Cultural Anthropology paper Assignment

Cultural Anthropology paper  Assignment Words: 1570

Victims of Progress Sydney Irene Masque Monterey Peninsula College Keywords: Modernization, Victims of Progress, Indigenous Peoples Abstract Indigenous people of this world are very Important to our society, and the reason for this being is because there are not a lot of indigenous people left in this world. Modernization has wiped out, and is continuing to wipe out more and more of the indigenous people in this world. These indigenous people are not willingly giving up there life to modernization, but are being forced Into because they have no other choice but to.

With their land being taken over, and things that are disrupting their rotational diets it makes it hard for the indigenous people to continue how they have lived their lives for hundreds if not thousands of years making them victims of modernization that is forcing them to move, and be more susceptible to these new diseases that are slowly killing them off. We need cultures like this in our world because even though most people don’t realize they even exist they still teach us new stuff. They are important to this world Just Like our culture Is Important to this world.

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Modernization Is what has caused these Indigenous people to become victims of regress. Body The definition of modernization is a progressive transition from a pre-modern/ traditional society to a modern society. That Is what the Indigenous people are being forced to do, Is to become a part of the modern society and form to the new ways. The article “The Tractor Invasion” is a really good example of the Excavate being forced to do something because of the modernization that is going on around them. They were forced to leave their land because of agribusiness, and they TLD have any say In It because they don’t “own the land”.

Colonialism has a big part In moving he indigenous people off of their land because everything is based off of profit now. The people that were cutting down the trees to make fields for crops to grow on in “The Tractor Invasion” were doing so to make profits, and they weren’t doing it Just to grow crops that they can eat. ‘Why Can’t People Feed Themselves” Is a good example of how colonialism is affecting the indigenous people. The indigenous people used to grow crops just for themselves to live off of, and now since modernization has happened it has turned into growing crops for profit.

Because of modernization everything has turned Into profit, and a good example f this Is “The Intuit Paradox”. Although these Indigenous people can’t grow crops where they live, modernization has affected them too. For thousands of years they 1 OFF are becoming more stores all over the world that means that these stores are becoming closer to indigenous people. When these store become closer to indigenous people it makes it easier for them to access it therefore changing their traditions, and their way of doing things that they have been doing for thousands of years.

This causes modernization to have an effect on their life too making them victims of progress as well. Making the indigenous people change their ways has a age effect on their lives in many ways. The article “The Price of Progress” talks about how indigenous people are being forced to change because of different countries, cities, and communities. These countries are changing the way that they are doing things, and are trying to take over the indigenous people’s resources and are taking advantage of these people because the only reason they want these people to move is for their natural resources.

Causing these people to move makes them change their lifestyle completely because moving to a new place means, new resources, new food, and new diseases. Discussion Learning about the indigenous people and how they did things completely different than most of the modernized world does things now is very interesting. It can give a person a new outlook on life because of how completely different the indigenous peoples lifestyles were. Now the ways that indigenous people do things is changing drastically because of modernization in this new world.

Colonialism has played a huge role in this modernization. Indigenous people are getting kicked off their land, like the Excavate peoples, that they have grown their own crops on for consumption for many years by people who are going to now use that land for profit. When food becomes for profit rather than for consumption by the producer that’s when people start not being able to feed themselves. The reason for this being because when it becomes for profit, that means it is going to cost people money in order to eat this crop.

For the indigenous people they can’t pay for the crop that now has a price on it, and since they don’t have land anymore to grow crops on for their own consumption they are out of food to eat. This is very sad because that means the indigenous people are being forced into modernization because they don’t have he land that they used to grow their crops on anymore. It means that they need to somehow get money, which they don’t have because most indigenous people live off of the land, in order to buy the crops that they have to pay for.

Although the indigenous people don’t have to buy the things that modernization has thrust upon them, it is hard for them not too because every day more and more of their land is being taken over. They have less and less land to work off of, and getting pushed out of their land causes them to not know about all of the new resources that they have n the new area of land that they now have to live off of making these indigenous people victims of progress. Most indigenous people live off the same land for hundreds of years, and most of their traditions are from living off that land.

Their bodies get used to it and they become immune to all of the things around them because that culture has lived in that area for so long causing them to not get diseases very often. With modernization happening and countries continuing to keep pushing them out of their habitats, that causes them to live in new habitats where a lot of things may be different. This they are living on may be introducing new diseases. Another cause of this is because their diets are having to change.

When they are being moved out of their areas, those couple species of animals that they had been hunting for hundreds of years might not be in the new area that they are living in causing them to change a lot of things they do. The new animals that are in their area now they might not know how to hunt, and then they will have to do whatever they can to survive. This might cause their nutrition levels to go down which makes them more prone to sickness and diseases. Not all of the indigenous people are being affected by modernization in the way of land being stolen from them though, some are being affected in other ways.

The Intuit for example still have all of the frozen land that they need to survive off like their past ancestors have done. The problem with them is that modernization has caused there to become more stores all over the world making it so that the stores are closer and of easier access to the Intuit. This causes them to change their diets drastically, and eat more fatty foods like cookies and soda. It is kind of funny because the article itself s explaining its amazement with how the Intuit can survive and be healthy and fit on such a high fat diet.

Yet, now there isn’t going to be as much amazement going around because the Intuit are going to eventually become obese or have diabetes because of the stores that are now showing up everywhere around them. It is sad that modernization has had such an effect on the indigenous people. Even if it isn’t because they are taking the land over of the indigenous people it is still causing problems for them in other ways too. People need to start realizing what they are doing to the indigenous peoples. It is super sad that these indigenous people are being forced off their land, and have no choice as to if they want to stay or not.

The people in this world need to start realizing that we are slowly killing these cultures because of the way that modernization is changing the world and making these indigenous people victims of progress. These indigenous people had no choice in becoming part of the progress that has happened in this world, and the ways that they must live in now have drastically changed from what they once used to be. The world is trying to form these people into something they are not, and people need to legalize that we need these types of people in our world.

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