about Theory X and Theory Y inside the setting of inspiration hypothesis; others put Theory’ X and Theory Y inside the historical backdrop Of the authoritative humanism development.

Hypothesis X and Theory Y are regularly mulled over as an issue to creating more prominent understanding of later administration ideas, for example, work enhancement, the employment attributes model, and supervised toward oneself work groups. (Tim Barnett) Abraham Mason’s Hierarchy of Needs: One of the individual to explain the prominence of the human resources approach was Abraham Moscow. He is best known for his Mason’s Hierarchy of Needs. To get the workers into their work, he at first tried to understand what actually motivates them.

He ultimately came up with five needs that needs to be full filled at one stage before going on to another stage. (DRY. C. George Before, 2006) a) Physiological Needs: The main phase of Mason’s Hierarchy of Needs is mental, before going towards the following level, physical needs of a human life, for example, nourishment and water need to be full filled. It will be extremely troublesome for the specialists to proceed with their work in the event that they can’t profit to purchase sustenance and water. ) Safety Needs: In the hierarchy of needs, the second level is Safety. Employees need to be in a safe and sound environment and know that their possessions and bodies Will be well guarded/protected. Employees will find it difficult to work efficiently if they feel they are not secured properly. Example-Len the event that you were once homeless yet get acknowledged to a therapeutic system at the neighborhood mission and no more need to stress veer nourishment or sanctuary, your security needs get to be more important.

Maybe now that your physiological needs are reached, you would attempt to acquire a position to make financial safety. (Shame Thomas, 2003) c) Affection, Love, and Belongingness Needs: Moscow strongly believed that if an employee’s simple physiological and safety needs are full filled, afterwards the individual would start to make an attempt to achieve affection, love and belongingness needs. Moscow also believed that company should develop a cohesive office atmosphere then there would be a better employee retention and contentment.

Moreover, if an employee feels secluded in his workstation, then he would feel less interested to complete his assigned task which will eventually reduce the overall productivity. D) Esteem: All people have a need to feel regarded; this incorporates the need to have respect toward oneself and self-esteem. Regard exhibits the regular human craving to be acknowledged and esteemed by others. Individuals regularly participate in a hobby or leisure activity to gain recognition. These exercises give the individual a feeling of commitment or quality.

Low respect toward oneself or a feeling of inadequacy may come about because of regular characteristics amid this level in the progressive system. Individuals with low respect toward oneself regularly need admiration from others; they may feel the need to look for acclaim or eminence e) Self-Actualization: These are needs that don’t include offset or homeostasis. Once captivated, they keep on being felt. Actually, they are liable to wind up stronger as we “sustain” them! They include the constant yearning to satisfy possibilities, to “be all that you can be. They are a matter of turning into the most finish, the fullest, “you” – subsequently the term, self- actualization. Recently, in keeping with his hypothesis so far, in the event that you need to be really acknowledging toward oneself, you have to have your lower needs dealt with, at any rate to an extensive degree. This bodes well: If you are ravenous, you are scrambling to get nourishment; if you are hazardous, you must be persistently on guard; if you are confined and disliked, you need to fulfill that need; If you have a low feeling of respect toward oneself, you must be preventive or adjust.

At the point when lower needs are unmet, you can’t completely give yourself to satisfying your possibilities. (George Before, 2006) Fig: Mascots Hierarchy of Needs Analysis Mason’s Theory in an Organization: Mason’s Hierarchy of Needs identifies with hierarchical hypothesis and conduct in light of the fact that it investigates a laborer’s inspiration. For instance, some individuals are readied to work only for cash, however others like going to work in view of the companions they have made there or the way that they are regarded by others and perceived for their great work.

One conclusion that can be produced using Mason’s Hierarchy of Needs in the workforce is, “If a lower need is not met, then the higher ones are overlooked. For instance, if workers are concerned that they will be terminated, and have no employer stability, they will be significantly more worried about capital amassing and guaranteeing their lower rungs can keep on being met (paying rent, paying bills, and so forth. ) than about companionship and appreciation at work On the Off chance that a need is not met, staff may get to be extremely disappointed.

For instance, on the off chance that somebody buckles down for an advancement and does not accomplish the recognition they need, they may get to be denominated and invest less exertion. At the point when a need is reached it will no more rouse he individual, yet the following need in the progressive system will get to be essential to that individual. (Boundless Book, 2014) Conclusion: So as to comprehend HER strategy legitimately, the HER manager have to obtain numerous aptitudes. He has to know how and why associations settle On the decisions they do and carry on the way they do; this implies you require a hypothesis of the firm.

Additionally needs to know why laborers act and respond in the ways they do, whether as people or in gatherings; and also have to have the capacity to judge how they may act and respond if circumstances (e. G. He HER arrangements) were to adjust. The manager likewise need to know more than simply the theory; you have to know the exact work as well. This obliges a grip of exploration plan, a store of complex data, and the capacity to control and decipher that data, which is the reason measurable aptitude is getting to be a piece of the HER proficient set of responsibilities.

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