Krishna and Hinduism Worldview Assignment

Krishna and Hinduism Worldview Assignment Words: 1235

They start betraying and killing for simple desires instead of for ones own good. By being this ignorant, the karma of a human being just begins to keep on piling up, like it is mentioned in the Gait, “Your own karma, born Of your own nature, will drive you to do even that which you do not wish to do, because of your delusion” (18:60 p. 60). Being caught up in this delusion and all the surrounding bad karma that floats around leads to being stuck in the endless cycle of reincarnation and having no enlightenment in the person’s life because the Lord “whirls them [the creatures] round upon the wheel of Maya” (Gait 1 8:60 p. ). If one is locked into reincarnation, it keeps him or her from having or achieving peace, the biggest problem that a human being can have in their lifetime. Solution: To solve a condition, or problem, you need a very good solution. What, if anything, can be done to fix the world and your surroundings or even yourself? The solution in the religion of Hinduism is to simply follow a set of paths that will guide one to the right of way, back the One. These paths, or commonly known as marks, include the karma-Marge, the path of action, which is simply following religious obligations.

The backbit-Marge, or the path f devotion, which is focusing on one’s deity. The Joana-Marge, or the path of knowledge, the act of studding the sacred texts. The last path is the raja- Marge, or the path of discipline, the highest and hardest path in which one individual renounces to everything and everyone in hopes of becoming the highest good that they can be. The paths help to explain that for one to evolve they should worship more, “Men who worship me, thinking solely of me, always disciplined, win the reward I secure” (Gait 9:20 p. 58) and be following and doing your duties, “Look to your own duty do not tremble fore it” (Gait 2:31 p. 7). These two ways of fixing the problem are explained by Krishna to Aragua in the Baghdad-Gait. Aragua is set to fight in a battle but in the last minute he twirls around the idea of retreating because of the fear of dying and killing. He believes that the act of killing will be bad in karma. Krishna is outraged with this Nan-sense and makes it his duty to open Arson’s eyes to see and realize that he has a duty and that it is to be a warrior and fight. Krishna argues that by not fulfilling his duty in reality will be what brings him the bad karma that he so truly fears.

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In the end, Aragua can not back down into his fears because that would be like turning your back on the God. A Hindu must follow their duties, beliefs, and many rituals in order to reach their inner peace, to receive good karma and possibly a better ranking in the caste system and stages of life. Morality: What is wrong and what is right? What is the ethical system? For Hindus, morality comes in following the responsibilities of their caste system which include (in order), the Brahmins, Ashtray, Visa, Shudder, and lastly, the Dalais.

It is right for each caste to come through with their duties from being priest to being a complete outcast. The members of each caste must fulfill duties depending on their stage in life, some including the studying of texts or taking care of the household. Women have the moral responsibility of being committed to their husbands and children. They are responsible of making sure that the religion continues on generation after generation. Some rules Of the caste system include that each caste member should keep to their own and lessen the mixture between those of a lower caste, especially the Dalais, the “non-Hindus”.

For Dalais, it is wrong to act superior to others and right to e unseen and to stay away from the others in their community who are not also Dalais, “A [Hindu] man should not deal with them in any way; they must do business and marry only among themselves”(Laws of Mann 10. 51-57 p. 45). Although each caste is different in many ways, each one of them do share some moralities, ‘Duties common to all castes are patience, truthfulness, restraint, purity, liberality, [and] self-control” (Institutes of Vishnu 2 p. 44).

Even though each Hindu may be living their lives on different levels, they all have the responsibilities of living their lives according to those words mentioned in the phrase above. Happiness and Purpose: What is the purpose of life and what can bring it happiness and fulfillment? Following the four paths mentioned before helps bring the enlightenment which in reality is the main purpose of the life of a Hindu. Being aware that everything is connected, that everything is one, that all is Brahmas, brings a human being purpose, happiness, and fulfillment.

Like explained in the Changed Vanished, “The essence of all beings is the earth, the essence of the earth is water, the essence of water the plants, the essence of plants the man” (p. 2). This phrase in describing the syllable mm clearly shows that there is a linkage between everything and everyone until reaching the highest good or otherwise known as the sum bonus. The sense of fulfillment is also brought by finding the significant other, “When two people come together they fulfill each other’s desire” (Changed Vanished 1. 1. 1-10 p. 52).

A man needs a woman to help him into the path of salvation by giving the man and his family a male baby. A woman needs a man to help her gain or grow into a higher stage and caste in her future life by helping her by building DOD karma, like mentioned in class, a Hindu woman wants to fulfill her desire of possibly being a male in another life. Each individual also needs some type of peace to gain happiness which can be achieved through looking deep within themselves through the process of yoga, a meditating type of exercise that helps in separating the soul and from the body.

It allows the person to reach deep inside and to look for the problems within instead of focusing on the superficial items like looks or other materialistic things. Part 2: Critique of the Hinduism World view: The Krishna and the Hinduism world view from my point of view is a lot like a pedigree, everything is intertwined and comes together neatly into a small type of maze, all in the end is one. Although some or most of the beliefs in the Hindu religion are based in equality, the caste system says and demonstrates otherwise.

The system puts a type of hierarchy in the religion and between the Hindus, some being placed at a better position than the others, displacing the belief of equality, again, especially when dealing with the Dalais. Some are rich while others are living in poverty and segregation is evident. In my opinion, however, the idea of equality in Hinduism does exist no matter what the caste system may show. I think that Karma is really the key, or the link, that brings the equality together in the religion.

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