Marketing Assignment

Marketing Assignment Words: 413

Information provided. Provides a detailed description of the marketing environment and explains clearly the implications for the brand. Takes into account all relevant information provided, and has clearly done extra research. 2 Segmentation strategy Does not segment the market or uses inappropriate segmentation variables. Segments the market, but does not use the most meaningful variables. Segments the market mostly based on meaningful, measurable variables but with a few minor exceptions Segments the market based on meaningful, measurable variables. 3

Targeting strategy Chooses target segment randomly or by Intuition only. Provides no Justification for the choice. Chooses target segment(s) based on reasonable but not necessarily the most suitable criteria for the situation. Provides some justification. Provides good level of Justification Chooses target segment(s) based on the most appropriate criteria for the situation, and provides excellent, clear Justification Description of the target customer Provides little or no description of either characteristics or product- and brand- relevant behavior.

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Provides adequate descriptions of the most obvious characteristics and product- and brand-relevant behavior. Provides good, reasonably detailed descriptions of characteristics and product- and brand-relevant behavior. Generally good understanding of the target customer. Provides detailed descriptions of characteristics and product- and brand-relevant behavior. Clearly understands the target customer. Positioning strategy Fails to develop a positioning strategy or provides a strategy that does not differentiate the brand.

Does not include a positioning statement or presents a consisting statement that omits most elements. Identifies a positioning strategy that responds to obvious aspects of the brand’s situation. Presents a positioning statement that defines the point of difference but may omit one or more other elements. Identifies and Justifies a positioning strategy that is generally appropriate for the situation. Presents a positioning statement that includes reasonable definition of the target segment and benefit, the market category and brand, and point of difference.

Develops and Justifies a positioning strategy that is appropriate for the situation. Presents a positioning statement that includes excellent definition of the target segment and benefit, the market category and brand, and point of difference. Marketing tactics Omits brand’s tactics from one or more of the usual areas. Does not link tactics to Includes tactics for each of the usual areas, but links with the positioning strategy are tenuous. Includes tactics for most of the usual areas that express the positioning strategy. Includes tactics for all of the usual areas that clearly express the positioning strategy.

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Marketing Assignment. (2021, Oct 17). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from