Forensics in Crime: For Humans and Wildlife Assignment

Forensics in Crime: For Humans and Wildlife Assignment Words: 1526

These elements of life are even evident from the historical remnants of the human race. Life elements like happiness, sorrow, work, elation’s, money, crime, science, healing and all the other odd and even strategies of life are the elements which make up our society. One of such an important but at the same unacceptable and unlikable elements is the element of ‘crime’, for which the human society has always been reluctant to pursue and had punished the criminals in different ways.

With the advancement of technology, criminals had found various ways to conduct a crime and human brain is a complex system of strategies, making the criminal more dangerous, but at the same time human had found more ways through which criminals could be caught and punished. One such way is called ‘Forensic’, forensic is the scientific techniques and methods used in the investigation and detection of a crime and an offense.

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Positive and negative impact on Forensic fighting crime Police is using advance technology in various ways to bring lawbreakers to justice; for instance the scouring of a hard disc of a computer or a searching a broken vase deeply to find the invisible fingerprints and identifications at a crime scene helps identify the suspects of a crime. Not only forensic is limited to laboratory and to searching of such evidences like guns, fingerprints, blood pots, DNA reports, but also, with the help of forensic artistic unidentified face could be reconstructed which helps in the identification of dead body and other prospective.

One such example of police using and relying on forensic science and some other innovative crime solving expertise is the case of 2012 in Texas (Brown, 2014), where an anonymous deceased man body was identified with the help of forensic artist. This is not the only case in which police has used forensic science in crime explanation and also to close investigations, there are many other such examples.

Another example includes the rescue of twenty eight abused youngsters and as a result forty four verdicts, between the years 2013 and 2014 (Brown, 2014). This was accomplished with the help and usage of advance and innovative computer forensics by the Child Pornography Task Force. Despite the fact that today computer forensics is helping the police and is very effective in solving crime still the most effective method to solve crime cases is the method of ‘ballistics’, which is also among the oldest methods used in the crime scene.

In addition to the crimes related to human beings and the forensic science sighting against these crimes, today there is also emphasis laid on the forensic support provided for the wildlife investigators and managers in stopping criminals against animals and wildlife and also protecting the wildlife, more frequently endangered species of wildlife. The category of crime against the wildlife or animals includes the trading of endangered species, man factoring and then selling of items produced from threatened or endangered species and the illegal hunting of wildlife.

The one and only laboratory in the world which is dedicated to the solving of wildlife crimes is The National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory, in Oregon (Pall, 2003). This lab works to find the source of the species under consideration and to analyze the forensic data and proof that could connect the specie to the abuse of wildlife law, and also to its human suspect. Sometimes the job involves forensics professionals to give evidence in court or even endeavor into the arena when gathering the evidence is complicated.

One of the cases involved three hundred headless walruses which were swept away up on the coastline of Alaska, in 1991 (Pall, 2003). In the United Kingdom (ELK) the investment into the forensic science has been increased, specifically in detecting the auto crime and burglary crime. The implementation of forensic science and techniques has positively impacted the crime situation and has considerably reduced the number of crimes and crime investigations. The techniques and identification methods such as taking and pulling finger prints from the crime scene has resolved one third of the total pending cases in police files (Burrows et al. 2004) One of the aspects which are negatively influencing the forensic science and the level of expectations people have room forensic evidence and science is the guidance given by the popular television shows related to the crime. The frequent viewing Of such crime related television shows has a very negative impact on the people mind and on the legal decisions also. People expect more and quick results as the most of scientific analysis depicted in such television shows partially non-existent and also shows forensic work as racy, too glamorous and streamlined (Cole & Disco-Villa, 2007).

Certain apprehensions revolve about the alarm that adjudicators’ anticipations about the forensic science, in addition to the police recesses are molded by depictions in the fictitious crime programs and which impacts the constitutional rights of the crime victims and defendants (Tyler, 2006). All these Anticipated effects are considered to influence the judges, juries, judges, victims, defendants, witnesses, participants from public and moreover the lawyers (Goodman-Delinquent & Await, 2006).

Although some of the postulated effects of such fictional crime shows are also positive, for instance better awareness of the forensic proof, data and greater than before inspiration amongst jurors. On the other hand, more of the effects are actively and undesirably framed, for instance assumption that an unjustified upsurge in offender exoneration’s will proceed when the forensic proof, or its nonexistence, does not counterpart flawed presumptions stimulated by the fictional media depictions of science.

However these all are speculations, which are highly publicized, in reality whether these speculations are true or not, they exist or not are unknown. These all speculations are research based and have no clear yes or no answer (Tyler, 2006). Over the past few years, increased emphasis has been laid on the importance on the collection of forensic evidence in a crime, nonetheless the empirical data about the types of forensic evidence collected, and to which level this data is succumbed to and inspected in forensic crime laboratories, is not evident.

In addition there is very less study present which defines the impact and role of such forensic evidence and indication on illegitimate justice results. Forensic proof can impact the decisions of case processing, but the impact is not even across all the crimes; the impact of evidence differ subject to the criminal offense, range of criminal evidence, the criminal judgment level, and few additional features of the event. A study conducted discovered that a very extensive data and forensic proof was gathered from the crime scenes and from the victims in case of homicides and, also to a reduced extent, rapes too.

Whereas the forensic evidence collection in case of burglary, robbery and assault, was very limited. Nonetheless Very little reported crime cases had forensic proof that connected a suspicious person to the crime prospect and to the victim. On the other hand, the verdict percentage for the criminals with connecting forensic proof was considerably higher than crime scenes without such proof. In addition, conviction degrees were greater for crimes with two or additional forms of customizing evidence that connected offenders with offense scenes (Peterson et al 2010).

A sum of causes has been recognized as to why proof may not be deferred to the crime laboratories. Law enforcement may not defer to evidence if a detective interrogates if an offense has, in reality, happened and if the detective inquiries if the case values full investigation. Investigators may also not submit evidence if a suspect had not been identified, if the investigator believes the case will not be charged by a prosecutor, and because of delays n receiving laboratory results because of long turn around tines. Equally important, even if evidence is submitted, in many cases, the evidence is not analyzed.

Conclusion In today’s progressively multifaceted world, we discover ourselves at relatively unique cultural and societal cross ways. Never in the human history, has the world been so reliant on the technology and on its numerous side-shoots and manifestations. More or less every facade and aspect of our everyday lives is affected to some degree by the technology and techniques, for instance internet, mail, online banking, and others. This dependence and also penitence on technology to some level, has had a ripple effect on other less understandable areas of civilization.

One of the areas is law implementation and, more precisely, criminal inquires and investigations. From very long time in past, criminal inquiries relies on such ideas as eyewitnesses, confessions, and physical evidence. These are forensic science and use of forensic science in criminal fight has mostly been taken positively and has positive impact on a crime case. In the present day, the criminal detective must distinguish that an immense amount of proof are also present in the digital and electronic form. The criminality scene may comprise of a network and computer system, as contrast to the conventional physical scene.

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Forensics in Crime: For Humans and Wildlife Assignment. (2021, Nov 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from