Rapture: Christian Eschatology and Implantable Microchip Assignment

Rapture: Christian Eschatology and Implantable Microchip Assignment Words: 6535

INTRODUCTION In twinkling of an eye… two men in the field, one was taken and the other left; two women grinding at the mills, one was taken and the other left; plane were crashed because the pilot was taken and the passengers left. One woke up looking for his mother but he find not, but his mother’s clothes on bed. Her classmates and teacher were gone but she left.

Will you left behind? People of today, young or old are busy with their lives doing the same as usual work, jobs, stuff, activities; such as going to school, studying, working, doing business, planning for their future, thinking and finding ways to be successful, to supply their every needs without knowing what is ahead.

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Ahead that will shock this nation and the world where people will realize that all the efforts and time they offer to have this material things, reward and pleasure are useless and the very important thing is to be save, to be save from this great tribulation that they wished that they were prepared in the day where the rapture was taking place, so they are with them being caught up to see the Messiah so they would not experienced this suffering and pain. That they wished they know the day and the hour or at least the generation of His return so they will be prepared.

But on how can we know the exact date if the bible tells us that no one will know the day and the hour of His return? But there’s hope ’cause the scripture indicates that we would know at least the era or generation of His return because of the signs that will indicate the final days, that when these signs are being fulfilled then the end will come. That this sign in nature, society, politics, economics, church and development will be seen and felt. We heard and aware of the news such as: “Animals Die Because of Global Warming”, “Indian Ocean Earthquake, 300,000 People Die”, “U. S. Pentagon, Attack by Iraq”.

New trends, new fashion, new technology, rape victims, violence, lust, political killing, rally, bombing, tsunamis, earthquakes, famines, wars and pestilence, that no doubt this news is happening and many were worst than this. But the question that remains, are we on the last days? Where all the goals and dreams that we want to achieve; this mansions, this luxury cars, this gold and diamond, this jewelries, this new gadgets and machinery, this popularity, this power to rule, this certificate, medal or trophy and this earth, will be like dirt and worthless if the time to cherished this things come to an end.

That the time given to us to prepare were ended in nothing because of making ourselves us god; doing what we want to achieve this temporal things and lived ignoring about the truth. Are we on the last day? I. DEFINITION There are two events of how Jesus will return; one is the rapture where He will be in the clouds but will not come down and set His feet on the ground instead taking His people who lived in righteousness so this people will not suffer from the great tribulation, second, where His feet will step in the Mount of Olives for the battle of Armageddon.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the greatest single theme in Scripture. While there are approximately three hundred prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold the first coming of Christ, there are more than eight times as many verses describing the Second Coming. In total, some 2400 verses throughout the Old and New Testaments reveal God’s promises about the return of Jesus Christ. The enormous number of prophetic verses about the Second Coming underlines the vital importance of this event in God’s plan for mankind. [1] II. SIGNS OF JESUS RETURN

A. SIGNS IN NATURAL WORLD “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdoms: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. ” Matthew 24: 6-8 A1. Wars Throughout history mankind has endured thirteen years of war for every single year of peace. However, since 1945 the number of wars has increased tremendously.

As dozens of new nations demanded independence and old empires disintegrated, more than three hundred wars were fought since World War II. A military study, The War Atlas, concluded that the world has not known a single day since World War II without some nation waging a war or conflict somewhere on earth. Despite thousands of peace treaties, the last one hundred years has truly become “the century of war. ” As a result of the obvious dangers, most nations have joined worldwide military alliances in which only the stars are neutral.

Far more sobering than the increasing frequency of war is the fact that modern scientific discoveries and massive military budgets have combined to produce devastating new weapons of mass destruction that have the potential, for the first time in history, to destroy humanity. Despite the constant affirmations about the nations’ desire for peace, weapons labs and armories are producing nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, together with astronomical numbers of conventional weapons, in virtually every nation on earth. The standing armies of the world today contain hundreds of millions of soldiers.

The major powers could mobilize hundreds of millions of troops if needed for war. According to the Reshaping International Order Report issued by the Club of Rome, almost 50 percent (some 500,000) of all scientists on earth are working on weapons research. Research indicates that almost 40 percent of all scientific research funding worldwide is focused on arms research. 1 A2. Earthquakes In the graph, the occurrence of earthquakes is rapidly increased, in the years 2000 to 2007 the occurrence of earthquakes is almost seven times greater than in the years 1905 to 1920.

Recently, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9. 0 to 9. 3, triggered a series of lethal tsunami on December 26, 2004, that killed approximately 300,000 people (including 168,000 in Indonesia alone), making it the deadliest tsunami as well as one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. It also had the second-largest earthquake in recorded history. The initial surge was measured at a height of approximately 33 meters (108 feet), making it the largest earthquake-generated tsunami in recorded history. [2] A3.

Famines Famines have greatly increased especially on the continent of Africa. North Korea is experiences a severe famine as families are eating grass, weeds and bark; orphans whose growth has been stunted by hunger and diarrhea; people going bald for la ck of nutrition. Starving North Koreans are turning to cannibalism and the government has started executing villagers selling human flesh, as the drought worsens in Haiti hundreds of thousands of people go hungry. People are so hungry they are reportedly eating cattle that have died in the fields.

A4. Pestilences The global AIDS epidemic is striking harder than ever at the world’s women and children, as infection rates climb swiftly in many nations previously barely touched by the disease. About 22. 6 million people are now infected, according to the United Nations AIDS program. Of these, 3 million adults were infected in 1996 alone – nearly half of them women. In addition, 400,000 children are newly infected. AIDS is spreading most rapidly now in the former Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and especially Africa. 3] Not only the aids that the world has been experienced but also pestilences like malaria, dengue, bird flue, SARS that kills millions of people worldwide. A5. Tsunamis This graph indicates the sudden increased in the occurrences of tsunamis since 1950 to 2007 that are five times greater than the later years. A6. Global Warming (Climate Change) Earth is already showing many signs of worldwide climate change, on which average temperatures have climbed 1. 4 degrees Fahrenheit (0. 8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880.

Also, the last two decades of 20th Century were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia. Because of this global warming, Arctic ice is now rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice-free summer by 2040 or earlier. But for now polar bears and indigenous cultures are already suffering from the sea-ice loss. Glaciers and mountain snows are also rapidly melting; example is the Montana’s Glacier National Park that has 150 glaciers in 1910 but today 27 glaciers left.

Coral reefs which are highly sensitive to small changes in water temperature, suffered the worst bleaching or die in response to stressed in 1998, with some areas seeing bleach rates of 70 percent. Experts expect these sorts of events to increase in frequency and intensity in the next 50 years as sea temperatures rise. Also, an upsurge in the amount of extreme weather events, such as wildfires, heat waves, and strong tropical storms, is attributed in part to climate change These natural disasters; famines, pestilences, earthquakes, tsunamis, global arming including; droughts, floods, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and typhoons are fulfilling the prophetic signs that there’s no doubt that His return is near. But you may tell what is new about this thing that all this things are already happened in the days of our ancestors. But after we examined and analyzed this incident, these disasters are become worst like the bible said, that this will only the beginning like “birth pangs” (Matthew 24:8) that is, they will increase in frequency and intensity as the time draws near for His Return. A7.

Possible Asteroid Impacts Another scenario is the possible asteroid impacts on earth;a near earth asteroid named Apophis has a slim chance of hitting the earth in 2029. If it misses then there is a chance that it will fly into a gravitational keyhole and orbit the earth until 2036 where it will descend and make impact on the earth. According to NASA, the asteroid will have impact energy of 1480 megatons of TNT. To put this into perspective, the atomic bomb that obliterated the Japanese city of Hiroshima during WWII had an energy of 10~20 megatons of TNT.

If it hits land then it will have massive effects on the area, but will likely trigger an EMP blast to all electronically instruments on the planet, anything with a computer chip would malfunction, a fire storm and temperatures ranging in the 900s (C) followed by an ice age. If it hits water then the damage will actually be even greater. This would trigger a world wide tsunami over a kilometer high, globally, that would engulf at least the first 3 miles of land on every piece of land on earth. Since almost every major city in the world resides on a coast line, we would face a massive holocaust of people and social systems

B. SIGNS IN SOCIETY “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;” 2 Timothy 3:1-4. People will be self-centered, pleasure-saturated, seeking religions without reality, intellectually knowledgeable but spiritually ignorant.

Compare to the statistics, even from the 1950’s. Every foundation of social and moral integrity has rapidly deteriorated. Huge increases are seen in divorces, illegitimate births, abortions, crime and human abuse of every kind. There is little respect for human life, family life, or spirituality. The lid is off to do whatever feels good at the moment, regardless of the consequences. Money, materialism, new age humanism, civil rights are of more concern than God or God’s creation. It matters little if our world’s ecology is destroyed as long as there is a buck to be made.

It matters little if a life is taken while stealing a few dollars. It matters little if children are destroyed while two parents seek self indulgence and self rights to divide the family. There is little honor and little respect in what we say or do to one another. It is easy for many to lie, cheat and steal rather than to be morally upright in how we treat another human being. There are people who are starving and homeless, mentally and physically destroyed, while their drug pushers are living in mansions and driving luxury cars.

The security of home and family have been destroyed for innocent children while their parents argue in court about who gets what in a divorce rather than sitting down as adults to work through the problems for the sake of the children. Anything goes when a dollar is involved or when our personal rights have been threatened, above the rights of those who depend on us. The moral law of our day seems to be “It is me that is important no one else. I will do whatever I feel is necessary to take care of me even if you must be destroyed in the process. 1 B1. Full of Violence

World is full of violence, and because of violence in television and video games it become worst, spite of the fact that fewer than four of every 10 crimes are reported in America in the last 30 years there has been a 560% increase in violent crime in America. In 1992, an estimated 6. 6 million Americans were victims of violent crimes. A murder is reported to the police every 21 minutes. Child abuse is at epidemic proportions. Youth in trouble: Youth gangs have for years been a problem in Los Angeles, where they account for about half of the city’s murders.

But gangs are now responsible for 41 percent of the homicides in Omaha, Nebraska; drive-by shootings are up 3,000 percent in Wichita, Kansas; and Oklahoma City is home to 80 separate gangs. Violent street gangs are now operating in 94 percent of all medium and large-sized cities. Drug use among America’s teens has doubled since 1992. More than 70,000 women are sexually assaulted every year in the United States. Sexual assault is the fasting growing violent crime occurring to a woman every 45 second. 2 B2. Full of Lust

Increased of disco bar are signs that the world is full of lust, because of pornography is any where in T. V. , internet, cellphones, movies and posters; cases of rape have been increased, even at a young age they are subject in rape cases. A fourteen year old boy raped 2 little young girls, a grade 1 pupil and a kindergarten. There’s an increased in the rate of teenage pregnancy. Many commit fornication and adultery, many cases that they were raped by their own father or uncle. Many were found dead and naked because they were raped. B3.

No Respect for Human Life People of today; money, convenience and pleasure for them are more important even life of anyone will be taken. It is easy for them to kill; even these are their own parents, brother or friend. For a little money they kill, for their personal desire to win in election they kill; they kill their political rival, and they don’t care if the teacher taking care the ballot box will be at risk or burn up, the important is all the ballot boxes of their political rival will destroy on fire. And even life of innocent baby will be lost.

Many people practicing abortion and there are countries legalize it. Abortions in China are always done as the baby is being born. As soon as the head comes out of the mother, the skull is crushed with forceps, or formaldehyde is injected into the soft spot in the skull. What’s even more sickening about this is that in China, aborted babies are eaten as health food and considered a delicacy. [4] The American palate may not be quite as perverted as that of China, but Bill Clinton’s organizational team has devised a way to make money from abortionists.

After his election in 1993, it was announced that dead babies could be sold for top prices to medical research centre in the United States, and overseas[5]. And on May 24, 1995, the American Medical Association publicly declared their desire to use living defective babies as organ donors. [6] Doctors in the United States perform over 1. 5 million abortions per year that’s one for every two live births. Over 99% of all U. S. abortions have nothing to do with the life or health of the women; they are done simply because of her desire for convenience, absence of distress, and so-called happiness of the mother.

B4. Denial of God’s Design in Marriage and Family “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,” Matthew 24:38 In the last days the institution of marriage, which God has strongly endorsed for one man to one woman, would become so disrespected that men and women would divorce and remarry at will without reason or guilt. Divorce was practices and legalized because for them it matters little if children are destroyed while two parents seek self indulgence and self rights to divide the family.

Many people practicing same sex marriage and for them it is common and many churches is accepting or tolerant this kind of marriage. Many people commit adultery and fornication. Another, disgraceful news was giving marriage where the brides and bridegrooms are naked. The scripture (Luke 17:28 ??? 30)tell us that the last days is like the day of Lot were the great sin of Sodom that brought down the fiery judgment was the sin of homosexuality which had become an acceptable life style to the inhabitants of Sodom.

In fact, the word “sodomy” used to describe a homosexual act is taken from this sinful city. Today, homosexuality is paraded openly and defended as an acceptable life style when in fact the Bible condemns even the mention of it in public because of its vileness in the eyes of God as the ultimate of moral debasement. B5. Spiritist Manifestations “Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. ” 1 Timothy 4:1

During the 1960’s Satanism exploded on the American scene and has since been exported worldwide through American movies, books, and television programs. Dabbling in the occult has become commonplace in the form of astrology, numerology, crystal gazing, transcendental meditation, and channeling. The whole trend has consummated in the appearance of the New Age Movement with its teaching that Man is God. Millions, the world over, are becoming strangely fascinated by the supernatural powers of heathenism and its many occult outlets.

Voodoo, witchcraft, magic, fire-walking, necromancy, divination and astrology are all manifestations of evil spirits. In a very subtle form Spiritism has even entered the Churches. Also this spiritism entered in music and fashioned. Many were fan of famous band or singer without knowing that this will change their belief and character. One may wonder how it is possible for someone to change all the value systems of someone else. To change everything that a person grew up believing in, values that were instilled in them throughout their lifetime.

The root behind all this is back-masking and backtracking. First, the brain is divided into two main hemispheres, the left and right. The left hemisphere largely controls our ability to use language, mathematics and logic. The right hemisphere is the main center for musical ability, the recognition of complicated visual patterns and the expression of emotion. In between these two hemispheres, there is a screen. Any information that is sent to the brain enters through the left Hemisphere of the brain. The left hemisphere of the brain then evaluates it.

It is evaluated according to one’s beliefs, education, faith, and so on. If it is against one’s values, the brain will not allow it to pass through the screen and it will be rejected. However, if the information is not against one’s values, it will pass through the screen. It will enter the right hemisphere of the brain, where all the information is stored and accepted. There are two types of back masking and back-tracking. One is direct and the other is the clouded version. If music is played foreword, you hear it in a certain way. However, there is a way of turning a record upside-down.

When one plays it upside-down there are messages hidden in the record. In other words, when you hear it forwards you do not hear the messages. Your ear does not pick it up but your mind picks it up. When the left hemisphere picks up the message it is something that it cannot understand. The message sounds like garble sometimes. The left hemisphere gets confused and does not know what to do with it. It therefore lets it pass through the screen into the right hemisphere where all the information is accepted. The brain therefore accepts it as a fact.

It will take its place there and it will emerge sometime in the future. Here are few examples of backmasking and backtracking: The Black Oak Arkansas, in one of their songs, they sing “natas, natas, natas” that when the song was backtrack, it tells you “Satan. Satan. He is God. He is God”. This is direct backtracking, where the word in the forward track has something to do with the backtrack message. Another is the Eagle, in one of their songs sing “This far down the line” that when backtrack it says “Have a mind of Satan”. This is the clouded version of backtracking.

Also, in the jumbled sounds of Led Zeppelin’s song “Stairway to Heaven”, the words were; “And here’s to my sweet Satan and I live for Satan. ” Backtracking or backmasking is the form of inserting hidden messages into tracks which can only be consciously heard when played backwards. Most of the times these messages are inserted purposefully, sometimes by accident, some people even believe that the subconscious can actually pick up these messages. But the nature of the backtracked messages in many modern pop songs is so sinister as to leave no doubt to the intentions and affiliations of these singers.

Michael Jackson is probably the most successful musician in history. It is interesting to note that many major musicians have had close ties with Aleister Crowley, a Satanist well known to the occult. Michael Jackson’s ‘Dangerous’ album has the face of an old man in a suit fitting the description of Crowley himself. The cover of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper has many faces and one of them looking similar to Crowley. [1] Another way of changing the value system and character of anyone is the satanic signs and symbols.

Any of this signs and symbols showed in fig. 1 will have an effect to the persons who will use it. But you may ask why and how, these satanic symbols will be seen in t-shirt, badges and bags; and these how the persons use it. Each of these symbols has meaning, a words that it’s against God that will change your moral value and beliefs. C. SIGNS IN WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. ” Daniel 12:4

Here indeed is an unmistakable sign that we are living in the endtimes; for in almost every department of learning, especially in the understanding of Bible prophecy, knowledge has increased considerably. It has been said that over 90% of all the scientists and inventors that were ever born are alive today; the exploration in the moon, the invention of the computers, credit card and now the implantable microchip. This implantable microchip, as size as a grain rice that implanted in the persons body to track his every movement; pulse rate and his exact location because this implantable microchip was powered by GPS (Global Positioning System).

Using the internet and cellphones you will be able to locate anywhere in the world. In Mexico they don’t need cash to buy anything because of the presence of suitable and convenient to use implantable microchip in just waving their hand to an RFID reader they bought what they want. It is also use by many patients in the hospital and helpful for Alzheimer patient because this microchip has an ability to store information or data like personal background, medical history even your driver’s license, passport and SSS.

Infants are also implanted by microchip and in United States criminals have been implanted by microchips in their hands. May 2005, US President Bush signed a Real ID Act that all drivers in America should have an ID system that all of their personal background, iris scan, and driver’s license etc. that something counterfeited and powered by technology, and the implantable microchip have an ability to make this possible and May 2008 is the implementation of the said act.

They said that this Implantable microchip is the mark of the beast because it is coded with the number 666 a number of the anti-Christ and use for buying and selling, put in the right hand and forehead that he causeth all both small and great that were identified in the bible (Revelation 13:16). D. SIGNS IN CHURCH “For there shall arise false Christ, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. “Matthew 24:24

It is not shocking if there are many church, religion and sect around the world suddenly appear and increased in numbers because it was written in the bible that these will appear in the last days. Many of their teachings and doctrines were false which come from demons. Also the bible tells us that in the last day many Christian will be persecuted because of Him and because of this many will be falling away and backslide. And another signs in the church is that the gospel will be preached around the world.

Today it is easy to preach the gospel with the help of modern technology; internet, television, DVD’s, magazines, etc. III. IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING HIS RETURN Every event reported in television has a greater impact on our lifestyle whether it is all about political, economical, religion, natural disasters and technology. And many are aware of it; even these events are unusual compared in the past, they just ignore it and continue doing their job or simply doing their usual work because their primary focus is to earn money, to be a cumlaude and to have pleasure without knowing the time is running out.

That this money, medal, popularity and all temporal things will be useless if the earth is at risk, a risk that the earth will turn to an end. If there were people will be left in the rapture because they were not prepared and because of unrighteousness; they will suffer in the great tribulation, a wrath of God because of unrighteousness, and evilness of His creation, were all the calamities and fear will be greater than we experience today that if God will allow Satan to extend his 42 months reigning on earth there will be no doubt that no one will ever to urvive. And if anyone will survive in this great tribulation or during this period it is really hard for them to be saved. To be saved from the final judgments, because this tribulation is not yet the final, there is hell waiting for them. According to bible, hell is a place of torment where the worm does not die and fire does not quenched. That in hell you will have a body, a body that has a feeling and will not die. A place where your body where restless because of the pain and screaming of people being tormented.

No conversation at all because you will be isolated from people, no food, no water, no fresh air, no hope but only pain, fear and sadness. Many verses in the bible that tells that the hell is in the earth’s interior, Bill Weise who testifies that he experienced hell, he confirmed that the hell is deep down in the earth. Also, a scientific discovery that will prove that hell exist and hell is in the interior of the earth is the discovery of Siberian team thatwhen they drilled about 4. km deep in the crust of the earth that reached a large empty space pocket at a temperature that reached to 2000 Fahrenheit, after had lowered the microphone to listen to the earth’s movement at certain intervals with supersensitive microphones which were let down through the hole they heard the screaming of not one but millions of human suffering and tormented and they conclude that hell is exist. Earth’s core is very hot than any fire that existing in the surface of this earth and this tremendous heat will be endured for in hell for eternity.

So it is very important to know this truth, to prepare and to be saved. So what is the purpose of having all the gold and mansions of this earth if your soul will be tormented in hell forever? That everything that we do here counts for eternity and there will be no second chance for you to escaped and saved if the final judgment has been executed. Fig. 1 Satanic Signs and Symbols SUMMARY According to bible that no one will know the day and the hour of His return.

But it indicated that we will know at least the generation of Jesus returns by the prophetic signs given to us; that when this signs were fulfilled then end will come. There are two events of how Jesus will return; one is the rapture where He will be in the clouds but will not come down and set His feet on the ground instead taking His people who lived in righteousness so this people will not suffer from the great tribulation, second, where His feet will step in the Mount of Olives for the battle of Armageddon. Some of the signs of His return indicated in the bible were signs in nature, society, technology and church.

In the signs of natural world there will be wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, global warming, tsunamis and threats of asteroid impact and this event where proven by some documentation and research that it is occurring and confirmed that this incident is getting worst or increased like the bible said that as the times draws near this disasters will increased. Second, are the signs in society; that in the last day people will be self centered, pleasure-saturated, seeking religions without reality, intellectually knowledgeable but spiritually ignorant anda world with full of violence, lust and lawlessness.

And it was confirmed in this research that every foundation of social and moral integrity has rapidly deteriorated; many commit abortion, adultery, fornication, divorce, same sex marriage, pornography and killing. The manifestation of evil spirit are also signs of the last days; magic, witchcraft that also entered in fashion by the use of satanic symbols printed in t-shirt, bags, badges and accessories; it also entered music by baskmasking and backtracking, this is the form of inserting hidden messages into tracks which can only be consciously heard when played backwards.

And many popular singers used this method and mostly their hidden message is satanic. Third, signs in the world of knowledge, bible indicates that in the last days knowledge will increased and this signs were fulfilled today, that almost 90% of inventors and scientist are alive today. Implantable microchip was maybe one of their greatest inventions because of its capability to unite human and technology, it was used for buying and selling; and was said to be the Mark of the Beast or maybe the prelude of this.

Signs in church, that when the gospel will be preach around the world then the end will come and its happening today because of the internet, television, magazines, and books that touching many souls around the world. Another is the persecution of Christian, rise of false Christ, false church and false teaching that very common in our days. It is very important to know about His coming, to prepare and to be saved from great tribulation because there’s no second chance; once you die you can’t bring it back, once you commit crimes you must be punished.

This punishment is the great tribulation that is greater scenario and more worst than what the world experience today, but this is not yet the end, there will have a final judgment that it is hell. One discovery that will proved that hell exist and prove that hell is in the interior of the earth is the discovery of Siberian Team who accidentally heard scream of millions of souls in pain deep down in the hole using microphone and the testimony of a man who experience hell in 23 minutes.

Both of this and the bible telling that hell is a terrible place that good things that not exist instead pain and agony. That all materials that people want to achieved or have been achieved, will be useless that the important thing is to be save and escape from this judgment. CONCLUSION After analyzing all the gathered data, we are able to know and to predict what will happen in the next future. All this prophetic signs that will indicate His return have almost been fulfilled in our generation in a rapid transition.

The natural disasters that getting worst, the morality that have been deteriorated, the means and ways of Satan to deceive many; this false teaching and false church, the backmask music and satanic symbols. The dramatic increased in knowledge, this implantable microchip that said to be the mark of the beast. All of these events prove that His return is very near that we are in the last generation. If there will be a next generation it’s really hard for them to survive because after analyzing the occurrences of the natural disasters; we are ble to witness the rapid and increase of natural disaster especially the most controversial the global warming, that many animals and plants have been extinct. If this disasters will continues and increase in intensity; many people, animals and plants will die until there’s no vegetation and food for the survivors. Beside, earth is overpopulated so there will be shortage of food. Another is the threats of asteroid impact on earth in 2036, if this near-asteroid named Apophis will collide on earth with 1480 megatons of TNTmany countries will be affected, greater tsunami and earthquake will occur and many will die.

Another is the implantable microchip, that if all people will have this microchip then; one world government, one world economy and one religion will be possible then there will have a one leader, the anti-Christ. And anti-Christ will show up after the rapture. Now that we prove that this prophetic signs of His return have been almost fulfilled, there is no doubt that there will be no next generation and this is the last generation that the rapture or His return will take place, maybe next year, next month or this day.

That all must be prepared and conscious, for them to be save for greater judgments that awaits; that we must not priority the material things that are temporal but our soul that is eternal. Now that we realized He is coming. RECOMMENDATION Not all the prophetic signs are included or discussed in this research, because there are a lot of prophetic signs in the bible. If you want to know more about this topic, try to research the signs in Israel and the signs in heaven and also try to observe the news reports and relate it to the prophetic signs of His return this will give you more information about the nearness of His return.

Try also to read about Implantable Microchip because this are subject to the mark of the beast, this may satisfy you that we are in the end times. Try also to visit www. miraclehour. com to know about the rapture and how to be prepared. And the most important thing, you must pray wholeheartedly that you may be in the true church and true teaching because many churches and teachings are counterfeit. That you may know about Him and experience His power that you will be saved and used by God in this end time. GLOSSARY Abortion ??? induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of survival as an individual.

Adultery ??? voluntary sexual; intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse. Anti-Christ ??? An enemy of Christ, the beast and the great antagonist of Christ who expected to come in the last day. Armageddon ??? the scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil, prophesied in the bible to occur at the end of the world. Asteroid ??? any numerous celestial bodies with characteristics diameters between one and several hundred mile and orbits lying chiefly between Mars and Jupiter. Divorce ??? the legal dissolution of marriage.

Fornication ??? sexual intercourse between a man and woman not married to each other. Global Warming ??? the warming of earth’s ecosystem because of greenhouse gases that traps the heat in the atmosphere. GPS ??? Global Positioning Satellite that was use for networking. Homosexuality ??? sexual activity with another of the same sex. Rapture ??? rapture of the church; event were Christian will be caught up in twinkling of an eye to meet the Lord, with great ecstasy and joy. Pestilences ??? a usually fatal epidemic disease. RFID reader ??? a reader that was use to detect a radio frequency devices like RFID chip.

Tribulation ??? great affliction, trial or distress; suffering. Tsunami ??? a very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption. BIBLIOGRAPHY Holy Bible, United States: World Bible Publisher, Inc. , 1986 Research, “Possibility of Microchip as Mark of the Beast”, 2007 Last Trumpet Newsletter, June, 1995 NY Times, Nov 6, 1992 Last Trumpet Newsletter, July, 1995 http://www. biblebelievers. org. au/radio099. htm http://www. geocities. com/Athens/Agora/7197/signs. html http://www. gamespot. com/pages/forums/show_msgs. php? topic_id=25978791 ttp://www. miraclehour/videos/therapture. htm http://news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2004/12/1206_041206_global_warming. htm l http://www. rmplc. co. uk/eduweb/sites/sbs777/course/lesson14. html http://www. exposingsatanism. org/signsymbols. htm http://www. spiritlessons. com/23minutesinhell_billweise. htm http://www. youtube. com/drillingonhell http://home. socal. rr. com/satanslies/Music http://www. homeschoolconnection. com/untilhecomes. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_earthquakes http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_deadly_earthquakes_since_1900

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Rapture: Christian Eschatology and Implantable Microchip Assignment. (2021, Jun 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/art/rapture-christian-eschatology-and-implantable-microchip-assignment-44664/