Leadership Style and Its Impact on Employees Assignment

Leadership Style and Its Impact on Employees Assignment Words: 232

This study recognizes the types of the existing Bank angers’ leadership style in southern part of West Bank and its impact on employees’ job satisfaction from the view point of its employees. The employees (20) Bank branches in southern part of West Bank which are (390) employees, were the target population of the research. The researcher developed one questionnaire used as a primary source consists three collecting main data, parts: first questionnaire part contained questions about the employees demographic variables, the second about indicators current leadership styles of the Bank managers in the southern part

West third bout satisfaction of the Bank employees. One hundred distributed twenty stratified Banks questionnaires systematic southern 6 have sample Bank. Eighty nine were returned which make respondents rate (72. 4%). The results research highlighted strong positive relationship between democratic leadership style and employees’ job satisfaction, a slightly weak positive relationship employees’ between autocratic satisfaction leadership style negative relationship between the laissez fair leadership style and employees’ job satisfaction.

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Introduction Job human is resource-related often-studied topic one outcomes, most important perhaps management industrial psychology. Further, organizations that have more satisfied employees are likely to be more productive and profitable. Characteristics likely such result customer low together with environmental turnover characteristics, organizationally red u cede positive valued absenteeism organizational will outcomes productivity, effectiveness. (Kim 2004) viewed as an important predictor and plays a central role.

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Leadership Style and Its Impact on Employees Assignment. (2018, Sep 15). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/literature/leadership-style-and-its-impact-on-employees-assignment-46530/