Sex Education Assignment

Sex Education Assignment Words: 1668

Sex Education BY Sleeplessness’s Whose Job Is it Really to Teach Sex Education? Whose responsibility Is it to teach sex education, parents or the school system? As a child when you are curious you ask your parents first, but as you get older your teachers can answer some of your questions better. Sex education can be an awkward topic for a child and parents. Sex education being taught through the school system takes relief off of both the child and parent. Not to mention a teacher qualified to teach sex education would be able to cover everything over this topic.

Some parents are uncomfortable with this, because they want their child to stay innocent and they think that the topic does not need to be brought up. But in reality children are going to be exposed to sex no matter how young. Parents try to avoid this topic for as long as they can, but sometimes It is too late. That Is why It Is important for the school system to teach this subject, because it will be taught at the appropriate age and correctly. Sex education can be considered taboo In some households, but that does not mean It should not be taught. “Unfortunately, most parents are uncomfortable to talk to their kids about sex.

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Hence, youngsters end up getting partial or even incorrect information from the internet. ” (Samba) Talking about sex tryout child may make you feel uncomfortable which is completely normal. It is okay as a parent to not feel comfortable talking about such a topic, but that Is why sex education should be taught at school. Most sex educators have been teaching for years and are very comfortable talking about sex. Like Mona Coates, a human sexuality professor, states “l realize all our body parts are normal. I don’t think it’s so terrible to separate the knees and elbows from the vaginas and peruses. (Earnest) So a sex educator will cost Likely be able to teach sex more efficiently. I am not necessarily saying that It Is not the parents’ responsibility to sit their children down, but the school system should have some part in this. Sex education taught in the classroom takes the awkwardness out of such talks at home or at least takes some of the pressure off of the parents. If the school system teaches sex education it does not mean that the parents Just should not bring up the topic at all. For a healthy family relationship, parents should reach out to their children and make them feel comfortable when talking about sex or other topics. Rents should not be completely responsible for teaching their child sex education, but parents should help their child understand sex education outside of the classroom. A parent would answer questions over any other topic so why not sex? Because as a parent you think It promotes sex or your child is so innocent and young. Well whether you’re communicating with your child about sex or they’re learning about it in school, it’s better for your child to be prepared and know the consequences of sexual activity at such a young age before it is too late.

Sometimes it is not that adults feel uncomfortable teaching sex education, it is the act that they think It will promote sex. They think through sex education that It will encourage children to become sexually active at a younger age. But with or without sex education teens are still engaging in sexual activity. According to data collected in FIFO 2002 ten average age AT a person’s TLS sexual experience was 16. Y In ten unlace States. (Vance) This average age can actually be considered very young to other countries. Over time the average age will get younger, because of technology and curiosity.

Sex can be all over the internet and easily accessed by anyone. Technology just keeps improving so children soon become curious enough to look it up themselves no matter how young. Which others may think this is a good thing that the children learn on their own time by themselves. Some think that the internet has all the answers and will make it less awkward for everyone. But the internet is not necessarily the best source. Not all websites can be trusted reliable sources. Not to mention if the child becomes curious about sex it starts to search pornography.

Pornography is not going to help your child at all when it comes to sex, it actually will infuse them more than they already are or maybe even scar them. Pornography doesn’t help at all when it comes to sex education, but it’s out there on the internet. In reality children can find anything on the internet, so Just avoiding the topic about sex isn’t going to keep people from having sex at such a young age. I think when the school system or parents are teaching sex education, they should be responsible for teaching abstinence when talking about sex. Formal school-based or church-based sex education programs aimed at reducing risks of teenage pregnancy and SST acquisition generally promote one of two types of messages grading sexual activity: (1) abstinence-only messages, or (2) comprehensive sex education messages. Abstinence-only messages teach that sex should be delayed until marriage, and discussion of birth control methods is typically limited to statements about ineffectiveness [6]. Comprehensive programs include abstinence messages, but also provide information on birth control methods to prevent pregnancy and condoms to prevent Studs. ( Koehler) Adults cannot do much about keeping children from engaging in sexual activity, but teaching abstinence may help children hold off on sex. Teaching abstinence benefits children greatly. Teaching abstinence allows children to understand consequences of sex, such as unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. (Vance) Bringing up such consequences will allow children themselves to decide if it really is worth it to have sex at such a young age or have sex before they are married.

Research has proven that sex at a young age unprotected sex, SST infection, incorrect condom use, and multiple partners. (Vance) This is why it is so important to teach abstinence. Abstinence can avoid all of these consequences, but it is also a personal choice. Not very person is going to stay abstinent, but it should still be taught. Even though teaching abstinence can cause children to not have sex at such a young age, there will still be people that choose to have sex as a teen. The importance of promoting sexual health, rather than simply avoiding sexual ill-health, particularly for young people, is being recognized. Government departments, both Health and Education, have acknowledged this, and initiatives include the development of a National Sexual Health Strategy and HIVE Strategy (from Health), and from Education, the implementation of a Personal, Social and Health Education auricular for children aged 5-16 years. ” (Manually) Some people are going to think they’re ready for sex or that they are in love or sometimes they Just don’t care about the consequences.

That is why sex education cannot Just teach abstinence, parents Ana teachers snouts Include contraceptives too. Because even IT condoms Ana D control pills are available, does not mean teens know how to use such contraceptives correctly. “Although 80 to 90 percent of teens report using contraception during their most recent act of sexual intercourse, many teenagers do not use contraceptives correctly and consistently. Among 15 to earldom women relying upon oral con travesties, only 70 percent take a pill every day (Bam et al. 1997). ” (Kirby p. 2) Teaching how to correctly use a condom will encourage people to have protected sex rather than unprotected sex. A person is going to eventually have sex no matter how much you think of them as an innocent child, so would not you rather it be protected sex? When it comes to contraceptives it is the schools and parents responsibility to teach about such a subject. But a parent should take on the responsibility to provide such contraceptives when their child reaches a certain age. As a parent you do not have to throw condoms in your teens lap and say use them, but communication is important.

Teens should feel comfortable enough to ask for contraceptives if they do make the decision to engage in sexual activity. As a parent maybe you are thinking your religious beliefs don’t believe in contraceptives or sex before marriage, but bottom line is teens are going to do what they want. As people get older they do not have the same religious beliefs as their parents. Parents can always teach these beliefs to their children and can even make it difficult for them to access intransitives, but sex education should still be taught.

Whether you think sex education should be taught by parents or the school system, someone has to take responsibility. Children are going to find about sex eventually so adults should make sure that children know the facts about sex and are not afraid to talk about sex with parents or health educators. When it comes to talking about sex whether it is at home or in the classroom communication is the key. So adults should take that responsibility to make children feel comfortable discussing this subject and for teens to make correct choices.

Some teens will chooses to have sex it is also another responsibility of a parent to make sure they are providing contraceptives or at least knowledge of contraceptives. Bottom line sex education cannot be avoided or put off it needs to be taught before it is too late. Works Cited Vance, Anton. N. P. , n. D. 18 Seep 2013.. Earnest, Leslie. N. D. , n. Page.. Kirby, Douglass. “Sexual Risk Behavior and Its Consequences. ” Reducing Adolescent sexual Risk. Web. 5 October 2013. Koehler, Pamela, Lisa Amaranth, and William Leaflets. N. Page.. Menially, A. , R. Newcomer,J. Reese, and J. Trip. N. Page. Samba, Miriam.. N. P. , 2013.

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Sex Education Assignment. (2020, Nov 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from