Marketing Plan for Restaurant Assignment

Marketing Plan for Restaurant Assignment Words: 767

1. 0 Business Description Churras is a Brazilian barbecue restaurant where is served premium quality meats which are slowly roasted on long skewers over a pit of flaming coals. This type of cooking comes from southern of Brazil where was originated. It is served different cuts of roasted meats using “rodizio” as style. Rodizio is controlled by the customers with a special indicator localized on the table which one side signals the waiters to present the various meats to the table and the other side signals them to stop.

You can keep eating until your heart or tummy is content paying a single price. The meats are presented still on the skewer and served for each person individually. 1. 1 Menu When you sit the waiters bring some accompaniments including “farofa” ( it is a kind of flour, with spices and herbs), rice, beans, vinagrete (type of sauce including chopped tomatoes, onions and capsicum mixed with herbs, spices, olive oil and vinegar) and potatoes.

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The menu Rodizio includes 18 types of skewers which are: Rump Cap, Top Sirloin, Chicken Thighs, Leg of Lamb, Beef Ribs, Chicken and Chorizo Sausages, Garlic Rump Cap, Sirloin with Vegetables, Chicken Wings, Coconut Prawns, Garlic Bread, Chicken Legs, Mushroom, Chilli Beef, Herb Bread, Honey Cinnamon Pineapple, Roasted Banana with Cinnamon. 1. 2 Vision It is to be the best service restaurant experience on the field in Japan. Being the best means providing outstanding service, quality, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in our restaurant smile.

To maintain a profitable operation at a reasonable cost, in a comfortable atmosphere, with exceptional service. 1. 3 Mission To be the best employer for our people in our company; Deliver operational excellence to our customers in our restaurants; To provide a wholesome lunch and dining experience with top quality food and staff that wants to exceed the customers expectations. 1. 4 Values We are in business to meet our customers’ needs. We believe in empowering our staff to resolve customers concerns on the spot.

We treat our employees as we want them to treat our customers. We believe in spreading the Brazilian Barbecue Tradition. We believe in you the customer, and by this tradition we will continue to make a reasonable profit, that will allow us to remain competitive, healthy, community involved, and a Family Restaurant where generation will continue to gather. We seek your comments, for we realize to exceed your expectations, we need to know what they are. Your safety, health, comfort, nourishment and Quality Service are Number “One” to US!!! 2. 0 Situation Analysis

Over the past two decades Japan’s restaurant landscape has been profoundly reshaped by the nation’s phenomenal industrialization and burgeoning affluence. Demographic shifts, including smaller households and more working women, have also contributed to the dining-out boom. As living standards and disposable incomes have soared, commercial food service has assumed an increasingly vital role in the work-oriented lives of the Japanese. According to recent figures, away-from-home food sales in Japan grew nearly 50 percent since 1980, from 15. 8 trillion yen, or $70 billion, to 23. trillion yen, or $163 billion, last year. Brazil experienced one of its worst economic, social and political crises in the 1980s that led to the migration of many Brazilians to other countries. Among them, many Japanese-descent Brazilians decided to work in Japan as temporary migrant workers. Opposite to that of Brazil, Japan was experiencing the height of its bubble economy during the 1980s. And it did not have enough workers to fill the increasing need for labour of its industries. To respond to the country’s needs, Japan was forced to allow the entry of foreign workers.

In 1990, Japan amended the Immigration Control Law to allow Japanese-descent foreigners (second generation descendants and third generation descendants) and their spouses to come to the country to work for a long period of time. Their close ties with Japan and affinity by blood made them acceptable foreign workers in the country. Visa for the fourth generation Japanese descendants was granted only to those who were accompanied by their third-generation Japanese-descent parents. As of the end of 1998, the number of registered Brazilians in Japan reached 222,217 corresponding to 14. % of the total registered foreigners in that year. In 2009, the number of Brazilians in Japan reached 316,000. Brazilians correspond to the third biggest group of immigrants in Japan after the Koreans and the Chinese. The Brazilian community in Japan is the second biggest Brazilian community in a foreign country, and the biggest Portuguese-speaking community in Asia. Most Brazilians are found in the following prefectures: Aichi (Nagoya city), Shizuoka (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka), Gifu (Gifu), Mie, Saitama (Saitama), Gunma (Oizumi) and Kanagaw

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