Confucianism Assignment

Confucianism Assignment Words: 1213

However, more ‘traditional’ international HRS (IHRAM) defines two area narrowed and descriptively, with little backing in systematic research, although for some this is less the case, with increasing interest in broader issues, subsidiary concerns and theoretical development (Dowling et al. , 1999). Despite the all-pervasive talk of globalization, the seasoned international business traveler will only be aware of differences in the ‘way Of doing things’ from country to country and from region to region.

It is the purpose of this report to assist understanding s to why observed manifestations of HRS and employment practices demonstrate distinctiveness and ’embeddings’ within specific geographic territories. The Increasing FED across the world and the growing trend for managing business across different borders result in expansion of operation in different geographical and national settings.

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Employers have to now manage people in different institutional and cultural settings. Alienation management theory has tend to polarize us around two distinct streams of theory which are convergence and divergence. The former suggests that management and organization principles and practices are becoming universally uniformed ( Kerr, Dunlop, Harrison and Myers, 1 960), predominantly by taking an Anglo- American model as the standard to compare.

The almost universal adoption of HRS as a concept and practice appears to support this thesis, despite the apparent contradictions between a predominant instrumental attitude to people in organizations in many Western societies, and a fundamental humanism in many local community cultures in the South (Jackson, 2002) Globalization and FED has increased the supply of elasticity, new technology, Roth of multinationals, mobility of labor, capital and technology and increased global competition have arguably led to increased convergence of managerial and HRS practices (Dowling, 1999).

The notion of convergence is being tempered by opposing theoretical constructs of divergence/ particularistic relating to country and local context, including cultural variables, regulatory environment, labor-market attributes, skills supply and its level of industrial structure (Porter, 1987). South Africa in particular has experienced a dramatic transformation in the postoperative era. The economy has opened up and liberalized. These developments have increased interest in the region for East Asian investors facing saturated domestic markets (Tan et al. , 1998).

These are basic research which shows how both the country differ in their culture as see in the globe study its been classifies in to black and white same way the employers pay is also being classifies in to different levels shown in the figure below. South African county follow a dualistic labor market which is skilled vs. unskilled. Many who can’t find employment in the formal sector can find in he informal sectors, unemployment is one of the most serious and intractable.

It is the greatest single cause of deep poverty, it has replaced race as the major factor in inequality, and it underlies or contributes to a wide range of other socio-economic ills (Schlemiel & Levity, 1998:1 ) The primary and secondary sectors of the labor market are the result of the interaction between these two main forms of stratification. Dualism in the South African labor market is was discover by Van deer Berg (199211) A major economic challenge in a less developed country such as South Africa lies in overcoming the crippling.

Dualism between the high- productivity, high-wage modern sectors and the low-productivity subsistence sectors both have got different condition to work in. In terms of the dual labor market theory, the South African labor market is clearly divided between workers employed in the core sector (insiders) and those who are not (outsiders). Needle consists of 4 groups: trade unions, business, government, and community. Labor representatives in Needle come from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COASTAL), the Federation of Unions in South Africa (Feuded), and the National Council of Trade Unions (Enact).

COASTAL: The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COASTS) was launched in December 1985 after four years of unity talks between unions opposed to apartheid and committed to a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa. AIM CLC To improve material conditions of our members and of the working people as a whole. C To organize the inorganic 0 To ensure worker participation in the struggle for peace and democracy Principles ECMA: “A letter from the ECMA is the last thing any business owner wants to get. The ECMA has offices all over the country and it’s main goal is to protect he rights of all parties involved in a labor dispute, so every person gets a “fair shake” AIM promoting fair practices in the work environment, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (ECMA) is an independent authority (meaning it has no links to a particular political party, business or trade union) that resolves labor disputes, and provides advice and training on labor relations.

South Africa history brings or involves these factors or notions to help and support the workers of the country, to get them so many work unions and numerous labor act As a country which is still under the pressure of white or n the favor of them, where white are treated as high society people given better payoffs and considering the higher managerial job which isn’t provided to black being their own country of birth. Where labor isn’t organized and you will never see a white doing primary agricultural job or into unskilled labor.

Education and awareness is needed and the government and number of different bodies are working on it. Where the hrs is delivering n the current era and better can be done today south Africa is known for its cheap labor throughout the world which is also the main reason for FED to enter in heir country. South African core competence is their mining and coal industry. South Africa is the most heterogeneous continent in the world-??linguistically, culturally, and ethnically. In business, identity in Africa can be a complex and sensitive issue.

Diversity is not about race, since over 90% of the population is black African; it is instead based on membership in a variety of ethnic groups. China has got this ‘Iron Rice Bowl’ concept which meant that companies took total care of their employees by providing them not only with wages, but also with housing, social and medical insurance, and employment security through life-time employment systems. Social harmony is a socio- economic vision that is said to be the result of Chinese leader Huh Jingo’s signature. Ross-cultural issues are among the most central and most persistent factors that influence international business activities. Operating internationally, companies usually face a lot of cross-cultural challenges such as understanding differences in communication,styles, values, principles, organizational structures, preferences for leadership approach, management practices, and different ways of decision-making. Needless to say that the ring understanding and inappropriate handling cultural differences can usually cause organizational conflicts and may cause severe inefficiencies and competitive disadvantages.

Chinese people core values are unique and consistent, shaped by a tradition. These values distinguish them not only from African or Western cultures. Chinese cultural values and identity are shaped on three major categories: traditional culture, communist ideology, and more recently western values. The traditional Chinese culture encompasses diverse and sometimes competing schools of thought, including Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.

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