Xbox One Marketing Plan Assignment

Xbox One Marketing Plan  Assignment Words: 3077

Five-Year Marketing Plan Microsoft’s Oxbow One. Beatrice De Vega, Small Bass, Gonzalez Garcia, Robert Wolf Executive Summary This five year marketing plan for Oxbow one has been established to create a stabilized product in a competitive market. Oxbow has been around for over 10 years and has been nothing but success for Microsoft. Innovations and expectation of the Oxbow have increased drastically in the recent years. In addition, Oxbow offers more than just a great gaming experience; it brings people together in a world full of social media and electronics.

Oxbow provides gaming experience for not only professional gamers but for casual gamers too. Recently Oxbow has become a prestigious gaming console and will be forever be known to the world of gamers. This marketing plan provides the necessity’s to keep Oxbow running successful for the next 5 years or more. Over the next 5 years, Oxbow can increase its advertisement, offer new products to the public, and provide innovation to new technologies that will revolutionize the gaming industry for the best. Company description The Oxbow One console system was built by gamers, for gamers.

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The perfect lance of power and performance, Oxbow One takes gaming to a whole new level. The product has a stunning level legalistic graphics, and advanced AAA (what is it) that adapts to the way you play, as well as a new generation of multilayer that is both smarter and faster. Oxbow One is the only place to play the best exclusives and all the biggest blockbusters of the year. Oxbow One brings together the best exclusive games like Halo and Sunset Overdrive, the most advanced multilayer, live TV, and your favorite entertainment APS.

Mission statement Microsoft’s mission statement for the Oxbow One is “to provide fun online naming and interactive game play for any age group” . 1 Financial & non-financial goals Non-financial: 1. Company’s public image. 2. Customer service and quality of product. 3. Fun gaming experience Financial goals: 1. Double sales for competition. 2. Make it more affordable but still have hefty profit. 3. Increase market share by 17%. Competitive advantages Creating a sense of community with consumers who purchase the product due to a large online gaming world and Offering a high quality branded product who’s image is recognizable among consumers.

SOOT Analysis Favorable unfavorable Strengths: Well -known brand name among all gamers. Recognized for its quality and mission. Brand loyalty. Partnership with the NFG System made by gamers for gamers. Oxbow live. Weaknesses: High price -??not affordable for everyone. You have to pay more for online gaming. Console can arguably be too big in today’s technological era. Offered in only 26 countries. Opportunities: Chinese market was just opened to gaming consoles. Increase product awareness. Revolutionize entertainment. Industry. New generation of gamers. The rats: Has big competition.

Difference in currency. Generation of gamers retiring. Market share to compete against. Environmental Forces Trends Identified By An Environmental Scan Technological Microsoft has to keep up with technological advancements in order to have latest product up to date to compete in the videotape market. As being a console of the 8th generation, the Oxbow One needs to include movement commands, to increase the gaming experience and pleasure for gamers. The constant development of technology, increasing the resolution and adding movement to the games are two of the higher cost of the console.

Competitive The world of video game consoles is in constant innovation, we can highlight here major companies in this industry: Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. Studies reveal that people choose consoles depending on the games that it has to offer. Most of the world population select Soccer and Racing games, people also Wants to play games that involve movement, giving the opportunity to play in a kind of virtual reality. Not to be left out of the market, Oxbow One developed admirable quality graphics giving customers the opportunity to play all kinds of games; including Football, racing, shooting, and fighting games.

In the same way, the Oxbow One has the Kinetic to provide a wide choice of entertainment to their customers. Another important fact to keep in mind are the tablets and smartness oratory they provide strong competition to gaming consoles, all of them with larger screens and resolution graphics that support high-quality games. Economic Talking about this we can say that Microsoft made their consoles at low cost in a developing country like China. This force has a considerable impact on the company’s economy, since it needs to include high quality and expensive materials to manufacture the console and its accessories.

A marketing research was made to help choose which market to invest in the most, such s Latin America, who are suffering severe economic crises. These are places where Microsoft does not make strong marketing campaigns as generated revenues would not be proportional to the costs of marketing campaign. Regulatory There are some games that are not recommended for some ages, therefore, regulations are required depending on the game. The Chinese had, for many years, banned the gaming industry to protect its society, especially children.

Since 2014, Microsoft recently overcame the barriers imposed by the Chinese government and can now sell their consoles. Social Long ago the videotape consoles were seen as games for just children. Nevertheless, nowadays this is not a reality because the population playing with gaming consoles has grown exponentially; there are all kinds of games for all ages and gender. Innovations on the console made that several people can play at the same time. An important social fact is that now people can play online, in this way connecting people all around the world.

Corporate Responsibility: Ethics And Morals. There are some factors that create moral and ethical responsibilities for companies, in this case Microsoft. Employees. Microsoft is one of the leading companies in quality work and environmental friendly for years undertaking various types of education, training and language to their employees at no cost. Microsoft has important agreements with government health agencies around the world, becoming one of the best companies for best workplace, 3 years running according to The Best Workplace. Customers.

With regard to social and corporate responsibility to customers, Microsoft has a channel aimed specifically at employees working closely with customers. To satisfy doubts, to respond to requests, and in the case of large potential customers, is to develop a new software capsize to suit the needs of those requests. With regards to the care and conservation of the Environment, Microsoft is responsible for collecting and distributing electronic goods, many of which are destined for recycling to manufacture other products when others are repaired and donated to sections of disadvantaged population .

An important fact is that Microsoft a few years ago I won an award for Microsoft Research research is helping scientists in Australia to monitor the health of the coral reef using “smart” sensors in combination with Microsoft Sensor Map platform. Understanding Consumer Behavior Target Market The target market for the Oxbow One consoles is active consumers between the ages of 7 and 35 -people who like to play video games, who like to relax and take time off, and people who might be unsocial. In short, they like to play video games.

They might not be experts at the videotapes they engage in, but they enjoy playing, either with friends or by themselves. There are also many games which involve high levels of comprehension and gaming experience for those customers that are considered to be “expert” gamers. Our product is especially for people who are searching for a real gaming experience, contrary to the Oxbow’s competition, such as the WI, which is more for casual gamers. These target market are mostly young men or women who are single. It also targets married couples with children, as well as young divorced people with or without children.

The household income has to be fairly high to be able to afford the product since it is rather expensive. However, there are variations of prices for the games that make it affordable for everybody; in many cases, downloading a games is less expensive than buying physically buying it. Points Of Difference The following discussion outline and explain some of the product differentiation of the Oxbow One that other competitors may not have. Voice and Gesture Commands. With the Kinetic, which is a external camera connected to the system, allows gamers to browse by using their voice or make movements to make commands to the console.

It is useful and easy to use, and it allows the gamer to select and navigate quicker. The camera is very useful as it allows applications such as Keep to be used. Multitasking. The Oxbow One has the new feature to multicast. Gamers are now able to play games and watch TV; or play games while they have investigations on Keep at the same time. Situational Influences Marketing Mix Influences The following points outline and explain some of the marketing mix factors that influence the selling of Oxbow One. Promotion. The Oxbow One has a really good advertising campaign, which includes relationships with big sport events.

In TV shows the Oxbow is shown as a good source of entertainment, such as “The Big Bang Theory’ show. There are currently promotion for the Oxbow Live, online gaming, which is just $20 per year in order to have it. Place. This product is really easy to have an access to since you can find it in very videotape stores, and most supermarkets. It is also available online for the commodity of our costumers, which also helps the company build consumer value. In most videotape stores, and supermarket there is a section where the Oxbow One can be found displayed for our customers to be able to test the product.

Socio Cultural Influences. Family Influences. Traditional families, married couples with children younger than 1 8 years old, tend to be persuaded by their children to buy them things. Therefore, since the Oxbow is child friendly, the children who insist to their arenas to buy the Oxbow One will tend to accept more easily than if the desire to have an Oxbow One came from an adult himself. Cultural & Subcultures Influences. Since the values, ideas, and attitudes are not the same in every country, companies have to make efforts to adapt their product to different types of costumers.

In America, Microsoft is part of the culture since many children have grown up with a Microsoft product around them, such as computers and console systems. This builds the brand loyalty in children, which starts to develop at the age of two. Situational Influences Social Surroundings. When consumers find themselves in the situation where many of their friends have the Oxbow One and play together with the online server, they will have to buy the Oxbow One as well in order for them to join in the fun.

This drives consumers to buy the product and, in a way, build a community where everybody can play together to increase the quality of the gaming experience. Also, if there are children shopping with their parents, they are a good source of conviction. Therefore, if a children insists to their parents to buy the product, they will be more likely t buy it than if the children were not around. Antecedent States. If there is a customer who is in the mood of buying himself a console, he will provably look for the one that matches his or her personality and is best adapted for him or her.

If a customer receives an income increase, he or she will be more tempted to buy more, and it could be buying himself something to put his mind off and relax, like an Oxbow One. Psychological Influences Lifestyle. Customers who buy the Oxbow One can have various motivations for buying the product. The Oxbow one is a product that relates to sports, such as the NFG. The product is in many sports commercials, and this might drive customers, who are sports fans to prefer the Oxbow One over the competition’s console systems. Learning. Since the Oxbow is has a big market share in the U. S. Statistics), this teaches consumers that the Oxbow will be the most reliable one. The Americans who had an Oxbow or Microsoft computer when they were younger and are expecting to rebury a gaming or computing system, they will most likely go for the Oxbow once again since it is what they feel most comfortable with. Having the Oxbow when they were young children creates brand loyalty and it is easier for them to stick to the same product, the Oxbow, and will antique to buy products from the same brand. Oxbow One’s Market Potential The Oxbow One is a product that can be identified in the gaming industry, which comprises 1 billion potential consumers.

This industry potential is going to increase a 30% in the following five years. The product can be considered to be very important in this industry as it has a market share of 27%, in 2013. There are still many strategies to put in place in order to increase this industry potential, as said before in the financial goals. The total unit sales was 5 million in January 2014, however, this is almost half less than for the ASS. This means that the Microsoft has actually lost 400 million for the Oxbow One, as it did not sale as much as it was expected. Microsoft had invested 2. Million dollars, at it has just gained 1. 7 million dollars. The expected market potential is of 10 million units per year, in order to achieve a profit of S 1. 3 million. Understanding And Reaching Global Consumers Important Features Zoning. The Oxbow One is the first Microsoft’s console that has removed zoning. Without zoning customers are able to use the product annoy/here in the world, as well as buy games anywhere in the world knowing that they will ark in the Oxbow One. Overall, no matter where you buy the product and its accessories, consumers will be able to use it everywhere.

This is a very important feature since traveling and technology are big things nowadays, hence, to allow consumers to take their technology with them when they travel is very convenient. Price. The Oxbow One has the highest price out of all its competitors’ gaming systems; therefore it might be less appealing to consumers. However, the price is justifies by the Kinetic, which is a useful accessory that peculiarly improves the gaming experience. There are also the exchange rates of each entry, which is the currency of a country expressed in another currency.

This makes the console more or less expensive in some countries. Backward Compatibility. This feature would allow gamers to use older games Of the Oxbow 360 on the Oxbow One. This feature is not included in the Oxbow One since the consoles system has been upgraded and cannot read older games. This can be an advantage for Microsoft, since game sales can increase, as the customers will find themselves obliged to rebury the games. However, it can also discourage customers from buying the Oxbow One at all and choosing another console that has this feature. Exclusivity.

One of the Oxbow’s most famous and high demand games is the “Halo”. The Oxbow is the only console that allows to play this game, and since it is really well rated, it encourages consumers to buy the product. Upcoming Advances. “Microsoft is also detailing an upcoming system update for the Oxbow One today. The company is currently testing the future update with Oxbow One preview members, and the most significant change is the return of notifications for when Oxbow Live friends come online. Microsoft is also planning to add a game save progress bar, Kinetic voice and motion improvements, and improved Gamer video quality.

The update will also include tweaks to control TV’s, set-top boxes, and audio receivers, including a change to tune how much the volume is lowered when Kinetic is used”. 2 Global Consumers The Oxbow One has been released in more than 26 countries. Some example countries are Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey.

The Chinese enacted a console ban in 2000, locking the sale of console systems over concerns about potential harm to the physical and mental development of children. However, since the Chinese lifted this ban, the Oxbow One can increase its market, and thus, its sales and globally reach more consumers. Oxbow One’s menu similar to Windows 8 http://’. N. ёu. Polygon. Com/a/oxbow-one-review#control II re Since the Oxbow One’s menu is similar to that of the Windows 8, it will be easier for consumers with PC’s to use the Oxbow One, and hence, feel more comfortable than with the competition’s consoles. Rechargeable Controller http://www. Logon. Com/inbox-one-review#controller The controller can last a week and a half of constant play. Increase market share http://www. Juvenile. Com The decrease in the price per unit of the product, from $500 to $400 in the U. S. And other country in respects to their currency, there will be an increase in the market share of approximately 17% in the coming years in order to reach Sony. New Colors http://www. oxbow. Com There will be a white color Oxbow One coming out in the future, approximately in 2015. The Oxbow One is best sold in more developed countries, such as the IIS and most countries in Europe.

The reason for this is that to best use the product, shoulder need Internet connections. This is a problem for some countries, for example in Africa, because customers do not have powerful Internet connections or do not have a connection at all. In addition to unavailable Internet connections, there are the exchange rates in every country. The current price of an Oxbow One is $400 in the U. S. , however, in Europe the product costs 400??. While the exchange rates from Euros to Dollars 1?? equals 1. 26$, this makes the Oxbow One approximately $106 more expensive than in the U. S.

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