Food Waste Marketing Brief Assignment

Food Waste Marketing Brief Assignment Words: 441

South Australia’s figures are substantial; each household wastes around $517 or $213 per person (Australia Institute, 2009). Wasted food also wastes water and other resources used to produce the food. As McDonald Is the world largest fast-food chains, it Is the obligation to participate Into sustainable development program with other ethical corporation. 2. Business and Research Objectives. McDonald’s Australia is a quick service restaurant company. As of 31 DCE 2013 there are 890 McDonald’s restaurants across the country and employ approximately 95,000 people in both restaurants and management offices. But wastage always happens In

McDonald’s restaurants. For example, McDonald’s have strict holding times for products to ensure quality as the unsold chips have to be thrown out after seven minutes, and the burgers after 20 minutes In theory. Normally. The unnecessary waste happens when oversupply burger/chips at busy dinner time, if less people comes, those extra food will be throw away. (McDonald ASS, 2013) The aim for the research is by offering reliable data analysis for food waste to convince McDonald’s improve food processed techniques and take on their CARS to educate customer get involved with environmental friendly activities.

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The specific content as below: C] Build awareness and knowledge of the food waste in McDonald’s employee and customer’s perception Identify the motivation of customer get involved with reducing waste 0 identify barriers and difficulties encountered by customers D Examine future sustainability of McDonald C] Examine other aspects of behavior relating to food waste Those diagnose will cover food waste both inside and outside McDonald’s restaurant, but mainly analyses Inside the restaurant. Finally, the research client will provide possible solution and recommendation for the company.

Recommendation C] Shop wisely as planned or better healthy meal provide from McDonald’s. CLC”Green global” advertising on the service plate and surface of food package. C] Non-fat chips or burgers can cut off people’s hesitation for eat whole meal or not. 0 New processed technology to ensure the food can keep fresh longer. 0 Reduce the The customer volume in peak time and prepare accurate numbers of food supply. 0 Different size meal at different times, such as keep-diet meal and non-sugar meal. Award insider CARS participants through limited value menus, promotional games to promote old/new items on the menu egg; Happy Meal toys, Big Mac Hockey Contest ND card games. 3. Research Methodology Qualitative Here, the purpose is to explore and understand consumer behavior and attitude rather than a statistical data. We employed group discussions (up to 200 participants are invited from the three segments each) and in-depth interviews. The discussion normally last around al hours and in-depth interviews 45 – 60 minutes, household customer are the major participants.

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Food Waste Marketing Brief Assignment. (2021, Jan 30). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from