Thinking style Assignment

Thinking style Assignment Words: 277

What do my results tell me about my individual thinking style or my thought process range? My results were that I was focused. It tells me that I understand what I need to do and the steps that need to be taken to get there. It shows my determination and ability to grasp information. It displayed that I would be more successful at practical Jobs that involves problem solving. My results also states that I’m good with research which means I rapidly learn new tasks and commit to different resistances easily.

Also I’m innovative which is thinking out side of the box. Exploring ideas and utilizing them for my benefit. I adapt to change which show that I’m a versatile individual. It also states that I strategies and I’m an entrepreneur thinker. I have also notice that all of my results are consistence Will I think been able to solve complex arguments can help me analyze what I’m going to present.. My style can influence my approach to argument because it’s who I am.

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For there are the hints that are of me and is characteristic of which I am then this will display in my work. Let’s say for instance that I was a lazy individual then my work will most defiantly reflect that. My work would reflect the work of someone who does there research and also have the ability to think outside the box. Persuasive communication can help me in my career by helping me strengthen my communication skills. Persuasive communication Can also help me gain confidence in the products or presentation I may present!

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Thinking style Assignment. (2018, Oct 04). Retrieved March 30, 2025, from