Marketing Mix Paper Assignment

Marketing Mix Paper  Assignment Words: 711

Marketing Mix Paper Marketing can be challenging, especially in today’s’ current trends, with the technology of how rapid communication is being transmitted, and new marketing strategies are coming out faster than ever. In the subject matter of business, according to Truest (2014), “the term marketing mix refers to the four major areas in decision making in the marketing process that are blended to obtain the results desired by the organization: product, place, price and promotion” (Truest. 2014).

The four marketing mix elements are also referred to as the four As of marketing. In the racketing mix, elements consist of various sub-elements. In this paper, will be discussing the various elements and sub-elements that factors in the marketing mix in the hospitality industry that are for profit organizations. The purpose of marketing mix is to make an effort to please the needs and desires of the consumers. Product The first element of the Marketing Mix is the product. Any product can either be a good, service or a combination of both.

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The product in this particular marketing mix paper is the hotel industry where room accommodation provides lodging services to nonusers young and old. The hospitality service industry offers hotel rooms, and services for every day use for either business and leisure traveler and individuals or groups. People choose a hotel depending on cost, location, value, rating from other people. For example, someone maybe traveling to San Diego and would want to stay at the Salaam District.

The traveler can either book their reservation through a travel agent or search on the Internet then book the room themselves. No matter how the room is booked the person will research the hotel they would like to stay. Typically in the hotel industry, hotels offer the service of providing room accommodations. Along with the hotel brand, the products offered in the hotel that includes comfortable, clean rooms with amenities to attract their customers.

Other services food and beverages, meeting rooms, For example, with business travelers they are offered corporate discount rates not offered to individual customers. Price The other element of the marketing mix is the price. The price is the amount the consumer will pay for a product or service. There are many components in determining the price off product or service. In the hotel industry, one factor related to determining the price is the location, other factors include the season, amenities the hotel offer along with the room, and the brand of the hotel.

Place The next element of the marketing mix is place. In regards to place, place is referring to provide a product or service at the right location to consumers. In the hospitality industry, room accommodations service of providing the rooms in certain particular locations. Hotels are built where people need to stay. Some of the aspects of locating a hotel that takes into consideration are, for example, how far is the hotel to retain locations, in this case downtown San Diego, the Salaam District, San Diego airport, restaurants, Sea World San Diego, Legend.

San Diego Zoo. Promotion The last element of the marketing mix is promotion. A promotion is an incentive to encourage customers to purchase a product or service, in this case to stay at a particular hotel. Some hotels, for example, offer a free night stay for every four nights of complete stay. Hotels have a rewards programs where the consumer get points when they stay at a hotel they earn points and either redeem the points for a ere night stay or products from the hotel by using accumulated points.

Hotels also advertise on television, the Internet. Have you ever realized when you search for a hotel on the Internet and left the website, when one goes to a different website, the hotel advertisement from Hotels. Com, Expedite, Booking. Com to name a few would have advertisements on the sites that you next visit. Another aspect of promotion is discounted rooms, hotels will offer lower rates to attract more consumers to stay at their hotel during off peak season or days. Conclusion In conclusion, marketing is not only how a product is advertised.

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Marketing Mix Paper Assignment. (2021, Dec 31). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from