Andrew Ryan Case Study Assignment

Andrew Ryan Case Study Assignment Words: 626

What was the situation Ryan faced in his assignment at PVC Brakes? There was an obvious divide between engineers and operations which lead to the unhealthy culture at PVC Brakes. The culture was all over the place! There were disgruntled employees that had worked there for awhile and had become complacent making it difficult to change their state of mind. Ryan tried to demonstrate to the entire company that the TTS philosophy could help PVC Brakes be more effective. Ryan also Anted to show senior management that he had the ability to turn teams around and e a change agent.

Ryan also thought that introducing TTS would prove important to the fate of the business. 2. Why did things go wrong? Who was responsible? Expectations were too high. Because of the environment that was already established at PVC Brakes, the new TTS program would only work to disappoint all involved, because not all employees were “buying” into it. The culture of the company had already been set; it’s very difficult to change the culture. Engagement didn’t start from the top down. If upper management doesn’t believe in it, then why should anyone else.

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He was never going to win with a group of employees that were against the concept before it even started. It is very difficult to change employees’ attitudes toward a company or project when they are already tainted and exude such disdain for the company they work for. Things really started to go wrong when he wasn’t able to produce results that people could see. With any program you have to give some hope that it works and it’s a good cause to fight fairly early on in the implementation. 3. Was Andrew Ryan effective? Ryan was somewhat effective because he was excited about the idea of TTS.

That’s someone you want to have introduce your program as they will be energize about Neat the program means, and invigorated to share the details. But again, you have to produce results fairly quickly to keep people engaged in the program. He should have picked a quickly easy implantable project to show employees that the project could work. He waited too long to start a project, and it wasn’t the right project. He also needed to have the employees be more engaged and involved with the projects so they could all share in the success/failure of the project; get the employees onboard.

He didn’t have total buy in by upper management either so that didn’t assist in the projects executions, or funding either. An example of this was when the Morehouse worker had a problem with a box knife and she was shut down with her suggestions by her manager. There was not total buy in throughout the company for the program to work. It was doomed from the beginning. Any good PM will tell you if project isn’t working you should stop and re-assess what you’re doing. When Ryan asked to do this Banyans refused, and said they needed to stick to the timeline that Nas set.

A good leader would realize that if it’s not working it should be tweaked. At this point Ryan should have run away. 4. What should Ryan have done differently? Not accepted the project! There were too many red flags. The company was not ready to handle TTS. 5. Should Ryan return to PVC Brakes? No, not unless they totally overhaul upper management. Otherwise his issues will lust be the same. The TTS implementation clearly had other underlying intentions, and Banyans can’t be trusted. He obviously wasn’t be respected in his role, and it doesn’t look like that would change in the future.

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Andrew Ryan Case Study Assignment. (2018, Dec 15). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from