Marketing Segmentation and Product Positioning Assignment

Marketing Segmentation and Product Positioning Assignment Words: 1273

Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will have to cover every single point and be very clear about what the bride and groom wants. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc goal is build a good rapport with the venue owners and other suppliers that the bride and groom have hired and then make sure that all who is involved in the wedding planning is there to do their Job. To advertise Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc the business will have to be exactly clear about the type of service that we offer and the type of couples we want to work with.

Calling my self a destination wedding planner means different things to different people couples. It will be very important that couples understand that Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc specialize in destination weddings Jamaica, Mexico and Hawaii. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will target middle-to- upper middle class couple. This group is most able to afford a destination wedding and will want someone to make all the plans for their destination wedding due to not having the time to plan their wedding.

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Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will use many forms of advertising to reach couples in the target market such as networking, word of mouth and the internet. Advertising Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will be more effective branding strategy, so to directly go after the couples that will need our services for their destination wedding. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will place ads in the local papers, in the telephone directory but the main advertising will be on the internet.

The internet will allow Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc to reach those savvy couples who may not be responsive to direct mail or any other type of marketing. A web site can be an effective selling tool by serving as an online brochure where potential customers and clients can read ore information about the services that Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will offer, our background, professional affiliations, couple’s testimonials, and contact information. This type of web site will instills confidence and trust to potential couples, which are the key elements in getting them to click onto our business.

Another important part of Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc web site will be to make sure that the company sends brides to a specific landing page that will engage them and encourage them to contact Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc. That is why Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc has to develop an incentive for the brides to give their contact information. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc website will offer free wedding book planners and discount coupon packages worth hundreds of dollars off of services from other vendors that will be working with the couple.

That is why Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc wants to give the couples a good reason to send their e-mail address to our company. Goops goal is to make the planning of a destination wedding as simple and stress-free as possible. Destination weddings are different from typical deeding and honeymoons, and therefore require the planning of an experienced Destination Wedding Specialist. Determine how effectiveness of advertising will be measured. In today’s very competitive marketplace a strategy that insures a consistent approach to offering our service in a way that will out sell the competition is critical.

Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will measure the effectiveness of our web site. The web site and set up the campaign where the company will have all the information we need to decide which advertisement we should drop and which advertisement ill us a good return on our investment. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will monitor the number of visits and page views; this will offer the company a variety of statistics regarding visitor segmentation.

Another tool that Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will set up on the web site is track conversions; this means to track forms that have been submitted; completed transactions that were in our e-shop; file downloads; newsletter subscriptions and clicks on Goop’s website. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will definitely need a professional to set up this measuring tool because this is owing to be valuable information for our marketing purposes. “Before your search engine marketing campaign even begins, you need to start analyzing your log files and measuring your search engine traffic.

Traffic analysis is every bit as important as the marketing campaign itself.. ” (Nobles, 2004) Explain the different promotional strategies that may be used in addition to advertising. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will have different types of promotional strategies to draw the potential couple to our web site. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will still continue to send out brochures, swelters and word -of -month but the main goal is to use the internet. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will promote items that will attract couples who want to have a destination wedding.

Some of the products that Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will offer group rates with a party of 10 more traveling with bride and groom; having more than 10 guest will increase more discounts with the airlines and the hotels. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc also promotes seasonal packages and specials on our website, to entice those couples who are looking for a value for their destination adding. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will submit destination wedding and honeymoon storyline to wedding magazines and publications.

Determine the best marketing research approach to measure customer satisfaction with your company’s product/service. It will be important that Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc know their target market well enough to communicate with the bride and groom so to gain a long term relationship. This will also allow the happy couple to communicate to other couples of the service that Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc provided for their destination adding. One of the main goals to customer’s satisfaction is for Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc to gather information about our couples.

In order for Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc to gain an effective approach, the company will make phone calls to couples who have used our services, do follow with couples to see if Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc meant their expectation and have an on line survey from the web site. Our questions will be direct, such as “Would you refer other couples to use our service; and Did Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc meets your expectation? ” This information will give an overall picture of the couple’s satisfaction. Organizations who are serious about pursuing process excellence don’t take internal or external customer satisfaction for granted. They use multiple approaches to measure both customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and they design their processes to include their internal and external customers on a regular basis. ” (Unmans, 2009) The Gap analysis generally refers to the activity of the differences between standards and the delivery of those standards. For example, it would be useful for Glory of

Paradise Wedding, Inc to document differences between customer expectation and actual customer experiences in the delivery of their destination wedding. The differences could be used to explain satisfaction and to document areas in need of improvement. Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will use a service quality that can be used as an example to illustrate gaps. For this example, there are several gaps that Glory of Paradise Wedding, Inc will used to measure a service quality perspective. 1 Service quality gap 2 Management understanding gap Service design gap Service delivery gap.

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Marketing Segmentation and Product Positioning Assignment. (2019, Mar 10). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from