Marketing Management of Ocean Park Assignment

Marketing Management of Ocean Park Assignment Words: 381

It constitutes of marine mammal, commonplace, animal and amusement as a theme park, located In Wong Chuck Hang and Name Long Shank In the Southern District of Hong Kong. Reason for Choosing Ocean Park Hong Kong Ocean Park Hong Kong ruled the local amusement park landscape alone. In 2005, Hong Kong Disneyland had arrived and busted out the Park from its near 30-year comfort zone. However, Ocean Park has secured the prestigious 2012 Applause Award, which was the first in Asia to be rewarded. The reason for choosing Ocean

Park Hong Kong is thus to study how effectively the marketing strategies are used in the Park against its main competitor, Hong Kong Disneyland. SOOT Analysts A Strength of Ocean Park Hong Kong Is the numerous attractions with different levels of amusements ranging from roller coasters to aquariums. Another one Is the five major annual events throughout the year: a varying Animal In High Definition Month, the Ocean Park Summer Splash, the Halloween Bash, Christmas and Chinese New Year celebrations. Yet, the most obvious weakness is the several incidents happened n the past five years.

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Panda attacking a feeder, dying of Chinese sturgeons and sudden pause of attractions – all these had surprised the publics confidence to the park. In terms of opportunity, there is a proposed MET station on the east of South Island Line for Ocean Park Hong Kong. The station would help attract more customers for the Park because it will be easier and more convenient to visit. The major threat is from the future development plan of Hong Kong Disneyland, which is expected to build more themed areas, rides and hotels In the coming decade to match the increasing needs.

There will be keen competition between Ocean Park Hong Kong and Disneyland after such an expansion. Marketing Objectives Since Ocean Park Hong Kong alms to become a leader among the theme park number of visitors of the Global Attractions Attendance report by COME within two years. Moreover, the Park hopes to increase its profit by at least 20% within two years due to the huge amount of visitors every year. Last, due to the accidents happened in recent years, customers’ satisfaction towards Ocean Park Hong Kong has been imaged.

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Marketing Management of Ocean Park Assignment. (2018, Oct 14). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from