Argumentative: Sex education in school. Assignment

Argumentative: Sex education in school. Assignment Words: 553

The first step is improving sex education: Argumentative essay. In the U. S, more than 750,000 girls ages 15-19 become pregnant every year. More than 80 percent of these are unintended pregnancies, according to decomposing. Org. That is a great amount of teenagers that could have potentially dodged a bullet with a little more sexual education. Will a lack of sexual education continue to play a role in the overwhelming amount of teenage mothers in America? In my opinion of course it will.

Just like the article states, sex education is rising in American schools, and this is in favor of my argument on how I greatly support this upward movement y reason is we are just falling way behind! Further thought out and well presented sex education will reduce teen pregnancy and spread of sexual diseases. How exactly will better sex education In the states lead to fewer sex Incidents within the sexually active community? Simply by education. Lack of education In anything will not give you positive results.

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Although It Is said that there Is no strong proof that teaching sex education will have any effect on teenagers and young adults. There Is proof. Ex. Higher writes “Analysis in sex education in Sweden, Holland, France, Great Britain and Canada show us lagging far behind” (143). Reading the article and noticing ten particular countries Montreal, I went to research. I en countries mentioned are up to par with America as far as development and economy go, but fall way behind when it comes to all things sexual!

We not only have higher teenage birth rates, we also have higher sexually transmitted diseases and lower use of oral contraceptives. The statistics and education don’t lie. I would have personally benefited from a more well put together sex education class and many other young lady’s would agree. (Rodriguez 2) I’m sure now the reader is wondering if there is a deeper reason for my argument. Yes there is. I am teen mother, I am a statistic, one of the person that adds on to the lack of sex education in America.

One of the many teenager girls that had a lack of sexual education. I thought it could never happen to me Just like in the article, ex, Higher writes “They believe ‘It can’t happen to me’. ” (144). It wasn’t arrogance or ignorance it was my lack of understanding and me not wanting to ask questions related to sex. I now ask myself how many pregnant teenagers had the same questions I did? Lets follow in the countries listed in the article’s foot steps, in fact we have already started, considering ex education has increased dramatically in the last 5 years.

Let it keep rising! I stand by my argument, lets give these confused teenagers the knowledge to rely on, Just like Sweden, Holland, France, Great Britain and Canada have. They are statistically doing better the article speaks on It Ana so I stand by my argument. I give my full support to the growth of sexual education, I wonder if Laredo agrees with me? (Rodriguez 3) Heckling, Fred M. “The First Step in Improving Sex Education: Remove the Hellfire. ” Reading and Writing Short Arguments. De. William Vestryman. New York: Mayflies publishing, 1994. 143-146

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