To Examine the Effectiveness of Internal Organizational Communication Can Reduce Workplace Conflicts at Bmw Private Limited. Assignment

To Examine the Effectiveness of Internal Organizational Communication Can Reduce Workplace Conflicts at Bmw Private Limited. Assignment Words: 511

Title To examine the effectiveness of internal organizational communication can reduce workplace conflicts at BMW Private Limited. Background Effective internal communications starts with effective skills in communication, including basic skills in speaking, listening, questioning and sharing feedbacks. Perhaps the most common problem faced by management is the lack of awareness understanding some piece of information being conveyed to the reception not clear which leads to misunderstandings.

Unless management to understand and fully supports the resolution that organizations must have high degrees of communications, conflict and communication problems will not be addressed in the workplace. The literature reviews shows some fundamentals of organizational communication stand out as broadening the scope and recognizing the importance of communication in the organization process. Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon wrote in 1947 about “organization communication systems”, saying communication is “absolutely essential to organizations”.

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In 1951 Bavelas and Barrett wrote An Experimental Approach to Organizational Communication in which they stated that communication “is the essence of organized activity”. In this paper, the writer will examine the effectiveness of internal organizational communication of BMW Private limited (a company established under the law of India). Research Questions and Objectives The main objectives of the Project are: . ???To investigate the current communication methodologies being used at BMW, in which a message is constructed and encoded by a sender, transmitted hrough some channel, then received and decoded by a receiver. ???To analyze the strategic ways of internal communication from published sources and research papers as foundation upon which any theory should rest. ???To identify solution and method to improve the internal communication of BMW Methodology The objective of the writer is to review the overall condition of the organization by gathering information on internal communication which effects the current situation in BMW.

This will include gathering of several basic and regular activities which provide solid foundation for the writer to use as a primary research. The research design for this study will be diagnostic with surveys will be conducted using questionnaires to be answered by respondents who are the employees of BMW only. The size of population will be used as target is relatively small with only 50 persons. The questionnaire will be self-administered and will be answered by the respondents which will be collected by the writer for his research.

Secondly, the write plans to conduct a literature review to justify the research paper relating to organizational internal communication focusing on recent academic journal articles. The analysis will be conducted using SMRC basic communications model as key factor to address the source, message, channel and receiver which was identified in 1949 by Shannon and Weaver. Research Timescale and key dates ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Resources

The writer will take into consideration of accessing and gathering information from the required resources for primary and secondary data. With concern of the relevant authorities from BMW Private Limited, the writer hereby takes full responsibility to complete the research work accordingly which includes accessing the university e-library. References Shannon, C. E. and Weaver, W. (1949). The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of Illinois Press

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To Examine the Effectiveness of Internal Organizational Communication Can Reduce Workplace Conflicts at Bmw Private Limited. Assignment. (2020, Feb 15). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from