Important Terms in Cultural Anthropology Assignment

Important Terms in Cultural Anthropology Assignment Words: 1045

The physical objects produced by a culture In order to meet Its material needs: food, clothing, shelter, arts, and recreation. Culture-The body of beliefs (values), social forms, and material traits that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people. Folk Culture-cultural traditions practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation. Popular Culture-cultural elements found In large. Heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences in personal characteristics.

Globalization-Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide In scope. Habit-A repetitive act that a particular individual performs. Custom-A repetitive act of a group, performed to the extent that It becomes characteristic of the group. Taboo-A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom. Artifact-A human-made object which gives Information about the culture of Its creator and users. Built environment-The part of the physical landscape that represents material culture, Including buildings, roads. Bridges, etc.

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Core-Domain-Sphere Model-The place where concentration of culture traits that characterizes a region is greatest. Cultural Convergence-The tendency for cultures to become more alike as they increasingly share technology and organizational structures in a modern world united by improved transportation and communication. Cultural Landscape-Modification to an environment by humans (Including bully 1 OFF Environmental Perception-The concept that people of different cultures will definitely observe and interpret their environment and make different decisions about its nature, potentiality, and use.

Culture Complex-A related set of culture traits descriptive of one aspect of a society’s behavior or activity (may be associated with religious beliefs or business practices). Culture Hearth-A nuclear area within which an advanced and distinctive set of culture traits, ideas, and technologies develops and from which there is diffusion of those characteristics and the cultural landscape features they imply. Culture Realm-A collective of culture regions sharing related culture systems; a major world area having sufficient distinctiveness to be perceived as a set apart from other alms in terms of cultural characteristics and complexes.

Culture Region-A formal or functional region within which common cultural characteristics prevail. Culture Trait-A single, distinguishing feature of regular occurrence within a culture, such as the use of chopsticks or the observance of a particular caste system. A single element of learned behavior. Environmental Determinism-A theory of how the physical environment caused social development. Cultural Ecology-The geographic study of human-environment relationships.

Possibility- A theory of how the physical environment may limit some human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to their environment. Mendicant- Cultural trait that represents the ideas and beliefs of a culture, for example religion, language, or law. Sociopath- Cultural trait that represents the social structures of a culture such as tribes or families. Acculturation- Cultural modification or change that results when one culture group adopts traits of a dominant society; cultural development or change through “borrowing. Assimilation- The minority population reduces or loses its identifying culture characteristics and blends into the host society. Uniform Landscape- How popular culture’s landscape looks the same. Considerations. Sequent Occupancy- The notion that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place, each contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape. Perception- awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation 1 . Culture-The body of beliefs (values), social forms, and material traits that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people.

Cultural geography- the study of the impact of human culture on the landscape Cultural regions- A formal or national region within which common cultural characteristics prevail. 2. Anglo-American- English Latin-American- Spanish but with a wide distribution of others such as English, German, French, and Latin. 3. Folk cultures origin is anonymous and it diffuses very slowly and develops over time. It is clustered distribution, isolated and lack of interaction, breed uniqueness and always has something to do with the environment.

It is usually located in a rural community and the community is very close together. The folk cultures houses are armorial built with wood and bricks, and do not have blueprints. Folk cultures do not like to change a tradition. Food comes from what local wilderness produces and they ‘live off the land’ Popular culture has a wide distribution, and they go from place to place rapidly and more likely differences at one place over time. Their housing is a small region and it varies from region to region, but most of the time there are trends.

Their food is from cargo and there is no limit of distance if something is popular, for example, drugs and snacks. 4. An example of folk culture is Amiss. The Amiss are people who basically have no technology. This is folk because it is practiced by a small group. An example of folk region is Pennsylvania, because that is where most Amiss cities live. 5. A specific examples of popular cultural are soccer and Backbone. Soccer originated in England and was first played by workers kicking around a Danish solders head for fun.

Then it diffused to villages and two different villages would come together to play a large game of soccer. Then, it got banned by the king of England. Then it spread to churches from fundraiser. Then it was taught in school. Then it became a globalizes sport and a popular culture. 6. Popular culture affects the landscape because it has complex network of roads and highways, commercial structures tend towards ‘boxes’, dwelling may be aesthetically suggestive of older folk traditions, planned and gated communities are becoming more and more common, and begins to create a homogeneous placeless landscape.

Folk culture affects landscape usually of limited scale and scope, not much damage to environment, they prefer food given by the environment around them, houses built from nearby materials, and very steady unchanged economics. 7. Technology can be used for good or for bad. Distribution of anything can be quickly found out from person to person. The diffusion of clothing is the perfect differ from the trends that are in Europe and Europe can see our trends. The way that bad things can be used for are hacks into websites. The government has complete control of the internet and can shut down anything they think is shaky or sketchy.

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