Themes of Advertising Several Assignment

Themes of Advertising Several Assignment Words: 299

Themes of Advertising Several themes have been designed to appeal to the foregoing instincts. A theme of advertising is a central idea intended to trigger desired action from customers. It is the heart of advertising copy. Some of the popular themes used in the advertisements of different products are given below. Themes of Advertising Several themes have been designed to appeal to the foregoing instincts. A theme of advertising is a central idea intended to trigger desired action from customers. It is he heart of advertising copy.

Some of the popular themes used in the advertisements of different products are given below. (I) Prestige : This theme of advertising is used to advertise luxury articles like motorcars, refrigerator, Jewelry, videos, etc. The possession of such items provides a distinctive status and a sense of pride to their holders. (II) Comfort : This theme of advertising Is used in the advertisements of air conditioners, fans and other household appliances which help to make life comfortable. (ill) Economy : This Is a common theme In clearance sale ND bargain offers.

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This theme of advertising is generally used to sale products of low value. (iv) Health : Drugs and food products are often advertised with this theme, e. G. , ‘For energy and vigor use I. E-Hornless. ‘ (v) Beauty: Often used In the theme of advertising cosmetics, toilet soaps and perfumes, this Instinct appeals particularly to young men and women. For Instance ‘Use Pears soap to keep the school girl complexion’. (VI) Parental Affection: This theme of advertising Is used to advertise products meant for children, e. G. Yes, baby foods, baby dresses, tricycles, etc. (v”) Fear : Fear of death, accident, personal loss through fire, burglary, etc. , Is used In the advertisements of Insurance, safety vaults, etc.

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