Family and Case Study Assignment

Family and Case Study Assignment Words: 636

During this time her son began selling some of Mrs.. Green personal possessions from the home. He deliberately ran over her garden with his car and gave away her gardening tools. He prevented her from using the driveway and insisted she park her car on the road, despite her being In severe hip pain lathing hip surgery. The son constantly objected to her presence In the home. He would swear at her and call her nasty names. He often pushed her out of the way when they met in the hallway. Mrs. Green, on these occasions, felt terrified and she would not give her son eye contact or fear he would hit her as her husband use to.

There was an occasion when her son, in a rage, Jammed her fingers in the bathroom door telling her she had used up all the hot water and that she was “a silly old woman who should be put away”. Mrs. Green attended her Doctor with badly cut and bruised fingers, she told her Doctor she had been clumsy and jammed her fingers between two pieces of furniture she was moving. Mrs.. Green found out her son had told neighbors that she was “senile” and to ignore her If they saw her crying in the street.

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At times her daughter-in-law loud try to Intervene but her son would shout and often hit his wife causing bruising to her face and arms. Eventually Mrs.. Green’s son refused to allow her to eat with the family and she was barred from using the kitchen to cook food. Mrs.. Green left the family home after her son accused her of stealing money from his wallet. He packed her bags and told her to leave or he would call the police. Mrs.. Green went to the Salvation Army for help, she knew they had places where they took in ‘homeless’ people. She explained that she had become homeless due to not being blew to pay her mortgage.

She felt she couldn’t tell the truth because she was ashamed of her son’s behavior and blamed herself for the situation she had found herself in using the provided case study, answer the following 5 questions. Your answers will provide written evidence of : Learning outcomes Knowledge of issues relating to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse. Learning Outcome 2 Knowledge of the legislative framework and policies and procedures designed to protect individuals at risk of harm or abuse.

Learning Outcome 3 Knowledge and understanding of the social care worker’s role in relation to the protection of individuals Your response to the total assignment should be 2,500 words and should be submitted no later than Friday 24th May 2014 Question 1 Provide a recognized definition of abuse (reference this definition) Briefly explain your understanding of the definition Briefly explain the value base informing this area of work. 300 words Question 2 Identify the six main categories (types) of abuse Describe the indicators, signs and symptoms of the six main categories of abuse

Identify and describe the abuse relevant to the individual and other family identified in the case study Describe the impact of abuse on the individual and other family members in the short term Describe the impact of abuse on the individual and other family members in the long term 500 words Question 3 * Identify and explain current relevant legislation which applies to the case study Identify and briefly explain one case of serious failure to protect in Britain. Identify and explain the Government Report and research into the serious failure to protect and the lessons learned. 0 words Question 4 Identify the policy in relation to protection within your workplace. Explain the procedures, in your workplace, in relation to reporting suspicious and/or allegations of abuse.

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Family and Case Study Assignment. (2018, Nov 26). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from