Marketing plan for anki drive, marketing programme Assignment

Marketing plan for anki drive, marketing programme Assignment Words: 635

In order to achieve a PASS in this unit all learning outcomes and assessment criteria have In order to achieve a MERIT in been met as well as ALL merit descriptors being achieved In order to achieve a DISTINCTION in this unit all learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been met as well as ALL merit and distinction descriptors being achieved. Scenario: Presentation – Date for presentation: 12th September 2013 You are the marketing manager of a company who needs to explain to your Junior assistants the definition of the marketing process and the importance of marketing orientation.

To do this you are going to prepare and deliver a 5-10 minute presentation. In your group discuss and prepare a presentation that encompasses all of the outcomes of task 1 and 2 below. You tutor will observe your discussion and presentation and all members of your group must contribute to both the preparation and presentation to achieve a pass. Task One – The Marketing Process Task 1 (IAC . 1) – Produce a diagram showing the various elements of the marketing process. Label your diagram to show and explain the key elements of the marketing process explaining how each step leads to the delivery of value to the customer.

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Explain the diagram you have drawn. In your work consider the following : Definitions: alternative definitions including those of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the American Marketing Association; satisfying customer needs and wants; value and satisfaction; exchange relationships; the changing emphasis of marketing Task Two – Marketing Orientation Task 2 (IAC . 2) – The marketing concept has developed and evolved to what it is now ever time. Not all companies are marketing oriented.

Choose a company that you think is marketing oriented (more focused on starting marketing activities using the customer as a base of decision making, as opposed to the product, or it’s ability to mass produce. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of a marketing orientation for your company. Marketing concept: evolution of marketing; marketing orientations; societal issues and emergent philosophies; customer and competitor orientation; efficiency and effectiveness; limitations of the marketing concept Evidence checklist Summary of evidence required by student LOL IAC.

This activity is intended to allow you demonstrate your knowledge of, and application of all your knowledge within different contexts, from all content covered in Unit 4, making the essential links between all the Learning Outcomes to compile a compelling and credible written marketing plan that is likely to deliver against defined business objectives.

In order to achieve a PASS in been met Scenario: Your Marketing Plan’ You represent a Marketing Consultancy business who is attempting to secure a new contract from a robotics business called Ann. who are on the verge of launching internationally a new category of computer and robotic racing game called ‘Ann. Drive’. (Refer to the accompanying video presentation from the CEO of Ann. as demonstrated by your tutor). This game is the company’s first product to be launched, and, as robotics and software engineers, the managers in this business require specialist advice in how best to launch and market their new product.

As part of your pitch for this piece of consultancy work you have compiled a comprehensive marketing plan to present to Ann., which states the scope of how you marketing consultancy partners for future projects. Using the information in the above scenario complete ALL four tasks given below to achieve the grading criteria identified alongside the tasks and subtasks. Present all of the tasks listed in the format of a Marketing Plan using appropriate headers and sub-headers to identify your work. (You may also use the task numbers listed as your table of contents’ and within your headers if you wish).

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Marketing plan for anki drive, marketing programme Assignment. (2018, Sep 30). Retrieved March 25, 2025, from