Marketing of a New Product at Snowy Snowboarding Assignment

Marketing of a New Product at Snowy Snowboarding Assignment Words: 411

SHORT TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Purpose Statement 2. General Description / Syllabus 3. Marketing Research 4. Marketing Perception 5. Research on Snowy Brand 6. Competition Analysis 7. New Snowy Products & Services 8. Platform to Stimulate Sales at Snowy 9. Conclusions 10. Bibliography ABSTRACT MOTIVATION ???Marketing research olately global increasing significance; obut can not be said that is reached maturity yet; oit’s wrongly done when something seems to go wrong in the company; oit should be done: o ?to optimize of the work flow, ?to feel the market beat/trend, ?before any major action, even in short term marketing planning; oit should involve and entail the operational work force. ???Sales stimulation oit’s wrongly done: ?only in a compact environment, ?only in the marketing team, ?without actually being effective on the market. PROBLEM STATEMENT ???Understand where Snowy stands in the snowboarding industry; ???Improve Snowy’s position and seize more market share in the snowboarding industry; ???Develop new innovative snowboarding products based on marketing and technical research; ???Improving perception over Snowy’s image. APPROACH ???Theoretically approaching the problem statement; Research, analyze and understand Snowy inside sales trend; ???Research, measure and understand the market regarding: oage segmenting of the consumers, oaiming for the most important quarter, ogender segmenting of the consumers chosen quarter, orepositioning Snowy with introducing a new department exactly designer for the new segment, odifferentiating Snowy’s new department from the competition; ???Prototype concept construction based on the above: odesign innovative new products exactly suited based on the differentiated process, odevelop associated products creating family products, develop special services for the new family products; ???Develop application programs to deal with the perception of the new family products and stimulate the sales: ovalue perception of the chosen customers quarter, oimplied roles involved in the commercial process, oincreasing the motivation to buy, opersonal sale tactics, odealing with perception over the information customers receive, ostudy and resolve the purchasing risk for the customers, oSnowy brand managing, omanage the cognitive dissonance. RESULTS ???Understood where Snowy stands in the snowboarding industry; ???Improved Snowy’s position on the market; Seized more market share; ???Developed new innovative family products based on marketing and technical research; ???Improving perception over Snowy’s brand; ???Optimized of the work flow of the whole company; ???Increased the perception of the market over the new family products ???Stimulated the sales. CONCLUSIONS ???Applied the new global marketing developments in Snowy; ???Discovered new ways Snowy could acquire large share of the market; ???Developed new product families and the associated services; ???Dealt with perception in the marketing of the new product families; ???Stimulated the sales.

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Marketing of a New Product at Snowy Snowboarding Assignment. (2020, Jun 08). Retrieved March 7, 2025, from